
  1. 在我小时候,每当游戏在真机运行时,我们看到的日志是这样的。


  2. 还有就是必须始终连着 usb 线啊,我想要想躺着测试。。。 以上种种原因,QConsole 诞生了。





在 Editor 模式下,F1控制开关。

在真机上需要在屏幕上同时按下五个手指就可以控制开关了。(本来考虑 11 个手指萌一下的)。


  1. 首先要想办法获取Log,这个和上一篇介绍的 QLog 一样,需要使用 Application.logMessageReceived 这个 api。
  2. 获取到的 Log 信息要存在一个 Queue 或者 List 中,然后把 Log 输出到屏幕上就 ok 了。
  3. 输出到屏幕上使用的是 OnGUI 回调和 GUILayout.Window 这个 api, 总共三步。



sing UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System.Collections;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic; namespace QFramework {
/// <summary>
/// 控制台GUI输出类
/// 包括FPS,内存使用情况,日志GUI输出
/// </summary>
public class QConsole : QSingleton<QConsole>
{ struct ConsoleMessage
public readonly string message;
public readonly string stackTrace;
public readonly LogType type; public ConsoleMessage (string message, string stackTrace, LogType type)
this.message = message;
this.stackTrace = stackTrace;
this.type = type;
} /// <summary>
/// Update回调
/// </summary>
public delegate void OnUpdateCallback();
/// <summary>
/// OnGUI回调
/// </summary>
public delegate void OnGUICallback(); public OnUpdateCallback onUpdateCallback = null;
public OnGUICallback onGUICallback = null;
/// <summary>
/// FPS计数器
/// </summary>
private QFPSCounter fpsCounter = null;
/// <summary>
/// 内存监视器
/// </summary>
private QMemoryDetector memoryDetector = null;
private bool showGUI = true;
List<ConsoleMessage> entries = new List<ConsoleMessage>();
Vector2 scrollPos;
bool scrollToBottom = true;
bool collapse;
bool mTouching = false; const int margin = 20;
Rect windowRect = new Rect(margin + Screen.width * 0.5f, margin, Screen.width * 0.5f - (2 * margin), Screen.height - (2 * margin)); GUIContent clearLabel = new GUIContent("Clear", "Clear the contents of the console.");
GUIContent collapseLabel = new GUIContent("Collapse", "Hide repeated messages.");
GUIContent scrollToBottomLabel = new GUIContent("ScrollToBottom", "Scroll bar always at bottom"); private QConsole()
this.fpsCounter = new QFPSCounter(this);
this.memoryDetector = new QMemoryDetector(this);
// this.showGUI = App.Instance().showLogOnGUI;
QApp.Instance().onUpdate += Update;
QApp.Instance().onGUI += OnGUI;
Application.logMessageReceived += HandleLog; } ~QConsole()
Application.logMessageReceived -= HandleLog;
} void Update()
if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.F1))
this.showGUI = !this.showGUI;
if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.Escape))
this.showGUI = !this.showGUI;
if (!mTouching && Input.touchCount == 4)
mTouching = true;
this.showGUI = !this.showGUI;
} else if (Input.touchCount == 0){
mTouching = false;
#endif if (this.onUpdateCallback != null)
} void OnGUI()
if (!this.showGUI)
return; if (this.onGUICallback != null)
this.onGUICallback (); if (GUI.Button (new Rect (100, 100, 200, 100), "清空数据")) {
PlayerPrefs.DeleteAll ();
EditorApplication.isPlaying = false;
windowRect = GUILayout.Window(123456, windowRect, ConsoleWindow, "Console");
} /// <summary>
/// A window displaying the logged messages.
/// </summary>
void ConsoleWindow (int windowID)
if (scrollToBottom) {
GUILayout.BeginScrollView (Vector2.up * entries.Count * 100.0f);
else {
scrollPos = GUILayout.BeginScrollView (scrollPos);
// Go through each logged entry
for (int i = 0; i < entries.Count; i++) {
ConsoleMessage entry = entries[i];
// If this message is the same as the last one and the collapse feature is chosen, skip it
if (collapse && i > 0 && entry.message == entries[i - 1].message) {
// Change the text colour according to the log type
switch (entry.type) {
case LogType.Error:
case LogType.Exception:
GUI.contentColor = Color.red;
case LogType.Warning:
GUI.contentColor = Color.yellow;
GUI.contentColor = Color.white;
if (entry.type == LogType.Exception)
GUILayout.Label(entry.message + " || " + entry.stackTrace);
} else {
GUI.contentColor = Color.white;
// Clear button
if (GUILayout.Button(clearLabel)) {
// Collapse toggle
collapse = GUILayout.Toggle(collapse, collapseLabel, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false));
scrollToBottom = GUILayout.Toggle (scrollToBottom, scrollToBottomLabel, GUILayout.ExpandWidth (false));
// Set the window to be draggable by the top title bar
GUI.DragWindow(new Rect(0, 0, 10000, 20));
} void HandleLog (string message, string stackTrace, LogType type)
ConsoleMessage entry = new ConsoleMessage(message, stackTrace, type);


using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections; namespace QFramework {
/// <summary>
/// 帧率计算器
/// </summary>
public class QFPSCounter
// 帧率计算频率
private const float calcRate = 0.5f;
// 本次计算频率下帧数
private int frameCount = 0;
// 频率时长
private float rateDuration = 0f;
// 显示帧率
private int fps = 0; public QFPSCounter(QConsole console)
console.onUpdateCallback += Update;
console.onGUICallback += OnGUI;
} void Start()
this.frameCount = 0;
this.rateDuration = 0f;
this.fps = 0;
} void Update()
this.rateDuration += Time.deltaTime;
if (this.rateDuration > calcRate)
// 计算帧率
this.fps = (int)(this.frameCount / this.rateDuration);
this.frameCount = 0;
this.rateDuration = 0f;
} void OnGUI()
GUI.color = Color.black;
GUI.Label(new Rect(80, 20, 120, 20),"fps:" + this.fps.ToString());
} }


using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections; namespace QFramework {
/// <summary>
/// 内存检测器,目前只是输出Profiler信息
/// </summary>
public class QMemoryDetector
private readonly static string TotalAllocMemroyFormation = "Alloc Memory : {0}M";
private readonly static string TotalReservedMemoryFormation = "Reserved Memory : {0}M";
private readonly static string TotalUnusedReservedMemoryFormation = "Unused Reserved: {0}M";
private readonly static string MonoHeapFormation = "Mono Heap : {0}M";
private readonly static string MonoUsedFormation = "Mono Used : {0}M";
// 字节到兆
private float ByteToM = 0.000001f; private Rect allocMemoryRect;
private Rect reservedMemoryRect;
private Rect unusedReservedMemoryRect;
private Rect monoHeapRect;
private Rect monoUsedRect; private int x = 0;
private int y = 0;
private int w = 0;
private int h = 0; public QMemoryDetector(QConsole console)
this.x = 60;
this.y = 60;
this.w = 200;
this.h = 20; this.allocMemoryRect = new Rect(x, y, w, h);
this.reservedMemoryRect = new Rect(x, y + h, w, h);
this.unusedReservedMemoryRect = new Rect(x, y + 2 * h, w, h);
this.monoHeapRect = new Rect(x, y + 3 * h, w, h);
this.monoUsedRect = new Rect(x, y + 4 * h, w, h); console.onGUICallback += OnGUI;
} void OnGUI()
string.Format(TotalAllocMemroyFormation, Profiler.GetTotalAllocatedMemory() * ByteToM));
string.Format(TotalReservedMemoryFormation, Profiler.GetTotalReservedMemory() * ByteToM));
string.Format(TotalUnusedReservedMemoryFormation, Profiler.GetTotalUnusedReservedMemory() * ByteToM));
string.Format(MonoHeapFormation, Profiler.GetMonoHeapSize() * ByteToM));
string.Format(MonoUsedFormation, Profiler.GetMonoUsedSize() * ByteToM));


  1. 和上一篇介绍的 QLog 一样,需要依赖上上篇文章介绍的QApp。
  2. QConsole 初步实现来自于开源 Unity 插件 Unity-WWW-Wrapper 中的 Console.cs.在此基础上添加了 ScrollToBottom 选项。因为这个插件的控制台不支持滚动显示 Log,需要拖拽右边的 scrollBar,很不方便。
  3. Unity-WWW-wrapper 非常不稳定,建议大家不要使用。倒是感兴趣的同学可以研究下实现,贴上地址:https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/19116。




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