Metafunction is a more general idiom than type generator. Metafunctions that produce type(s) as a result is used as type generators.


  • a class template in which all the parameters are types
  • a class with publicly accessible type type


  • To encapsulate a complex type computation algorithm
  • To generate a type using compile-time type selection tech

Metafunction idiom is the principal way of writing compile-time algorithms in C++.

Implementation of metafunctions is often based on template specializations.


  1. template<bool, class L, class R>
  2. struct IF{
  3. typedef R type;
  4. };
  5. template<class L, class R>
  6. struct IF<true, L, R>{
  7. typedef L type;
  8. };
  9. IF<false, int, long>::type i; // long i
  10. IF<true, int, long>::type i; // int i


More C++ Idioms/Metafunction


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