1. Specification

1.1 Basics

  • The LoggerInterface exposes eight methods to write logs to the eight RFC 5424levels (debug, info, notice, warning, error, critical, alert, emergency).

  • A ninth method, log, accepts a log level as first argument. Calling this method with one of the log level constants MUST have the same result as calling the level-specific method. Calling this method with a level not defined by this specification MUST throw a Psr\Log\InvalidArgumentException if the implementation does not know about the level. Users SHOULD NOT use a custom level without knowing for sure the current implementation supports it.

1.2 Message

  • Every method accepts a string as the message, or an object with a __toString()method. Implementors MAY have special handling for the passed objects. If that is not the case, implementors MUST cast it to a string.

  • The message MAY contain placeholders which implementors MAY replace with values from the context array.

2 Context

  • every method accepts an array as context data. This is meant to hold any extraneous information that does not fit well in a string. The array can contain anything. Implementors MUST ensure they treat context data with as much lenience as possible. A given value in the context MUST NOT throw an exception nor raise any php error, warning or notice.

  • If an Exception object is passed in the context data, it MUST be in the 'exception'key. Logging exceptions is a common pattern and this allows implementors to extract a stack trace from the exception when the log backend supports it. Implementors MUST still verify that the 'exception' key is actually an Exceptionbefore using it as such, as it MAY contain anything.

1.1 基础

  • LoggerInterface暴露八个接口用来记录八个等级(debug, info, notice, warning, error, critical, alert, emergency)的日志。

  • 第九个方法是log,接受日志等级作为第一个参数。用一个日志等级常量来调用这个方法必须和直接调用指定等级方法的结果一致。用一个本规范中未定义且不为具体实现所知的日志等级来调用该方法必须抛出一个Psr\Log\InvalidArgumentException不推荐使用自定义的日志等级,除非你非常确定当前类库对其有所支持。

1.2 消息

  • 每个方法都接受一个字符串,或者一个有__toString方法的对象作为message参数。实现者可以对传入的对象有特殊的处理。如果没有,实现者必须将它转换成字符串。

  • message参数中可能包含一些可以context参数的数值所替换的占位符。





2 上下文

    • 每个方法接受一个数组作为context参数,用来存储不适合在字符串中填充的信息。数组可以包括任何东西。实现者必须确保他们尽可能包容的对context参数进行处理。一个context参数的给定值不可导致抛出异常,也不可产生任何PHP错误,警告或者提醒。

    • 如果在context参数中传入了一个异常对象,它必须以exception作为键名。记录异常轨迹是通用的模式,并且可以在日志系统支持的情况下从异常中提取出整个调用栈。实现者在将exception当做异常对象来使用之前必须去验证它是不是一个异常对象,因为它可能包含着任何东西。



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