20145109 《Java程序设计》第五周学习总结


Chapter 8 Exception Handling

try, catch

All Exceptions are packed. If willing, 'try' to 'catch' instances, which are representative of exceptions, and deal with them.

try {
} catch (Exception ex) {

Exception Inheritance Architecture

Exception are packed as throwable. Throwable includes Error and Exception. Error and its sub class represents serious system error and no dealing. As to mistakes in program design, Exception or its sub class are recommended. It's also called Exception Handling.

Generally speaking, if some method can throw Throwable or subclass-instance, you must use 'try', 'catch' to handle it, except from Error and RuntimeException.


try {
} catch (IOException | InterruptedException | ClassCastException e) {

catch? throws ?

If exception happens without sufficient info to deal with it when programming, we can throw exception. Thus, it is the cilent that handle it.

public class FileUtil {
public static String readFile(String name) throws FileNotFoundException {

Actually, when exception happens, we can handle what we can handle with 'try' 'catch', the left part we 'throw' to the client.

public class FileUtil {
public static String readFile(String name) throws FileNotFoundException {
StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder();
try {
Scanner console = new Scanner(new FileInputStream(name));
while (console.hasNext()) {
} catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
throw ex;
return text.toString();

** Inheritance ** :

if the parent class declare some exception, the sub class overrides this method properly in these ways:

  • no declaration of throwing any exception by keyword 'throws'
  • throws some exceptions in the parent-class method
  • throws sub exceptions in the parent-class method

But the following is forbidden:

  • throws other exceptions with no declaration in the parent class
  • throws parent exceptions in the parent-class method

Stack Trace

The easiest way, is printStackTrace() .

The stack trace infomation in the console will show the type of exception. The origin is on the top.


In some running time or situation, a state must be or not be. It is called assertion.


No matter whether exception happens in 'try', if there's 'finally' block, it will be certain to execute.

try {
} finally {


try(Scanner console = new Scanner(new FileInputStream(name))) {

Interface java.lang.AutoCloseable

Chapter 9 Collection & Map


record the order of every instance and get them.


no repeat of the instances.


yes, it's queue.





代码行数(新增/累积) 博客量(新增/累积) 学习时间(新增/累积) 重要成长
目标 5000行 30篇 400小时
第一周 50/50 2/2 8/8
第二周 100/150 2/4 8/16
第三周 250/400 2/6 10/26 用git上传代码
第四周 300/700 2/8 12/38 用wc查看代码行数
第五周 100/800 1/9 10/48


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