
Information tool that stores details about all development objects in the R/3 System and their relationships. The user interface of the R/3 Repository Information System resembles a file manager where objects are grouped together in object categories within a hierarchical structure. In the R/3 Repository Information System, you can: Generate lists of programs, tables, fields, data elements, and domains. Determines where certain tables and fields are used on screens and in ABAP programs, also displays foreign key dependencies.

分隔线上面是 SAP 标准文档中提供的说明
存储 R/3 系统中所有开发对象的细节及它们之间关系的信息工具。R/3 知识库信息系统的用户接口类似一个文件管理器,对象以层级结构的方式分组在对象类别中。在 R/3 知识库信息系统中可以:生成程序、表、字段、数据元素和域的清单。为了确定特定表和字段用在哪些屏幕和哪些 ABAP 程序中,还显示外键依赖。(注意,这个接口并非面向对象的接口概念。)


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  2. ABAP术语-ABAP 术语发布结束

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  3. ABAP术语-BAPI (Business Application Programming Interface)

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  4. ABAP术语-R/3 Repository Information System

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  5. ABAP术语-Function Module

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  6. ABAP术语-ABAP Dictionary

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  7. ABAP术语-Update Task

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  8. ABAP术语-Transaction

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  9. ABAP术语-Technical Object

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