ROS naviagtion analysis: costmap_2d--Costmap2D
Costmap2D是存储地图数据的父类。真正的地图数据就存储在数据成员unsigned char *costmap_ 。
// just initialize everything to NULL by default
Costmap2D::Costmap2D() :
size_x_(0), size_y_(0), resolution_(0.0), origin_x_(0.0), origin_y_(0.0), costmap_(NULL)
access_ = new mutex_t();
带参数的构造函数:Costmap2D::Costmap2D(unsigned int cells_size_x, unsigned int cells_size_y, double resolution, double origin_x, double origin_y, unsigned char default_value)
Costmap2D::Costmap2D(unsigned int cells_size_x, unsigned int cells_size_y, double resolution,
double origin_x, double origin_y, unsigned char default_value) :
size_x_(cells_size_x), size_y_(cells_size_y), resolution_(resolution), origin_x_(origin_x),
origin_y_(origin_y), costmap_(NULL), default_value_(default_value)
access_ = new mutex_t(); // create the costmap
initMaps(size_x_, size_y_);
Copy 构造函数:Costmap2D::Costmap2D(const Costmap2D& map)
Costmap2D::Costmap2D(const Costmap2D& map) :
access_ = new mutex_t();
*this = map;
Assignment 构造函数:Costmap2D& Costmap2D::operator=(const Costmap2D& map)
Costmap2D& Costmap2D::operator=(const Costmap2D& map)
// check for self assignement
if (this == &map)
return *this; // clean up old data
deleteMaps(); size_x_ = map.size_x_;
size_y_ = map.size_y_;
resolution_ = map.resolution_;
origin_x_ = map.origin_x_;
origin_y_ = map.origin_y_; // initialize our various maps
initMaps(size_x_, size_y_); // copy the cost map
memcpy(costmap_, map.costmap_, size_x_ * size_y_ * sizeof(unsigned char)); return *this;
每次对costmap_ 操作都需要上锁access_=new mutex_t()
, ‘mutex_t’ 实际定义是typedef boost::recursive_mutex mutex_t
// we assume the polygon is given in the global_frame... we need to transform it to map coordinates
std::vector<MapLocation> map_polygon;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < polygon.size(); ++i)
MapLocation loc;
if (!worldToMap(polygon[i].x, polygon[i].y, loc.x, loc.y))
// ("Polygon lies outside map bounds, so we can't fill it");
return false;
std::vector<MapLocation> polygon_cells;
// get the cells that fill the polygon
// this function is to get all the cells inside the polygon
convexFillCells(map_polygon, polygon_cells);
// set the cost of those cells
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < polygon_cells.size(); ++i)
unsigned int index = getIndex(polygon_cells[i].x, polygon_cells[i].y);
costmap_[index] = cost_value;
那么问题 来了,convexFillCells(map_polygon, polygon_cells);
// first get the cells that make up the outline of the polygon
// this function will get the edges along the polygon
polygonOutlineCells(polygon, polygon_cells);
MapLocation swap;
unsigned int i = 0;
while (i < polygon_cells.size() - 1)
if (polygon_cells[i].x > polygon_cells[i + 1].x)
swap = polygon_cells[i];
polygon_cells[i] = polygon_cells[i + 1];
polygon_cells[i + 1] = swap; if (i > 0)
while (i < polygon_cells.size() && polygon_cells[i].x == x)
if (polygon_cells[i].y < min_pt.y)
min_pt = polygon_cells[i];
else if (polygon_cells[i].y > max_pt.y)
max_pt = polygon_cells[i];
MapLocation pt;
// loop though cells in the column
for (unsigned int y = min_pt.y; y < max_pt.y; ++y)
pt.x = x;
pt.y = y;
void Costmap2D::polygonOutlineCells(const std::vector<MapLocation>& polygon, std::vector<MapLocation>& polygon_cells)
PolygonOutlineCells cell_gatherer(*this, costmap_, polygon_cells);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < polygon.size() - 1; ++i)
raytraceLine(cell_gatherer, polygon[i].x, polygon[i].y, polygon[i + 1].x, polygon[i + 1].y);
if (!polygon.empty())
unsigned int last_index = polygon.size() - 1;
// we also need to close the polygon by going from the last point to the first
raytraceLine(cell_gatherer, polygon[last_index].x, polygon[last_index].y, polygon[0].x, polygon[0].y);
函数,这个算法实现了 对于离散的平面点,指定两个点,找到两点之间的其他点,使得这些中间组成一个尽可能趋近直线的点集。
template<class ActionType>
inline void raytraceLine(ActionType at, unsigned int x0, unsigned int y0, unsigned int x1, unsigned int y1,unsigned int max_length = UINT_MAX)
函数bool Costmap2D::saveMap(std::string file_name)
Costmap2D 类分析就是这么多,相比之前的简单得多,毕竟主要是作为父类,供obstacle ,inflation,static, voxel继承用的。
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