Dimensionality and high dimensional data: definition, examples, curse of..
Dimensionality in statistics refers to how many attributes a dataset has. For example, healthcare data is notorious for having vast amounts of variables (e.g. blood pressure, weight, cholesterol level). In an ideal world, this data could be represented in a spreadsheet, with one column representing each dimension. In practice, this is difficult to do, in part because many variables are inter-related (like weight and blood pressure).
Note: Dimensionality means something slightly different in other areas of mathematics and science. For example, in physics, dimensionality can usually be expressed in terms of fundamental dimensions like mass, time, or length. Inmatrix algebra, two units of measure have the same dimensionality if both statements are true:
- A function exists that maps one variable onto another variable.
- The inverse of the function in (1) does the reverse.
High Dimensional Data
High Dimensional means that the number of dimensions is staggeringly惊人地 high — so high that calculations become extremely difficult. With high dimensional data, the number of features can exceed the number of observations. For example, microarrays, which measure gene expression, can contain tens of hundreds of samples. Each sample can contain tens of thousands of genes.
1. What is the dimension of time series.
Classification of time series is a somewhat tricky matter. Most classification algorithms have an implicit assumption that the data you are classifying are stationary, and they usually work in vector spaces.
So there are two "things" that can be multidimensional here: your original time series and the result of your preprocessing before feeding data to a classifier.
Supplementary knowledge:
1. downsample.降采样
2. curse of dimensionality维度灾难
3. 缩写iid: independent and identically distributed random variables. 独立同分布.
2. What is meant by 'high dimensional' time series?
3. 万物皆Embedding,从经典的word2vec到深度学习基本操作item2vec
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