
aptitude show 软件名

例如:aptitude show kde-runtime


****@ubuntu:~$ aptitude show kde-runtime
软件包: kde-runtime
状态: 未安装
版本号: :4.8.-0ubuntu1
优先级: 可选
部分: kde
维护者: Kubuntu Developers <kubuntu-devel@lists.ubuntu.com>
未压缩尺寸: , k
依赖于: libasound2 (>= 1.0.), libattica0. (>= 0.3.), libc6 (>= 2.15),
libcanberra0 (>= 0.2), libexiv2-, libgcc1 (>= :4.1.), libjpeg8
(>= 8c), libkcmutils4 (>= :4.8.), libkdeclarative5 (>= :4.7.),
libkdecore5 (>= :4.8.), libkdesu5 (>= :4.8.), libkdeui5 (>=
:4.8.), libkdewebkit5 (>= :4.8.), libkdnssd4 (>= :4.8.),
libkemoticons4 (>= :4.8.), libkfile4 (>= :4.8.), libkhtml5 (>=
:4.8.), libkidletime4 (>= :4.8.), libkio5 (>= :4.8.),
libkmediaplayer4 (>= :4.8.), libknewstuff3- (>= :4.8.),
libknotifyconfig4 (>= :4.8.), libkparts4 (>= :4.8.), libkpty4 (>=
:4.8.), libnepomuk4 (>= :4.8.), libnepomukdatamanagement4 (>=
:4.8.), libnepomukquery4a (>= :4.8.), libnepomuksync4 (>=
:4.8.), libntrack-qt4- (>= ), libopenexr6 (>= 1.6.),
libphonon4 (>= :4.7.0really4.5.0), libplasma3 (>= :4.8.),
libpulse-mainloop-glib0 (>= :0.99.), libpulse0 (>= :0.99.),
libqt4-dbus (>= :4.6.), libqt4-declarative (>= :4.7.~rc1),
libqt4-network (>= :4.5.), libqt4-script (>= :4.6.), libqt4-svg
(>= :4.5.), libqt4-xml (>= :4.5.), libqtcore4 (>= :4.8.),
libqtgui4 (>= :4.8.), libqtwebkit4 (>= 2.2~2011week36),
libsmbclient (>= :3.2.), libsolid4 (>= :4.8.), libsoprano4 (>=
2.6.), libssh- (>= 0.3.), libstdc++ (>= 4.6),
libstreamanalyzer0 (>= 0.7.), libstreams0 (>= 0.7.), libx11-,
libxcursor1 (> 1.1.), phonon, perl, kde-runtime-data (>=
:4.8.-0ubuntu1), kdelibs5-plugins (>= :4.8.), oxygen-icon-theme
(>= :4.6), shared-desktop-ontologies, plasma-scriptengine-javascript
(= :4.8.-0ubuntu1)
推荐: udisks, upower, virtuoso-minimal, kubuntu-debug-installer, icoutils,
libcanberra-pulse | libcanberra-gstreamer
建议: djvulibre-bin, finger
冲突: kdelibs4-dev
破坏: kdebase-runtime (< :4.6.), kdebase-runtime-bin-kde4,
kdebase-runtime-data (< :4.4.), kdebase-workspace-bin (< :4.6),
kdebluetooth (< 1.0~beta7-), kdelibs5 (< :4.4.), kdelibs5-plugins (<
:4.5), nepomukcontroller, plasma-netbook (< :4.5.),
plasma-scriptengine-declarative, plasma-scriptengine-javascript (<
代替: kdebase-runtime (< :4.6.), kdebase-runtime-bin-kde4,
kdebase-runtime-data (< :4.4.), kdebase-workspace-bin (< :4.6),
kdebluetooth (< 1.0~beta7-), kdelibs5 (< :4.4.), kdelibs5-plugins (<
:4.5), nepomukcontroller, plasma-netbook (< :4.5.),
plasma-scriptengine-declarative, plasma-scriptengine-javascript (<
描述: runtime components from the official KDE release
KDE is produced by an international technology team that creates free and open
source software for desktop and portable computing. Among KDE's products are a
modern desktop system for Linux and UNIX platforms, comprehensive office
productivity and groupware suites and hundreds of software titles in many
categories including Internet and web applications, multimedia, entertainment,
educational, graphics and software development. This package contains programs and data needed at runtime by KDE applications.
主页: http://www.kde.org/

2. whereis 软件名


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