temp for @青
IBaseController | BaseControllerImpl | IBaseService | BaseServiceImpl | IBaseComponent | IBaseComponentImpl | IBaseRepository | BaseRepositoryImpl |
/findPagination findPagination(Map<String, Object> parameters, Integer from, Integer limit, String sorting ) |
/findPagination findPagination(Map<String, Object> parameters, Integer from, Integer limit, String sorting ) |
/findPagination findPagination(Map<String, Object> parameters, Integer from, Integer limit, String sorting ) |
/findPagination findPagination(Map<String, Object> parameters, Integer from, Integer limit, String sorting ) |
findPagination(String condition, Integer from, Integer limit, String sorting , Map<String, Object> parameters) |
findPagination(String condition, Integer from, Integer limit, String sorting , Map<String, Object> parameters) |
findCountByCondition(condition, parameters) listByCondition(condition, parameters, from, limit) |
findCountByCondition(condition, parameters) listByCondition(condition, parameters, from, limit) |
/findById findById |
/findById findById |
/findById findById |
/findById findById |
findById | findById | findById | findById |
/deleteById deleteById |
/deleteById deleteById |
/deleteById deleteById |
/deleteById deleteById |
deleteById | deleteById | deleteByPk | deleteByPk |
/saveMap saveMap |
/saveMap saveMap |
/saveMap saveMap |
/saveMap saveMap |
insert(entity) delete(entity) update(entity) |
insert(entity) delete(entity) update(entity) |
insert(entity) delete(entity) update(entity) |
insert(entity) delete(entity) update(entity) |
/insert insert |
/insert insert |
insert | insert(entity) | insert(entity) | insert | ||
/getEntitysByIds getEntitysByIds |
/getEntitysByIds getEntitysByIds |
/getEntitysByIds getEntitysByPrimaryKey |
/@StdRequestMapping未添加 getEntitysByPrimaryKey |
getEntitysByPrimaryKey | getEntitysByPrimaryKey(P[] pks) | getEntitysByPrimaryKey | getEntitysByPrimaryKey(P[] pks) |
/save save |
/save save |
/saveEntity saveEntity |
/saveEntity saveEntity |
insert(entity) delete(entity) update(entity) |
insert(entity) delete(entity) update(entity) |
insert(entity) delete(entity) update(entity) |
insert(entity) delete(entity) update(entity) |
/saveMapAll saveMapAll for循环使用saveMap |
/saveMapAll saveMapAll for循环使用saveMap |
insert(entity) delete(entity) update(entity) |
insert(entity) delete(entity) update(entity) |
insert(entity) delete(entity) update(entity) |
insert(entity) delete(entity) update(entity) |
/insertAll insertAll |
/insertAll insertAll |
insertAll |
insertAll(List<T> paramList) |
insertAll | insertAll | ||
/insertOrUpdate insertOrUpdate |
/insertOrUpdate insertOrUpdate |
insertOrUpdate | insertOrUpdate(T paramT) |
findById update insert |
insertOrUpdate | ||
/deleteEntity delete |
/deleteEntity delete |
delete | delete(entity) | delete | delete | ||
/deleteByIds deleteByIds |
/deleteByIds deleteByIds |
deleteById | deleteById(primaryKey) | deleteById | deleteByPk | ||
/update update |
/update update |
update | update(T paramT) | update | update | ||
/updateAll updateAll |
/updateAll updateAll |
updateAll | updateAll(List<T> paramList) | updateAll | updateAll | ||
deleteAll | deleteAll | deleteAll | deleteAll | ||||
getAll | getAll | findAllById | |||||
getPrimaryKey | getPrimaryKey | getPrimaryKey | |||||
insertOrUpdateAll | |||||||
flush | flush | getEntityName | |||||
createInstance | createInstance | firstResult | |||||
deleteByCondition | |||||||
flush | |||||||
findByCondition 2种 | |||||||
getEntityType | |||||||
findCountByCondition | |||||||
getPrimaryKeyType | |||||||
listByCondition 3种 | |||||||
/search search |
clear |
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