Condition Variables

Condition variables are synchronization primitives that enable threads to wait until a particular condition occurs.

Condition variables are user-mode objects that cannot be shared across processes.

Condition variables enable threads to atomically release a lock and enter the sleeping state.

They can be used with critical sections or slim reader/writer (SRW) locks.

Condition variables support operations that "wake one" or "wake all" waiting threads.

After a thread is woken, it re-acquires the lock it released when the thread entered the sleeping state.



条件变量能够使线程原子性释放一个锁同一时候进入sleep 状态. 条件变量和Critical Section Object一起使用.

条件变量支持wake one 或者wake all 等待的线程.

Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP:  Condition variables are not supported.

It is often convenient to use more than one condition variable with the same lock.

For example, an implementation of a reader/writer lock might use a single critical section but separate condition variables for readers and writers.



The following code implements a producer/consumer queue.

The queue is represented as a bounded circular buffer, and is protected by a critical section.

The code uses two condition variables: one used by producers (BufferNotFull) and one used by consumers (BufferNotEmpty).

The code calls the InitializeConditionVariable function to create the condition variables.

The consumer threads call the SleepConditionVariableCS function to wait for items to be added to the queue and

the WakeConditionVariable function to signal the producer that it is ready for more items.

The producer threads call SleepConditionVariableCS to wait for the consumer to remove items from the queue and

 WakeConditionVariable to signal the consumer that there are more items in the queue.


队列是一个被Critical Section Object 保护的有界限圆形BUFFER.





#include <windows.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h> #define BUFFER_SIZE 10
LONG LastItemProduced;
ULONG QueueSize;
ULONG QueueStartOffset; ULONG TotalItemsProduced;
ULONG TotalItemsConsumed; CONDITION_VARIABLE BufferNotEmpty;
CRITICAL_SECTION BufferLock; BOOL StopRequested; DWORD WINAPI ProducerThreadProc (PVOID p)
ULONG ProducerId = (ULONG)(ULONG_PTR)p; while (true)
// Produce a new item. Sleep (rand() % PRODUCER_SLEEP_TIME_MS);
ULONG Item = InterlockedIncrement (&LastItemProduced);
EnterCriticalSection (&BufferLock);
while (QueueSize == BUFFER_SIZE && StopRequested == FALSE)
// Buffer is full - sleep so consumers can get items.
SleepConditionVariableCS (&BufferNotFull, &BufferLock, INFINITE);
} if (StopRequested == TRUE)
LeaveCriticalSection (&BufferLock);
} // Insert the item at the end of the queue and increment size. Buffer[(QueueStartOffset + QueueSize) % BUFFER_SIZE] = Item;
TotalItemsProduced++; printf ("Producer %u: item %2d, queue size %2u\r\n", ProducerId, Item, QueueSize);
LeaveCriticalSection (&BufferLock); // If a consumer is waiting, wake it. WakeConditionVariable (&BufferNotEmpty);
} printf ("Producer %u exiting\r\n", ProducerId);
return 0;
DWORD WINAPI ConsumerThreadProc (PVOID p)
ULONG ConsumerId = (ULONG)(ULONG_PTR)p; while (true)
{ //临界区,当一个线程在获取临界区权利时,其它线程都要等待.
EnterCriticalSection (&BufferLock);
while (QueueSize == 0 && StopRequested == FALSE)
// Buffer is empty - sleep so producers can create items.
SleepConditionVariableCS (&BufferNotEmpty, &BufferLock, INFINITE);
} if (StopRequested == TRUE && QueueSize == 0)
LeaveCriticalSection (&BufferLock);
} // Consume the first available item. LONG Item = Buffer[QueueStartOffset]; QueueSize--;
TotalItemsConsumed++; if (QueueStartOffset == BUFFER_SIZE)
QueueStartOffset = 0;
} printf ("Consumer %u: item %2d, queue size %2u\r\n",
ConsumerId, Item, QueueSize); LeaveCriticalSection (&BufferLock); // If a producer is waiting, wake it. WakeConditionVariable (&BufferNotFull); // Simulate processing of the item. Sleep (rand() % CONSUMER_SLEEP_TIME_MS);
} printf ("Consumer %u exiting\r\n", ConsumerId);
return 0;
} int main ( void )
{ InitializeConditionVariable (&BufferNotEmpty);
InitializeConditionVariable (&BufferNotFull); InitializeCriticalSection (&BufferLock); DWORD id;
HANDLE hProducer1 = CreateThread (NULL, 0, ProducerThreadProc, (PVOID)1, 0, &id);
HANDLE hConsumer1 = CreateThread (NULL, 0, ConsumerThreadProc, (PVOID)1, 0, &id);
HANDLE hConsumer2 = CreateThread (NULL, 0, ConsumerThreadProc, (PVOID)2, 0, &id); puts ("Press enter to stop...");
getchar(); EnterCriticalSection (&BufferLock);
StopRequested = TRUE;
LeaveCriticalSection (&BufferLock); WakeAllConditionVariable (&BufferNotFull);
WakeAllConditionVariable (&BufferNotEmpty); WaitForSingleObject (hProducer1, INFINITE);
WaitForSingleObject (hConsumer1, INFINITE);
WaitForSingleObject (hConsumer2, INFINITE); printf ("TotalItemsProduced: %u, TotalItemsConsumed: %u\r\n",
TotalItemsProduced, TotalItemsConsumed);
return 0;

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