jQuery Mobile 和 Kendo UI 的比较(转)
jQuery Mobile 和 Kendo UI 的比较
转自 https://www.oschina.net/translate/jquery-mobile-versus-kendo-ui?cmp
英文原文:jQuery Mobile versus Kendo UI –Brotherhood Differentiated
Query Mobile and Kendo UI are the popular JavaScript frameworks that form the base and building blocks for all the modern mobile web apps under development. Both of these frameworks are constructed on top of jQuery which is among the top notch JavaScript libraries in use. Comparing Kendo UI and jQuery Mobile is something similar to comparing the two sides of the same coin. As well know that jQuery Mobile does not actually need much of an introduction for the reason that it is among one of the most commonly used HTML5 Frameworks. Kendo UI is also on the similar pace with similar motive. Just similar to jQuery Mobile even Kendo UI is based on the concept of jQuery Application Frameworks. Nevertheless one great difference between the two is that Kendo UI is a commercial product as a whole whereas jQuery Mobile is an open source. This does not imply that you should switch over to jQuery Mobile as Kendo UI is not an open source because open source does not mean that jQuery Mobile is better than Kendo UI and the vice versa. Here in this post on WDJ we will try to have a better understanding on the differences between Kendo UI and jQuery Mobile though both are into the same field of business. |
jQuery Mobile 和 Kendo UI 都是流行的 JavaScript 框架,在开发中我们可以在它们的基础上添砖加瓦制作所有现代移动WEB应用。这两个框架都是基于使用率顶尖的 JavaScript 库 jQuery 所构建的。比较 Kendo UI 和 jQuery Mobile 有些类似于比较同一枚硬币的两面。众所周知,jQuery Mobile 实际上并不需要太多的介绍,因为它是最常用的HTML5框架之一。 Kendo UI 具有相似的动机和类似的发展速度。与 jQuery Mobile 非常类似,Kendo UI 也是基于jQuery应用框架的概念。然而,两者之间的一个很大区别是,Kendo UI 是一个作为整体的商业产品,而 jQuery Mobile 是一个开源框架。这并不意味着因为 Kendo UI 不开源你就应该切换到 jQuery Mobile 上,因为开源本身并不能意味着 jQuery Mobile 就比 Kendo UI 更好,反之亦然。 在这篇WDJ的文章中我们会尽力更好地了解 Kendo UI 和 jQuery Mobile 在相同的业务领域里之间的差异。 |
Differentiating in terms of Platform Support and Marketing StrategyjQuery Mobile and Kendo UI are a little different in this aspect. You can see that Kendo UI promotes itself as: “Comprehensive HTML5/JavaScript framework for modern web and mobile app development. Telerik’s Kendo UI is everything professional developers need to build HTML5 sites and mobile apps. Today, productivity of an average HTML/jQuery developer is hampered by assembling a Frankenstein framework of disparate JavaScript libraries and plug-ins. Kendo UI has it all: rich jQuery-based widgets, a simple and consistent programming interface, a rock-solid Data Source, validation, internationalization, a MVVM framework, themes, templates and the list goes on ……” whereas jQuery Mobile promotes itself as: “jQuery Mobile: Touch-Optimized Web Framework for Smartphones & Tablets. A unified, HTML5-based user interface system for all popular mobile device platforms, built on the rock-solid jQuery and jQuery UI foundation. Its lightweight code is built with progressive enhancement, and has a flexible, easily themeable design …..” |
依据支持的平台市场的定位来区分jQuery Mobile 和Kendo UI 在方向上是有一点不同的。你可以了解到Kendo UI 将它本身定位成为:"当代web和手机app开发所需的综合 HTML5/JavaScript 框架。Telerik's Kendo UI是每一位需要创建HTML5站点和手机apps的专业开发人员所需要的。如今,HTML/jQuery 开发人员的生产效率受困于将那些毫不相干的JavaScript 库和插件构成一个“弗兰肯斯坦”(ps:一个电影的人名)。Kendo UI 却拥有全部:丰富的jQuery的窗体部件,简单并且始终如一的程序接口,稳定可靠的数据源,验证,国际化,MVVM框架,主题,模板,等等一系列...."。 然而jQuery Mobile将它本身定位为:“jQuery Mobile:智能机和平板上触摸体验最好的Web Framework.一个统一的,以HTML5为基础的面向所有流行的手机设备平台的用户接口系统,构建在稳定可靠的jQuery和jQuery UI 上。它的轻量级代码逐渐增强并且拥有灵活自由,容易的主题设计....”。 |
From the above it is clear that the developers of jQuery Mobile are promoting this product as a completely novel product in line to other products in the market. In the definition of jQuery Mobile the mobile nature is defined as early as second sentence and this is of importance for the reason that Kendo UI is just similar but to an extent different beast. Kendo UI as a framework renders more of mobile usage when compared to jQuery Mobile. To sum it up it has been said that Kendo UI is mix of jQuery User Interface with jQuery Mobile along with a tangy glimpse of server side support. Kendo UI
jQuery Mobile
Winner: There is a Tie between the two on this aspect. |
综上所述,很明显jQuery Mobile 开发者们将jQuery Mobile定义为在市场上同类产品中一个完全新奇的产品。在jQuery Mobile 的定义这移动生态早在第二段落就被定义了。这是一个很重要的因素关于Kendo UI 为什么仅仅与jQuery Mobile相似,但却成为某种程度上不同的产品。在于jQuery Mobile比较Kendo UI作为一个框架更多提到移动端的使用。总而言之,这些表明Kendo UI是一个混合的jQuery 用户接口,而jQuery Mobile则更倾向服务器端支持。 Kendo UI
jQuery Mobile
胜利者:看样子两者之间势均力敌。 |
Differentiating in terms of User Interface and Visual ImpressionThe look and feel is an important aspect that needs to be discussed and again both the frameworks are quite close and similar in this aspect. In case you need to have platform consistency with your application then jQuery Mobile is suggested as it makes use of the user interface irrespective of the platform. The UI has a wide range of widgets that are highly responsive and take part in complete rotations with extensive third party support. If you consider the two frameworks from the look perspective in that case Kendo UI has a lot to offer when compared to jQuery Mobile as there are several themes to suit every kind of mimic in Kendo UI whereas jQuery Mobile has one single theme for all the swatches. In case of Kendo UI the layout design is similar to that of jQuery Mobile and you can make out the differences if and only if you have a closer look at both. If you want to transition from jQuery Mobile to Kendo UI or vice versa it is very fast as you need not worry about it as you can easily create complex user interface designs in no time. |
用户界面与视觉印象的不同界面外观是值得讨论的重要方面,两个框架在这一方面又是非常贴近。假如你需要与自己的应用程序保持平台一致性,那么建议选用 jQuery Mobile,因为它使用了平台无关的用户界面。UI 中包含了大量的组件,它们被快速响应,并受到大量第三方的鼎力支持。 如果你从视觉角度考虑这两个框架,那么 Kendo UI 比 jQuery Mobile 超出更多,因为 Kendo UI 中有多种主题可以适合各种模拟,而 jQuery Mobile 仅有一个主题,用于所有样本块。至于 Kendo UI,布局设计与 jQuery Mobile 非常相似,但只要你更仔细的观察两者,就可以分辨出不同。如果你希望从 jQuery Mobile 切换到 Kendo UI 或者反过来,是非常快的,你无须担心,因为你可以很快就轻松地创建出复杂的用户界面设计。 |
Kendo UI
jQuery Mobile
Winner: In this aspect Kendo UI is the winner because of its mobile performance. |
Kendo UI
jQuery Mobile
赢家:在这个方面Kendo UI胜出,因为它有更好的移动性能。 |
Differentiating in terms of Ease of Use and AvailabilityJust the way we differentiated the first point in this aspect also it is going to be a very close situation as both Kendo UI and jQuery Mobile are markup driven frameworks and their dependency on jQuery makes these frameworks easy to use and play around with. It is sad to say but jQuery Mobile does not render Model View Controller Architecture support whereas Kendo UI is built on the MVC architecture. Kendo UI
jQuery Mobile
Winner: Kendo UI is the winner here because of its MVVM support. |
在易用性和可用性上的区别我们在这方面区别二者的第一个观点也将是一个非常接近的结果,因为 Kendo UI 和jQuery Mobile都是标记驱动的框架,他们都依赖于jQuery使其易于使用和发挥。很不幸的是,jQuery Mobile 并没有润色以支持MVC(模型-视图-控制器)架构,而 Kendo UI 则是建立在MVC架构上。 Kendo UI
jQuery Mobile
赢家: Kendo UI 在这方面胜出,因为它支持 MVC 。 |
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