c语言:链表排序, 链表反转
所定义的链表结构如下: head -> p1 -> p2 ->p3 ->....->pn;
insert_data(NODE* head) 在head之后插入新增的数据;
show_link_list(NODE* head)显示节点个数和每个节点的数据;
clear_link_list(NODE* head)删除并清空数据节点(不删除头结点);
FUNC_sort_list(NODE* head)对链表进行排序,传的head本身仅仅只作为一个起始地址,并不参与排序.
(比如,如果不传head, 传入head->next, 则从head->nxt->next开始进行排序)
FUNC_invert_link_list(NODE* head), 对链表数据节点进行倒序(反转),传的head本身仅仅只作为一个起始地址,并不参与倒序.
(比如,如果不传head, 传入head->next, 则从head->nxt->next开始进行倒序)
FUNC_sort_list链表排序的实现: h -> p -> .... -> pren -> pn -> ..
{ 1. 比较以及节点位置交换swap(p , pn) pren->next= pn->next; pn->next= h->next; h->next= pn; 2. 移动参考系
} 最容易错的地方: 临界节点的判定. FUNC_invert_link_list链表反转的实现: http://www.cnblogs.com/mylinux/p/4632243.html
//..............0-9..... #include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h> #define PR printf typedef struct node
long data;
struct node* next;
} NODE, *LIST; NODE* insert_data(NODE* head)
PR("please input the integer datas and end with q:\n"); while()
char ch[];
scanf("%s", ch); if(ch[]=='q' || ch[] =='Q'){
long indata = strtol(ch, , );
NODE* temp = NULL; temp = (NODE*) malloc (sizeof(struct node));
temp->data = indata;
temp->next = NULL; temp->next = head->next;
head->next = temp;
return head;
} void show_link_list(NODE* head)
if(NULL == head || NULL == head->next) //........, ...;
printf("the count of data in link = %d, they are :\n", head->data);
p = head->next;
while(p != NULL)
printf("%d ", p->data);
p = p->next;
} void clear_link_list(NODE* head)
if(NULL == head || NULL == head->next)
NODE* pd = head->next;
for(pd = head->next ; pd != NULL; pd =head->next)
head->next = pd->next;
NODE* FUNC_invert_link_list(NODE* head)
if(head == || head->next == ){
return ;
NODE* h = head->next; NODE* xpre = h;
NODE* x = h->next; for(; xpre->next != ; x = xpre->next)
xpre->next = x->next;
x->next = h;
h = x;
} head->next= h;
printf("FUNC_invert_link_list completed!\n");
return head;
void FUNC_sort_list(NODE* head)
if(NULL == head || NULL == head->next || head->next->next == NULL)
NODE* h = head;
NODE* p = h->next;
NODE* pren = h->next;
NODE* pn = pren->next; while( p->next != NULL)
while(pn != NULL )
if(p->data < pn->data)
pren->next= pn->next;
pn->next= h->next;
h->next= pn;
//printf(" swapped!\n");
} else{
pren = pren->next;
pn = pren->next;
p = h->next;
} h = h->next;
p = h->next;
pren = h->next;
pn = pren->next;
printf("FUNC_sort_list completed!\n");
} void FUNC_bub_sort_list(NODE* head)
if(NULL == head || NULL == head->next || head->next->next == NULL)
} NODE* tail = NULL;
NODE* pre = head;
NODE* p = pre->next;
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
int is_sorted = FALSE;//未排好 while(pre->next != tail && !is_sorted)
while(p->next != tail)
is_sorted = TRUE;
if(p->next->data > p->data) //如果发生数据交换,说明没有排好
NODE* pn = p->next;
p->next = pn->next;
pn->next = p;
pre->next = pn;
is_sorted = FALSE;
pre = pre->next;
p = pre->next;
} tail = p;
pre = head;
p = pre->next;
printf("FUNC_bub_sort_list completed!\n");
} void main(void)
NODE* head = (NODE*)malloc(sizeof(NODE));
head->next = NULL;
head->data = ; insert_data(head);
show_link_list(head); FUNC_sort_list(head);
show_link_list(head); FUNC_invert_link_list(head);
show_link_list(head); FUNC_bub_sort_list(head);
show_link_list(head); clear_link_list(head);
free(head); }
please input the integer datas and end with q:
12 21 13 133 14 41 15 51 q
the count of data in link = 8, they are :
51 15 41 14 133 13 21 12 FUNC_sort_list completed!
the count of data in link = 8, they are :
133 51 41 21 15 14 13 12 FUNC_invert_link_list completed!
the count of data in link = 8, they are :
12 13 14 15 21 41 51 133 FUNC_bub_sort_list completed!
the count of data in link = 8, they are :
133 51 41 21 15 14 13 12
Press any key to continue . . .
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