Square root digital expansion

It is well known that if the square root of a natural number is not an integer, then it is irrational. The decimal expansion of such square roots is infinite without any repeating pattern at all.

The square root of two is 1.41421356237309504880…, and the digital sum of the first one hundred decimal digits is 475.

For the first one hundred natural numbers, find the total of the digital sums of the first one hundred decimal digits for all the irrational square roots.









对于 数 n 我们需要去根号n,如下很有意思的规律

def Suqareroot(n,digits):
limit = 10**(digits+ 1)
a = 5*n
b = 5
while b < limit:
if a>= b:
a -= b
b +=10
a *= 100
b = int(b/10) * 100 + 5
return int(b/100)



2.上面算法只有最后b/100 是根号n的近似解,这里是去小数点的,只有为什么不是b表示不理解


package Level3;

import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.ArrayList; public class PE080{ void run(){
int j = 1;
int res = 0;
for(int i=1;i<=100;i++){
res += Int_Sum(Squareroot(i,100));
private Integer Int_Sum(BigInteger b){
int res = 0;
String str = b.toString();
for(int i=0;i<str.length() ;i++){
res += str.charAt(i) - '0';
return res;
private BigInteger Squareroot(int n,int digits){
// 定义上界
BigInteger limit = new BigInteger("10").pow(digits+1);
BigInteger five = new BigInteger("5");
BigInteger ten = new BigInteger("10");
BigInteger hunderd = new BigInteger("100");
BigInteger a = new BigInteger(n+"").multiply(five);
BigInteger b = five;
while( b.compareTo(limit) < 0){
if(a.compareTo(b) >=0){
a = a.subtract(b);
b = b.add(ten);
a = a.multiply(hunderd);
b = b.divide(ten).multiply(hunderd).add(five);
return b.divide(hunderd);
} public static void main(String[] args){
long t0 = System.currentTimeMillis();
new PE080().run();
long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
long t = t1 - t0;
System.out.println("running time="+t/1000+"s"+t%1000+"ms"); }

running time=0s34ms



import time ;

def Suqareroot(n,digits):
limit = 10**(digits+1)
a = 5*n
b = 5
while b < limit:
if a>= b:
a -= b
b +=10
a *= 100
b = int(b/10) * 100 + 5
return int(b/100) def Int_Sum(n):
res = sum(map(lambda x:int(x),unicode(n)))
return res
if __name__=='__main__':
t0 = time.time()
limit = 1000000
result = 0
j = 1
for i in range(1,101):
if j*j == i:
result += Int_Sum(Suqareroot(i,100))
print result
t1 = time.time()
print "running time=",(t1-t0),"s" #
# running time= 0.039999961853 s

这样的 程序好无节操

from decimal import Decimal,getcontext
N = set(range(2,100)) - set([4,9,16,25,36,49,64,81])
s = 0
for n in N:
d = Decimal(n).sqrt()
s += sum([int(i) for i in str(d).replace(".","")[:100]])

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