
[root@rusky bin]# cd /home/ldap/iamldap/dsee6/cacao_2/cacao/bin
[root@rusky bin]# ./cacaoadm start
[root@rusky bin]# cd /home/ldap/iamldap/ds6/bin/
[root@rusky bin]# ./dsadm start /home/ldap/iamldap/var/dscc6/dcc/ads
Waiting for Directory Server instance '/home/ldap/iamldap/var/dscc6/dcc/ads' to start...
Directory Server instance '/home/ldap/iamldap/var/dscc6/dcc/ads' started: pid=
[root@rusky bin]# ./dsadm start /home/ldap/amsldap
Waiting for Directory Server instance '/home/ldap/amsldap' to start...
Waiting for Directory Server instance '/home/ldap/amsldap' to start...
Directory Server instance '/home/ldap/amsldap' started: pid=6330


set-server-prop        Sets server property values
get-server-prop        Displays server property values 
-D USER_DN, --user-dn USER_DN
Binds as USER_DN (Default: $LDAP_ADMIN_USER or cn=Directory Manager)
-P PORT, --secure-port PORT
Connects to Directory Server on secure port PORT
Connects over LDAP with no secure connection (Enabled if $DIRSERV_UNSECURED is set)
Does not ask for confirmation
-p PORT, --port PORT
Connects to Directory Server on PORT (Default: $DIRSERV_PORT or 389)
-w FILE, --pwd-file FILE
Binds with pwd read from FILE (Default:$LDAP_ADMIN_PWF or prompt for pwd)
Does not ask for confirmation before rejecting non-trusted server certificates (for this session only)


[root@rusky bin]# ./dsconf get-server-prop -D cn=DirectoryManager --pwd-file password -h rusky.com -e -p 12345 db-cache-size
db-cache-size : 32M


[root@rusky bin]# ./dsconf set-server-prop -D cn=DirectoryManager --pwd-file password -h rusky.com -e -p 12345 db-cache-size:128M
Directory Server must be restarted for changes to take effect.


[root@rusky bin]# ./dsconf get-suffix-prop -D cn=DirectoryManager --pwd-file password -h rusky.com -e -p 12345 dc=test entry-cache-size
entry-cache-size : 10M


[root@rusky bin]# ./dsconf set-suffix-prop -D cn=DirectoryManager --pwd-file password -h rusky.com -e -p 12345 dc=test entry-cache-size:20M




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