Chinese Input


I use Wubu, so Fcitx,

 sudo add-apt-repository ppa:fcitx-team/nightly && sudo apt-get update

 sudo apt-get install fcitx-rime

Python is auto ,

Begin with PhantomJS,

use sudo.


Database Env:

# mongodb

# server can  use  sudo

# client, here recommend robomongo (    or other client, umongo ?   not try it.

# mysql

# server

# client, phpMysql~

Python, Java ==> Eclipse


# python

I love pip.  3 letters is easier than 'easy_install' , isn't it?

sudo apt-get install python-pip

Then sometimes My partners like eclipse+pydev, check this :

Actually, I prefer to Sublime Text 2( ST2). Coz I dealt with more light projects much than Heavy ones.

ST's deployment can check here:  or use this code:


sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/sublime-text-2
    sudo apt-get update


st2 's  package control , do some google.     You will find your garden of packages, depends on your language routine.

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