Jersey(1.19.1) - Building Responses
Sometimes it is necessary to return additional information in response to a HTTP request. Such information may be built and returned using Response and Response.ResponseBuilder. For example, a common RESTful pattern for the creation of a new resource is to support a POST request that returns a 201 (Created) status code and a Location header whose value is the URI to the newly created resource. This may be achieved as follows:
public Response post(String content) {
URI createdUri = ...
return Response.created(createdUri).build();
In the above no representation produced is returned, this can be achieved by building an entity as part of the response as follows:
public Response post(String content) {
URI createdUri = ...
String createdContent = create(content);
return Response.created(createdUri).entity(createdContent).build();
Response building provides other functionality such as setting the entity tag and last modified date of the representation.
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