Java review-basic3
Mutexes, ReadWriteLock, ArrayBlockingQueue, Thread pools, LinkedList vs ArrayList, Object Pooling, Read-Modify-Write, java.util.concurrent, java.util.concurrent.atomic, CAS, Collections, ADT, Java 5 Generics
1. Mutexes and Semaphore:
A mutex provides mutual exclusion, either producer or consumer can have the key (mutex) and proceed with their work. As long as the buffer is filled by producer, the consumer needs to wait, and vice versa. At any point of time, only one thread can work with the entire buffer. The concept can be generalized using semaphore.
Using Semaphore(spilt resource as small part): A semaphore is a generalized mutex. In lieu of single buffer, we can split the 4 KB buffer into four 1 KB buffers (identical resources). A semaphore can be associated with these four buffers. The consumer and producer can work on different buffers at the same time.
A java.util.concurrent.locks.ReadWriteLock is an advanced thread lock mechanism. It allows multiple threads to read a certain resource, but only one to write it, at a time.ReadWriteLock Locking Rules The rules by which a thread is allowed to lock the ReadWriteLock either for reading or writing the guarded resource, are as follows:
Read Lock
If no threads have locked the ReadWriteLock for writing, and no thread have requested a write lock (but not yet obtained it). Thus, multiple threads can lock the lock for reading.
Write Lock
If no threads are reading or writing. Thus, only one thread at a time can lock the lock for writing.
3. ArrayBlockingQueue
ArrayBlockingQueue is a bounded, blocking queue that stores the elements internally in an array. That it is bounded means that it cannot store unlimited amounts of elements. There is an upper bound on the number of elements it can store at the same time. You set the upper bound at instantiation time, and after that it cannot be changed. The ArrayBlockingQueue stores the elements internally in FIFO (First In, First Out) order. The head of the queue is the element which has been in queue the longest time, and the tail of the queue is the element which has been in the queue the shortest time.
他是有固定大小(fixed size)的队列,采取的是先进先出,在顶端的内容是最早的,尾端的内容是最晚的
4. Thread pool:
Most of the executor implementations in java.util.concurrent use thread pools, which consist of worker threads. This kind of thread exists separately from the Runnable and Callable tasks it executes and is often used to execute multiple tasks.
Using worker threads minimizes the overhead due to thread creation. Thread objects use a significant amount of memory, and in a large-scale application, allocating and de-allocating many thread objects creates a significant memory management overhead.
One common type of thread pool is the fixed thread pool. This type of pool always has a specified number of threads running; if a thread is somehow terminated while it is still in use, it is automatically replaced with a new thread. Tasks are submitted to the pool via an internal queue, which holds extra tasks whenever there are more active tasks than threads.
An important advantage of the fixed thread pool is that applications using it degrade gracefully. To understand this, consider a web server application where each HTTP request is handled by a separate thread. If the application simply creates a new thread for every new HTTP request, and the system receives more requests than it can handle immediately, the application will suddenly stop responding to all requests when the overhead of all those threads exceed the capacity of the system. With a limit on the number of the threads that can be created, the application will not be servicing HTTP requests as quickly as they come in, but it will be servicing them as quickly as the system can sustain.
线程池,是由worker tread组成,为了减小创建和销毁线程的开销,一般会使用fixed-size pool,任务会提交到pool的内部序列中。
6. LinkedList vs ArrayList:
1)Search: ArrayList search operation is pretty fast compared to the LinkedList search operation. get(int index) in ArrayList gives the performance of O(1) while LinkedList performance is O(n).
2)Deletion: LinkedList remove operation gives O(1) performance while ArrayList gives variable performance: O(n) in worst case (while removing first element) and O(1) in best case (While removing last element).
3)Inserts Performance: LinkedList add method gives O(1) performance while ArrayList gives O(n) in worst case. Reason is same as explained for remove.
4)Memory Overhead: ArrayList maintains indexes and element data while LinkedList maintains element data and two pointers for neighbor nodes hence the memory consumption is high in LinkedList comparatively.
7. Object Pooling:
1)An object pool is a collection of a particular object that an application will create and keep on hand for those situations where creating each instance is expensive. A good example would be a database connection or a worker thread. The pool checks instances in and out for users like books out of a library.
2)Usually object pooling is handled by a Java EE application server. If you need to do it yourself, best to use something like Apache's object pool. Don't write one yourself; thread safety and other issues can make it complicated.
对象池是某一类特殊对象的集合,通常这一类对象创建起来代价很大,类似于数据库连接池, 并且通常不需要自己去创建,因为涉及到线程安全问题。
8. Read-Modify-Write:
read-modify-write is a class of atomic operations (such as test-and-set, fetch-and-add, and compare-and-swap) that both read a memory location and write a new value into it simultaneously, either with a completely new value or some function of the previous value. These operations prevent race conditions in multi-threaded applications. Typically they are used to implement mutexes or semaphores. These atomic operations are also heavily used in non-blocking synchronization.
把读和写合并成一个atomic操作,防止了race condition
CAS is generally much faster than locking, but it does depend on the degree of contention. Because CAS may force a retry if the value changes between reading and comparing, a thread can theoretically get stuck in a busy-wait if the variable in question is being hit hard by many other threads (or if it is expensive to compute a new value from the old value (or both)). The main issue with CAS is that it is much more difficult to program with correctly than locking. Mind you, locking is, in turn, much harder to use correctly than message-passing or STM, so don't take this as a ringing endorsement for the use of locks.
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