Dynamics 365 marketing中默认的渠道只有Marketing Email和Marketing Activity,想要添加其他渠道必须自定义磁贴,自定义磁贴的步骤如下:





<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- file name should only contain alpha-numeric characters and underscore -->
<!-- format: <fileNamePrefix>CustomerJourneyDesignerTileConfig.xml> -->
<!-- mandatory -->
<!-- icon: CSS class defining your tile icon-->
<!-- fontFamily: CSS class defining font-family for your icon-->
<!-- cssFileName: your CSS file name in CRM-->
<Definition icon="wsdyn_SMSTextTile" fontFamily="wsdyn_SMSTextSymbolFont" cssFileName="wsdyn_SMSTextCustomerJourneyDesignerTileConfig.css" />
<!-- mandatory -->
<!-- mandatory -->
<!-- optional -->
<!-- Lookup view id for your entity-->
<!--Insights form id for your entity -->
<!--Quick view form id for your entity -->
<!-- optional -->
<ResponseType id="sent">
<!-- Labels should always have a Label for 1033 -->
<Label locId="1033">Sent</Label>
<ResponseType id="delivered">
<!-- Labels should always have a Label for 1033 -->
<Label locId="1033">Delivered</Label>
<ResponseType id="keyword" custom="True">
<!-- there should be only one response type with attribute custom=true -->
<!-- Labels should always have a Label for 1033 -->
<Label locId="1033">Keyword match</Label>
<!-- mandatory -->
<!-- Labels should always have a Label for 1033 -->
<Label locId="1033">SMS Text</Label>
<Label locId="2052">短信</Label>
<!-- mandatory -->
<!-- Tooltips should always have a tooltip for 1033 -->
<!-- mandatory -->
<Tooltip locId="1033">Create a SMS Text Message</Tooltip>
<Tooltip locId="2052">创建短信记录</Tooltip>
<!-- optional -->
@font-face {
/* The font-family name should be unique. Recommendation: use the config (XML) file name generated without the file extension */
/* Assuming the config file name is
sample_SpecialTileCustomerJourneyDesignerTileConfig.xml so the example uses 'sample_SpecialTileCustomerJourneyDesignerTileConfig' below*/
/* format: font-family: '<config xml file name generated by CRM>' */ font-family: 'wsdyn_SMSTextCustomerJourneyDesignerTileConfig';
src: url('data:font/opentype;base64, <fontInBase64String=>') format('woff');
} /* The fileNamePrefix is determined from the configuration (XML) file name:
<YourConfigFilenamePrefix>CustomerJourneyDesignerTileConfig.xml */
/* Example: config file 'sample_SpecialTileCustomerJourneyDesignerTileConfig.xml' */ /* Then the prefix is 'sample_SpecialTile'*/ /* format: <fileNamePrefix>SymbolFont */
.wsdyn_SMSTextSymbolFont {
/* font-family value defined in the font-face directive */ font-family: 'wsdyn_SMSTextCustomerJourneyDesignerTileConfig';
} /* format: <fileNamePrefix>::before */
.wsdyn_SMSTextTile::before { /* your tile icon code */
content: "\EFF4";
} /* format: #libraryElementCustom_<fileNamePrefix> > span.lib-iconContainer */
#libraryElementCustom_wsdyn_SMSText > span.lib-iconContainer { /*background color for your tile icon in the library panel*/
background-color: #005C62;
} /* format: .Custom_<fileNamePrefix> span.tileImageWrapper */
.Custom_wsdyn_SMSText span.tileImageWrapper {
/*background color for your tile icon in the library panel*/ background-color: #005C62;
} /* format: .Custom_<fileNamePrefix>.tileOutline.selected */
.Custom_wsdyn_SMSText.tileOutline.selected {
/*Color for border; Rendered when your tile is selected*/ border-color: #0072c6;
} /* format: .Custom_<fileNamePrefix>.tileLeftBorder */
.Custom_wsdyn_SMSText.tileLeftBorder {
/*Color for left border rendered on the tile when drawn on canvas*/ border-left-color: #0072c6;

3、创建插件(基于msdyncrm_CustomChannelActivity的创建插件)调用接口,并在接口中调用msdyncrm_CustomChannelActivityCreateInteraction更新状态,使得Customer Journey的Trigger能捕获到状态的更新

4、可以在Customer Journey中使用自定义渠道磁铁了

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