c++ [wrong]simple "Garbage Collector"
In fact, Ptr alone can accomplish the task mentioned below.
Implementation see Ptr.h, main2.cpp. In C++11, we also have a better choice: std::shared_ptr (as you can see in main3.cpp).
- #include "Ptr.h"
- #include <iostream>
- using namespace std;
- class Box
- {
- public:
- void dosomething() { cout << "Box dosomething" << endl; }
- Box() { cout << "Box cons" << endl; }
- ~Box() { cout << "Box des" << endl; }
- };
- Ptr<Box> global;
- Ptr<Box> func() {
- Ptr<Box> pb(new Box());
- return pb;
- }
- void call(Ptr<Box> ptr)
- {
- if(ptr)
- ptr->dosomething();
- else
- cout << "ptr is null" << endl;
- }
- int main()
- {
- Ptr<Box> p = func();
- p->dosomething();
- (*p).dosomething();
- Ptr<Box> p2 = p;
- call(p2);
- p2.reset();
- cout << "after p2.reset" << endl;
- global = p;
- p.reset();
- call(p);
- (*global).dosomething();
- global.reset();
- cout << "after global.reset" << endl;
- return ;
- }
- #ifndef PTR_H
- #define PTR_H
- #include <cstddef>
- template <typename TYPE>
- class Ptr {
- public:
- void reset()
- {
- dec_use();
- }
- Ptr& operator=(const Ptr<TYPE> ©)
- {
- dec_use();
- obj = copy.obj;
- use_count = copy.use_count;
- if (use_count) ++*use_count;
- return *this;
- }
- TYPE* operator->() { return obj; }
- TYPE& operator*() { return *obj; }
- const TYPE* operator->() const { return obj; }
- const TYPE& operator*() const { return *obj; }
- operator bool() const { return (obj != NULL); }
- Ptr(): obj(NULL), use_count(NULL) {}
- Ptr(TYPE *obj_): obj(obj_), use_count(new int()) {}
- Ptr(const Ptr ©): obj(NULL), use_count(NULL)
- {
- obj = copy.obj;
- use_count = copy.use_count;
- if (use_count) ++*use_count;
- }
- ~Ptr()
- {
- dec_use();
- }
- private:
- void dec_use() // decrease use_count
- {
- if (use_count != NULL) {
- if( --*use_count == ) {
- delete obj;
- delete use_count;
- }
- obj = NULL;
- use_count = NULL;
- }
- }
- TYPE *obj; // the actual object
- int *use_count; // number of Ptr objects point to 'obj'
- };
- #endif // PTR_H
- #include <memory>
- #include <iostream>
- using namespace std;
- class Box
- {
- public:
- void dosomething() { cout << "Box dosomething" << endl; }
- Box() { cout << "Box cons" << endl; }
- ~Box() { cout << "Box des" << endl; }
- };
- shared_ptr<Box> global;
- shared_ptr<Box> func() {
- shared_ptr<Box> pb(new Box());
- return pb;
- }
- void call(shared_ptr<Box> ptr)
- {
- if(ptr)
- ptr->dosomething();
- else
- cout << "ptr is null" << endl;
- }
- int main()
- {
- shared_ptr<Box> p = func();
- p->dosomething();
- (*p).dosomething();
- shared_ptr<Box> p2 = p;
- call(p2);
- p2.reset();
- cout << "after p2.reset" << endl;
- global = p;
- p.reset();
- call(p);
- (*global).dosomething();
- global.reset();
- cout << "after global.reset" << endl;
- return ;
- }
---------------------------------------- stupidest iead I've ever seen -----------------------------------------
| |
| |
The idea is to create a Ptr type that acts like a reference in Java.
And A Garbage Collector (MemMgr) type that acts like a garbage collector in Java.
Just a toy. :D
Question: why not delete all memory fragments managed by MemMgr in its destructor?
Answer: If you want to delete a piece of memory, you must cast the void* pointer to the exact type of that memory. However, there's no way for a MemMgr to know the type of the memory pieces, because type information is not managed by MemMgr. And you can't use the free function from <cstdlib>. For example, if you write "MemMgr *p = new MemMgr; free(p);" you'll find that the destructor of MemMgr is not called. And As shown in "test.cpp". "free" only works in pair with "malloc" or "realloc" etc functions in <cstdlib>. "delete" should work in pair with "new".
see this question: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1518711/how-does-free-know-how-much-to-free
- #include "MemMgr.h"
- #include <cstdlib>
- int main()
- {
- MemMgr *p = new MemMgr;
- free(p);
- return ;
- }
- #include "MemMgr.h"
- #include <iostream>
- using namespace std;
- class Box
- {
- public:
- void dosomething() { cout << "Box dosomething" << endl; }
- Box() { cout << "Box cons" << endl; }
- ~Box() { cout << "Box des" << endl; }
- };
- Ptr<Box> global;
- MemMgr mgr;
- Ptr<Box> func() {
- Ptr<Box> pb = mgr.regist(new Box());
- return pb;
- }
- int main()
- {
- Ptr<Box> p = func();
- p->dosomething();
- (*p).dosomething();
- Ptr<Box> p2 = p;
- p2->dosomething();
- cout << "end of main" << endl;
- global = p2;
- return ;
- }
- #ifndef MEMMGR_H
- #define MEMMGR_H
- #include <map>
- template <typename TYPE>
- class Ptr;
- /**
- MemMgr take the idea of Garbage Collector
- from the Java language. It's just much simple
- and limited.
- */
- class MemMgr
- {
- template <typename T> friend class Ptr;
- private:
- typedef unsigned long count;
- template <typename T> void login(T* ptr_obj);
- template <typename T> void logout(T* ptr_obj);
- std::map<void*, count> cmap;
- public:
- MemMgr();
- /**
- Client is responsible to ensure obj is in the heap,
- and make sure only use Ptr objects rather than ordinary
- pointers when manipulating objects managed by MemMgr.
- Otherwise the behavior of the MemMgr is undefined.
- If MemMgr is destroyed before any Ptr object managed
- by it, all Ptr objects managed by that MemMgr are corrupted
- and their behavior is undefined, which eventually leads to
- memory leak.
- So it's crucial to make sure MemMgr is not destroyed
- before ALL Ptr objects managed by it are destroyed.
- */
- template <typename T> Ptr<T> regist(T *obj);
- ~MemMgr();
- };
- /**
- Ptr acts like a reference in java.
- */
- template <typename TYPE>
- class Ptr {
- friend class MemMgr;
- public:
- Ptr& operator=(const Ptr<TYPE> ©)
- {
- if(copy) {
- logout();
- obj = copy.obj;
- mgr = copy.mgr;
- copy.mgr->login(&obj);
- } // else leaves obj and mgr NULL
- return *this;
- }
- TYPE* operator->() { return obj; }
- TYPE& operator*() { return *obj; }
- const TYPE* operator->() const { return obj; }
- const TYPE& operator*() const { return *obj; }
- operator bool() const { return ( (obj != NULL) && (mgr != NULL) ); }
- Ptr(): obj(NULL), mgr(NULL) {}
- Ptr(const Ptr ©): obj(NULL), mgr(NULL)
- {
- if(copy) {
- obj = copy.obj;
- mgr = copy.mgr;
- copy.mgr->login(obj);
- }
- }
- ~Ptr()
- {
- logout();
- }
- private:
- Ptr(TYPE *_obj, MemMgr *_mgr): obj(_obj), mgr(_mgr)
- {
- mgr->login(obj);
- }
- void logout() {
- if (*this) {
- mgr->logout(obj); obj = NULL; mgr = NULL;
- }
- }
- TYPE *obj;
- MemMgr *mgr;
- };
- template <typename T> Ptr<T> MemMgr::regist(T *obj)
- {
- return Ptr<T>(obj, this);
- }
- template <typename T>
- void MemMgr::login(T* ptr_obj)
- {
- std::map<void*, count>::iterator iter = cmap.find(ptr_obj);
- if (iter != cmap.end()) {
- ++(iter->second);
- } else {
- cmap.insert(std::pair<void*, count>(ptr_obj, ));
- }
- }
- template <typename T>
- void MemMgr::logout(T* ptr_obj)
- {
- std::map<void*, count>::iterator iter = cmap.find(ptr_obj);
- if (iter != cmap.end()) {
- --(iter->second);
- if (iter->second == ) {
- T *p = (T*)(iter->first);
- delete p;
- }
- }
- }
- #endif // MEMMGR_H
- #include "MemMgr.h"
- #include <iostream>
- using namespace std;
- MemMgr::MemMgr()
- {
- cout << "MemMgr cons" << endl;
- }
- MemMgr::~MemMgr()
- {
- cout << "MemMgr des" << endl;
- }
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