这种方式经常被用来,在button中处理一些逻辑,做法是在detail 页面中加一个button,对应是jS执行调用invoke controller

Define a webService method in Apex and then call it using the AJAX Toolkit in a button.

For example, suppose you want to create a Mass Add Notes button on accounts:
  1. Define the Web service method in Apex by clicking Setup | Develop | Apex Classes, clicking New, and adding the following code into the body of your new class:
global class MassNoteInsert{

  WebService static Integer insertNotes(String iTitle,
String iBody,
Id[] iParentIds) {
Note[] notes = new Note[0];
iBody = String.escapeSingleQuotes(iBody);
for (Id iParentId : iParentIds) {
notes.add(new Note(parentId = iParentId,
title = iTitle, body = iBody));
insert notes; //Bulk Insert return notes.size();
} }


2.Then, click Setup | Customize | Accounts | Buttons and Links, and click New in the Custom Buttons and Links related list.

3.Name the button and assign it the following attributes:

  1. Display Type: Detail Page Button
  2. Behavior: Execute JavaScript
  3. Content Source: OnClick JavaScript
{!REQUIRESCRIPT("/soap/ajax/42.0/apex.js")} var idsToInsert= {!GETRECORDIDS( $ObjectType.Account )};
var noteTitle = prompt("Please enter the title of the note");
var noteBody = prompt("Please enter the body of the note"); if (idsToInsert.length) { // Now make a synchronous call to the Apex Web service
// method
var result = sforce.apex.execute(
"MassNoteInsert", // class
"insertNotes", // method
{iTitle : noteTitle, // method arguments
iBody: noteBody,
iParentIds: idsToInsert }); alert(result[0] + " notes inserted!"); //response
} else if (idsToInsert.length == 0) {
alert("Please select the accounts to which" +
" you would like to add notes.");

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