9.{foreach} {foreachelse}
{foreach $arrayvar as $itemvar} {foreach $arrayvar as $keyvar=>$itemvar}
foreach 和for 的目的是相似的都是进行循环的数据操作,具有以下特性:
a.支持嵌入,就是我们可以在foreach 中继续使用foreach
b.通常使用的数据 $arrayvar 是数组类型的数据。
c.foreachelse 是当在数组中没有数据时执行。
d.{foreach} 内置一些属性 @index, @iteration, @first, @last, @show, @total.
e.里面可以包含{break} { continue}
$arr = array('red', 'green', 'blue');
$smarty->assign('myColors', $arr);
?>模板文件如下: <ul>
{foreach $myColors as $color}
</ul> 输出结果: <ul>
$people = array('fname' => 'John', 'lname' => 'Doe', 'email' => '');
$smarty->assign('myPeople', $people);
?> 键值模板: <ul>
{foreach $myPeople as $value}
<li>{$value@key}: {$value}</li>
</ul> 输出: <ul>
<li>fname: John</li>
<li>lname: Doe</li>
foreach 的嵌套:
$smarty->assign('contacts', array(
array('phone' => '555-555-1234',
'fax' => '555-555-5678',
'cell' => '555-555-0357'),
array('phone' => '800-555-4444',
'fax' => '800-555-3333',
'cell' => '800-555-2222')
?> 模板文件: {* key always available as a property *}
{foreach $contacts as $contact}
{foreach $contact as $value}
{$value@key}: {$value}
{/foreach} {* accessing key the PHP syntax alternate *}
{foreach $contacts as $contact}
{foreach $contact as $key => $value}
{$key}: {$value}
{/foreach} 输出 phone: 555-555-1234
fax: 555-555-5678
cell: 555-555-0357
phone: 800-555-4444
fax: 800-555-3333
cell: 800-555-2222
@index 的使用:
{foreach $items as $i}
{if $i@index eq 3}
{* put empty table row *}
{$data = [1,2,3,4,5]}
{foreach $data as $value}
{if $value == 3}
{* abort iterating the array *}
prints: 1 2
10. {if } {elseif} {else}
Qualifier | Alternates | Syntax Example | Meaning | PHP Equivalent |
== | eq | $a eq $b | equals | == |
!= | ne, neq | $a neq $b | not equals | != |
> | gt | $a gt $b | greater than | > |
< | lt | $a lt $b | less than | < |
>= | gte, ge | $a ge $b | greater than or equal | >= |
<= | lte, le | $a le $b | less than or equal | <= |
=== | $a === 0 | check for identity | === | |
! | not | not $a | negation (unary) | ! |
% | mod | $a mod $b | modulous | % |
is [not] div by | $a is not div by 4 | divisible by | $a % $b == 0 | |
is [not] even | $a is not even | [not] an even number (unary) | $a % 2 == 0 | |
is [not] even by | $a is not even by $b | grouping level [not] even | ($a / $b) % 2 == 0 | |
is [not] odd | $a is not odd | [not] an odd number (unary) | $a % 2 != 0 | |
is [not] odd by | $a is not odd by $b | [not] an odd grouping | ($a / $b) % 2 != 0 |
11 .include
Attribute Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
file | string | Yes | n/a | The name of the template file to include |
assign | string | No | n/a | The name of the variable that the output of include will be assigned to |
cache_lifetime | integer | No | n/a | Enable caching of this subtemplate with an individual cache lifetime |
compile_id | string/integer | No | n/a | Compile this subtemplate with an individual compile_id |
cache_id | string/integer | No | n/a | Enable caching of this subtemplate with an individual cache_id |
scope | string | No | n/a | Define the scope of all in the subtemplate assigned variables: 'parent','root' or 'global' |
[var ...] | [var type] | No | n/a | variable to pass local to template |
Name | Description |
nocache | Disables caching of this subtemplate |
caching | Enable caching of this subtemplate |
inline | If set merge the compile code of the subtemplate into the compiled calling templat |
12 .include_php
Attribute Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
file | string | Yes | n/a | The name of the php file to include as absolute path |
once | boolean | No | TRUE |
whether or not to include the php file more than once if included multiple times |
assign | string | No | n/a | The name of the variable that the output of include_php will be assigned to |
Name | Description |
nocache | Disables caching of inluded PHP script |
13.{ldelim} {rdelim}
进行javascript 以及css 文件的添加:可以使用 {literal}{/literal}
<script language="JavaScript">
function foo() {ldelim}
... code ...
</script> 14.{section},{sectionelse}
Attribute Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
name | string | Yes | n/a | The name of the section |
loop | mixed | Yes | n/a | Value to determine the number of loop iterations |
start | integer | No | 0 | The index position that the section will begin looping. If the value is negative, the start position is calculated from the end of the array. For example, if there are seven values in the loop array and start is -2, the start index is 5. Invalid values (values outside of the length of the loop array) are automatically truncated to the closest valid value. |
step | integer | No | 1 | The step value that will be used to traverse the loop array. For example, step=2 will loop on index 0,2,4, etc. If step is negative, it will step through the array backwards. |
max | integer | No | n/a | Sets the maximum number of times the section will loop. |
show | boolean | No | TRUE |
Determines whether or not to show this section |
$data = array(
array('name' => 'John Smith', 'home' => '555-555-5555',
'cell' => '666-555-5555', 'email' => ''),
array('name' => 'Jack Jones', 'home' => '777-555-5555',
'cell' => '888-555-5555', 'email' => ''),
array('name' => 'Jane Munson', 'home' => '000-555-5555',
'cell' => '123456', 'email' => '')
?> 模板文件: {section name=customer loop=$contacts}
name: {$contacts[customer].name}<br />
home: {$contacts[customer].home}<br />
cell: {$contacts[customer].cell}<br />
e-mail: {$contacts[customer].email}
{/section} 输出: <p>
name: John Smith<br />
home: 555-555-5555<br />
cell: 666-555-5555<br />
name: Jack Jones<br />
home phone: 777-555-5555<br />
cell phone: 888-555-5555<br />
name: Jane Munson<br />
home phone: 000-555-5555<br />
cell phone: 123456<br />
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