29. Divide Two Integers - LeetCode
public int divide2(int dividend, int divisor) {
// overflows
if (dividend == Integer.MIN_VALUE && divisor == -1) return Integer.MAX_VALUE;
// 给定两个数字,求出它们的商,要求不能使用乘法、除法以及求余操作。
return dividend / divisor;
public int divide2(int dividend, int divisor) {
// overflows
if (dividend == Integer.MIN_VALUE && divisor == -1) return Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int ans = 0;
boolean negative = !((dividend > 0 && divisor > 0) || (dividend < 0 && divisor < 0));
dividend = Math.abs(dividend);
divisor = Math.abs(divisor);
dividend -= divisor;
while (dividend >= 0) {
dividend -= divisor;
return negative ? -ans : ans;
public int divide(int dividend, int divisor) {
// 防止溢出
if (dividend == Integer.MIN_VALUE && divisor == -1) return Integer.MAX_VALUE;
// 获取最终结果的符号
int sign = ((dividend < 0) ^ (divisor < 0)) ? -1 : 1;
long dvd = Math.abs((long) dividend);
long dvs = Math.abs((long) divisor);
int ans = 0;
while (dvd >= dvs) {
long tmp = dvs, multiple = 1;
while (dvd >= (tmp << 1)) {
tmp <<= 1;
multiple <<= 1;
dvd -= tmp;
ans += multiple;
return sign == 1 ? ans : -ans;
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