MyBatis(3.2.3) - Passing multiple input parameters
MyBatis's mapped statements have the parameterType attribute to specify the type of input parameter. If we want to pass multiple input parameters to a mapped statement, we can put all the input parameters in a HashMap and pass it to that mapped statement.
MyBatis provides another way of passing multiple input parameters to a mapped statement. Suppose we want to find students with the given name and email.
public interface StudentMapper {
List<Student> findAllStudentsByNameEmail(String name, String email);
MyBatis supports passing multiple input parameters to a mapped statement and referencing them using the #{param} syntax.
<select id="findAllStudentsByNameEmail" resultMap="StudentResult">
select stud_id, name,email, phone from Students where name = #{param1} and email = #{param2}
Here #{param1} refers to the first parameter name and #{param2} refers to the second parameter email.
StudentMapper studentMapper = sqlSession.getMapper(StudentMapper.class);
studentMapper.findAllStudentsByNameEmail(name, email);
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