int1x1 iMatrix; // integer matrix with 1 row, 1 column
int4x1 iMatrix; // integer matrix with 4 rows, 1 column
int1x4 iMatrix; // integer matrix with 1 row, 4 columns
double3x3 dMatrix; // double matrix with 3 rows, 3 columns float2x2 fMatrix = { 0.0f, 0.1, // row 1
2.1f, 2.2f // row 2
matrix <Type, Number> VariableName
matrix <float, , > fMatrix = { 0.0f, 0.1, // row 1
2.1f, 2.2f // row 2
Member access for matrix types
_m00, _m01,_m02, _m03 _m10, _m11,_m12, _m13 _m20, _m21,_m22, _m23 _m30, _m31,_m32, _m33 or _11, _12,_13, _14 _21, _22,_23, _24 _31, _32,_33, _34 _41, _42,_43, _4
bool bVector; // scalar containing 1 Boolean
int1 iVector = ;
float3 fVector = { 0.2f, 0.3f, 0.4f };
vector <Type, Number> VariableName vector <int, > iVector = ;
vector <double, > dVector = { 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5 };
- bool - true or false.
- int - 32-bit signed integer.
- uint - 32-bit unsigned integer.
- dword - 32-bit unsigned integer.
- half - 16-bit floating point value. This data type is provided only for language compatibility. Direct3D 10 shader targets map all half data types to float data types. A half data type cannot be used on a uniform global variable (use the /Gec flag if this functionality is desired).
- float - 32-bit floating point value.
- double - 64-bit floating point value. You cannot use double precision values as inputs and outputs for a stream. To pass double precision values between shaders, declare each double as a pair of uint data types. Then, use the asdouble function to pack each double into the pair of uints and the asuint function to unpack the pair of uints back into the double.
【Per-Component Math Operations】
float4 pos = float4(,,,);
float2 f_2D;
f_2D = pos.xy; // read two components
f_2D = pos.xz; // read components in any order
f_2D = pos.zx; f_2D = pos.xx; // components can be read more than once
f_2D = pos.yy;
float2 temp;
float2x2 fMatrix;
temp = fMatrix[] // read the first row
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