




  1. from multiprocessing import Process
  2. from multiprocessing import Queue
  4. def write(q):
  5. for i in ["a","b","c","d"]:
  6. q.put(i)
  7. print ("put {0} to queue".format(i))
  9. def read(q):
  10. while 1:
  11. result = q.get()
  12. print ("get {0} from queue".format(result))
  14. def main():
  15. q = Queue()
  16. pw = Process(target=write,args=(q,))
  17. pr = Process(target=read,args=(q,))
  18. pw.start()
  19. pr.start()
  20. pw.join()
  21. pr.terminate()
  23. if __name__ == "__main__":
  24. main()


put a to queue
put b to queue
put c to queue
put d to queue
get a from queue
get b from queue
get c from queue
get d from queue



  1. from multiprocessing import Process,Pipe
  3. import time
  5. def proc1(pipe):
  6. for i in xrange(1,10):
  7. pipe.send(i)
  8. print ("send {0} to pipe".format(i))
  9. time.sleep(1)
  10. def proc2(pipe):
  11. n = 9
  12. while n>0:
  13. result = pipe.recv()
  14. print ("recv {0} from pipe".format(result))
  15. n -= 1
  17. def main():
  18. pipe = Pipe(duplex=False)
  19. print (type(pipe))
  20. p1 = Process(target = proc1,args=(pipe[1],))
  21. p2 = Process(target= proc2,args=(pipe[0],))
  22. p1.start()
  23. p2.start()
  24. p1.join()
  25. p2.join()
  26. pipe[0].close()
  27. pipe[1].close()
  29. if __name__ == "__main__":
  30. main()


<type 'tuple'>
send 1 to pipe
recv 1 from pipe
send 2 to pipe
recv 2 from pipe
send 3 to pipe
recv 3 from pipe
send 4 to piperecv 4 from pipe

send 5 to pipe
recv 5 from pipe
send 6 to pipe
recv 6 from pipe
send 7 to pipe
recv 7 from pipe
send 8 to pipe
recv 8 from pipe
send 9 to pipe
recv 9 from pipe






  Queue.put(item,block=True,timeout=None):往消息队列中存放消息。block可以控制是否阻塞,timeout指定阻塞时候的等待时间。如果不阻塞或者超时,会引起一个full exception


  Queue.get(block = True,timeout = None):获取一个消息,其他同put




  1. from Queue import Queue
  2. from threading import Thread
  4. import time
  6. class Proceduer(Thread):
  7. def __init__(self,queue):
  8. super(Proceduer,self).__init__()
  9. self.queue = queue
  11. def run(self):
  12. try:
  13. for i in xrange(1,10):
  14. print ("put data is : {0} to queue".format(i))
  15. self.queue.put(i)
  16. except Exception as e:
  17. print ("put data error")
  18. raise e
  20. class Consumer_odd(Thread):
  21. def __init__(self,queue):
  22. super(Consumer_odd,self).__init__()
  23. self.queue = queue
  24. def run(self):
  25. try:
  26. while not self.queue.empty:
  27. number = self.queue.get()
  28. if number % 2 != 0:
  29. print ("get {0} from queue ODD,thread name is :{1}".format(number,self.getName()))
  30. else:
  31. self.queue.put(number)
  32. time.sleep(1)
  33. except Exception as e :
  34. raise e
  36. class Consumer_even(Thread):
  37. def __init__(self,queue):
  38. super(Consumer_even,self).__init__()
  39. self.queue = queue
  40. def run(self):
  41. try:
  42. while not self.queue.empty:
  43. number = self.queue.get()
  44. if number % 2 == 0:
  45. print ("get {0} from queue Even,thread name is :{1}".format(number,self.getName()))
  46. else:
  47. self.queue.put(number)
  48. time.sleep(1)
  49. except Exception as e :
  50. raise e
  52. def main():
  53. queue = Queue()
  54. p = Proceduer(queue = queue)
  55. p.start()
  56. p.join()
  57. time.sleep(1)
  58. c1 = Consumer_odd(queue=queue)
  59. c2 = Consumer_even(queue=queue)
  60. c1.start()
  61. c2.start()
  62. c1.join()
  63. c2.join()
  64. print ("All threads is terminate!")
  66. if __name__ == '__main__':
  67. main()


put data is : 2 to queue
put data is : 3 to queue
put data is : 4 to queue
put data is : 5 to queue
put data is : 6 to queue
put data is : 7 to queue
put data is : 8 to queue
put data is : 9 to queue
get 1 from queue ODD,thread name is :Thread-2
get 2 from queue Even,thread name is :Thread-3
get 3 from queue ODD,thread name is :Thread-2
 get 4 from queue Even,thread name is :Thread-3
get 5 from queue ODD,thread name is :Thread-2
 get 6 from queue Even,thread name is :Thread-3
get 9 from queue ODD,thread name is :Thread-2
get 8 from queue Even,thread name is :Thread-3
 get 7 from queue ODD,thread name is :Thread-2


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