Don't try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to.


The second time you tell the same thing to me.

I indeed have always expected the best things can happen to me one day.

However, I was always frustrated by the reality, even after I had tried my best, at least in my opinion.

Am I too impatient?

Maybe. Perhaps what I have got now just match what I have paid, time and energy.

If I want more, maybe I should pay more.

Don't think too much on the things that I can't control, remember a watched pot never boils, just add fuel to keep the fire vigorous.

Sometims life hits you in the head with a brick. Don't lose faith.


Don't lose faith, at leat I am alive.

If you fall down just after the life hits you, then it is just what it wants.

Time is very fair, what you can get all depends on the way you spend time.

Sometimes we need patience and bear the miseries in order to find out true happiness, it won't come fast and it won't come easily, but it will be worth all what we have done.

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