
Write a program to transform the permutation 1, 2, 3,..., n according to m instructions. Each instruction (ab) means to take out the subsequence from the a-th to the b-th element, reverse it, then append it to the end.


There is only one case for this problem. The first line contains two integers n and m ( 1nm100, 000). Each of the next m lines contains an instruction consisting of two integers a and b ( 1abn).


Print n lines, one for each integer, the final permutation.

Explanation of the sample below

Instruction (2,5): Take out the subsequence {2,3,4,5}, reverse it to {5,4,3,2}, append it to the remaining permutation {1,6,7,8,9,10}

Instruction (4,8): The subsequence from the 4-th to the 8-th element of {1,6,7,8,9,10,5,4,3,2} is {8,9,10,5,4}. Take it out, reverse it, and you'll get the sample output.




using namespace std; const int MAXN = ; int child[MAXN][], fa[MAXN], size[MAXN];
bool flip[MAXN]; inline void update(int &x) {
size[x] = size[child[x][]] + size[child[x][]] + ;
} inline void pushdown(int &x) {
if(flip[x]) {
flip[x] = ;
swap(child[x][], child[x][]);
flip[child[x][]] ^= ;
flip[child[x][]] ^= ;
} inline void rotate(int &x, int t) {
int y = child[x][t];
child[x][t] = child[y][t ^ ];
child[y][t ^ ] = x;
update(x); update(y);
x = y;
} //rotate the kth to root
void splay(int &x, int k) {
if(k == size[child[x][]] + ) return ;
int t = (k > size[child[x][]] ? : );
if(t == ) k -= (size[child[x][]] + );
int p = child[x][t];
int t2 = (k > size[child[p][]] ? : );
int k2 = (t2 == ? k : k - size[child[p][]] - );
if(k != size[child[p][]] + ) {
splay(child[p][t2], k2);
if(t == t2) rotate(x, t);
else rotate(child[x][t], t ^ );
rotate(x, t);
//left cannot be null
inline int merge(int left, int right) {
splay(left, size[left]);
child[left][] = right;
return left;
} inline void split(int x, int k, int &left, int &right) {
splay(x, k);
left = x;
right = child[x][];
child[x][] = ;
} void print(int x) {
if(x == ) return ;
if(x != ) printf("%d\n", x - );
} int cnt; int build(int l, int r) {
if(l > r) return ;
int mid = (l + r) >> ;
child[mid][] = build(l, mid - );
child[mid][] = build(mid + , r);
return mid;
} int root; int main() {
int n, m, a, b;
scanf("%d%d", &n, &m);
root = build(, n + );
while(m--) {
scanf("%d%d", &a, &b);
int left, mid, right, x;
split(root, a, left, x);
split(x, b - a + , mid, right);
flip[mid] ^= ;
root = merge(merge(left, right), mid);
//print(root); system("pause");

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