
Python library
  • for building gui apps (think qt, gdk,processing)
  • build from ground up for latest tech like gpu/GLes, multi-touch
  • core parts (rendering, events/properties) written in c/cython
  • great and active community on ML, IRC, github
  • good mix of hackers, professional/business, and student users
  • great documentation (with some translation even)
Some showcase apps screenshots
  • mobile, same app on iOS and android
  • large display / multit-touch
  • desktop / presentation app being used (love the metaness)

Main Features

Pure GPU accelerated rendering
  • graphics compiler architecture, a sort of JIT for drawing instructions
  • all rendering using opengl ES
    • runs mostly anywhere these days
    • render pipeline uses shaders, vbo, fbo, etc
    • very powerful for experienced GL hackers
Cross Platform
  • Linux, OSX, Windows, android, iOS

    • runs, and support each systems input events
    • input events are mapped to generic ones
    • custom/platform specific data still accessible
  • Mobile: same python app on iOS and android
    • build straight to package
    • accepted apps on apple and google app stores
  • Supports new and future Input Devices
    • classic GUI toolkits are build on mouse/keyboard paradigm
    • Kivy widgets are multi-touch/pointer from start
    • Also does Mouse/Keyboard well, native + virtual keyboard
Simple but Powerful Widget Tree
  • Property/Event autobinding

    • widget properties automatically create events when changed
    • binding keeps data <--> view in sync
  • Collection of easily customizable base widgets:
    • labels, images, buttons, layout, text-input, etc
KV language
  • Seriously an additional DSL?

    • Yes, but dont worry...its pythonic and you will love it
  • Makes certain UI building tasks very easy and efficient
    • automatic property binding
    • quick wireframing, working prototype for production
    • styling/customization of specific / custom widgets classes

Where to go next

Getting involved:
  • #kivy on freenode

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