google v8引擎常见问题
- /**
- * Isolate represents an isolated instance of the V8 engine. V8
- * isolates have completely separate states. Objects from one isolate
- * must not be used in other isolates. When V8 is initialized a
- * default isolate is implicitly created and entered. The embedder
- * can create additional isolates and use them in parallel in multiple
- * threads. An isolate can be entered by at most one thread at any
- * given time. The Locker/Unlocker API can be used to synchronize.
- */
- /**
- * Adjusts the amount of registered external memory. Used to give
- * V8 an indication of the amount of externally allocated memory
- * that is kept alive by JavaScript objects. V8 uses this to decide
- * when to perform global garbage collections. Registering
- * externally allocated memory will trigger global garbage
- * collections more often than otherwise in an attempt to garbage
- * collect the JavaScript objects keeping the externally allocated
- * memory alive.
- *
- * \param change_in_bytes the change in externally allocated memory
- * that is kept alive by JavaScript objects.
- * \returns the adjusted value.
- */
- static int AdjustAmountOfExternalAllocatedMemory(int change_in_bytes);
- /**
- * Optional notification that the embedder is idle.
- * V8 uses the notification to reduce memory footprint.
- * This call can be used repeatedly if the embedder remains idle.
- * Returns true if the embedder should stop calling IdleNotification
- * until real work has been done. This indicates that V8 has done
- * as much cleanup as it will be able to do.
- */
- static bool IdleNotification();
- /**
- * Optional notification that the system is running low on memory.
- * V8 uses these notifications to attempt to free memory.
- */
- static void LowMemoryNotification();
- {
- ResourceConstraints rc;
- rc.set_max_young_space_size(2048); //KB
- rc.set_max_old_space_size(10); //MB
- rc.set_max_executable_size(10); //MB
- rc.set_stack_limit(reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>((char*)&rc- 1024 * 400));
- SetResourceConstraints(&rc);
- }
- Context::New
- Bootstrapper::CreateEnvironment
- Genesis::Genesis
- V8::Initialize
- V8::Initialize
- V8::InitializeHelper
- V8::Initialize(Deserializer *des)
- Isolate::Init
- Heap::Setup
- Heap::ConfigureHeapDefault
- Heap::ConfigureHeap
- FLAG_max_new_space_size
- FLAG_max_old_space_size
- FLAG_max_executable_size
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