






















The following operators and values are supported for each condition type.

Condition Condition name Supported operators Expected value
0 Host group =, <> Host group ID.
1 Host =, <> Host ID.
2 Trigger =, <> Trigger ID.
3 Trigger name like, not like Trigger name.
4 Trigger severity =, <>, >=, <= Trigger severity. Refer to the trigger "severity" property for a list of supported trigger severities.
5 Trigger value = Trigger value. Refer to the trigger "value" property for a list of supported trigger values.
6 Time period in, not in Time when the event was triggered as a time period.
7 Host IP =, <> One or several IP ranges to check separated by commas. Refer to the network discovery configuration section for more information on supported formats of IP ranges.
8 Discovered service type =, <> Type of discovered service. The type of service matches the type of the discovery check used to detect the service. Refer to the discovery check "type" property for a list of supported types.
9 Discovered service port =, <> One or several port ranges separated by commas.
10 Discovery status = Status of a discovered object.

Possible values: 
0 - host or service up; 
1 - host or service down; 
2 - host or service discovered; 
3 - host or service lost.

11 Uptime or downtime duration >=, <= Time indicating how long has the discovered object been in the current status in seconds.
12 Received values =, <>, >=, <=, like, not like Value returned when performing a Zabbix agent, SNMPv1, SNMPv2 or SNMPv3 discovery check.
13 Host template =, <> Linked template ID.
15 Application =, like, not like Name of the application.
16 Maintenance status in, not in No value required: using the “in” operator means that the host must be in maintenance, “not in” - not in maintenance.
18 Discovery rule =, <> ID of the discovery rule.
19 Discovery check =, <> ID of the discovery check.
20 Proxy =, <> ID of the proxy.
21 Discovery object = Type of object that triggered the discovery event.

Possible values: 
1 - discovered host; 
2 - discovered service.

22 Host name like, not like Host name.
23 Event type = Specific internal event.

Possible values: 
0 - item in “not supported” state; 
1 - item in “normal” state; 
2 - LLD rule in “not supported” state; 
3 - LLD rule in “normal” state; 
4 - trigger in “unknown” state; 
5 - trigger in “normal” state.

24 Host metadata like, not like Metadata of the auto-registered host.


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