【LeetCode练习题】Partition List
Given a linked list and a value x, partition it such that all nodes less than x come before nodes greater than or equal to x.
You should preserve the original relative order of the nodes in each of the two partitions.
For example,
and x = 3,
struct ListNode {
int val;
ListNode *next;
ListNode(int x) : val(x), next(NULL) {}
}; //用cur和pre指向大于等于x的第一个节点和上一个节点,为了考虑第一个节点就大于x的情况,增加一个dummy的头结点便于处理方便。
class Solution {
ListNode *partition(ListNode *head, int x) {
if(head == NULL){
return head;
ListNode *dummy = new ListNode();
dummy->next = head;
head = dummy;
bool hasGreater = false;
ListNode *pre = head, *cur = head->next;
if(cur->val < x){
pre = pre->next;
cur = cur->next;
hasGreater = true;
ListNode *pre2 = head, *cur2 = head->next;
bool isBehind = false;
if(cur2->val == cur->val){
isBehind = true;
if(isBehind && cur2->val < x){
pre2->next = cur2->next;
pre->next = cur2;
cur2->next = cur;
cur2 = pre2->next;
pre = pre->next;
pre2 = pre2->next;
cur2 = cur2->next;
head = head->next;
delete dummy;
return head;
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