One thorn of experience is worth a whole wilderness of warning.


Several days ago, I applied for a software engineer position in Tencent and I got the chance to have a interview. However, I failed to pass the written examination.

That was really a terrible experience, just because I felt discriminated by the interviewer.

I deserve the discrimination, for those questions were very basic concepts.

A thorn of experience. And I know I was not qualified as a good coder.

Giving up? No, at least I don't intend to give up the career as a coder now.

I determined to improve the basic knowledge for later chances.

Can I get a satisfying job in July?

Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint.


From Mark Twain.

In the nowadays, especially from tens of years ago, there are surging amounts of information about health care and regimen, just because more and more people are feeling tired under the pressures they are facing in this fast-paced society.

And for many people, it may be diffcult to spare some time to do some exericse to keep health.

Some experts say that it would be better to combine exercise and work, but I think that may be a much more challengable work. Because for most of us, our bodies don't respond well to a morning exercise regimen and we get home too late to go to the gym in the night.

So, some people try to find a easier approach to keep health, that is why there exists a strong demand for health advice.

But if we check some advice carefully, we may find there are some contradictions between the advice from different experts.

Actually, the best way to keep health is to keep exercise in a scientific way.

Follow our own paces, and adjust our life style gradually under some scientific guidelines.

Everyone's lifestyle is different, and believing everything the books say is as mindless as believing in nothing.

The very way for testing the truth is practice.

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