
参考了一些经验,并结合实际后,成功用ERA5驱动WRF。实际上,用ERA5数据驱动WRF的方法和用ERA-Interim 数据驱动WRF极其类似。


1 需要下载的变量









2 变量场的水平范围大小



WARNING: Field PRES has missing values at level 200100 at (i,j)=(1,411)
WARNING: Field GHT has missing values at level 200100 at (i,j)=(1,411)
WARNING: Field PMSL has missing values at level 200100 at (i,j)=(1,411)
WARNING: Field PSFC has missing values at level 200100 at (i,j)=(1,411)
WARNING: Field SOILHGT has missing values at level 200100 at (i,j)=(1,411)
ERROR: Missing values encountered in interpolated fields. Stopping.
Abort(53732176) on node 0 (rank 0 in comm 0): application called MPI_

参考wrfforum的意见(原网址忘了),下载的地面层使用的是全球区域的网格,能够通过了metgrid。(高空没有用全球网格) (这个论坛有类似问题,http://bbs.06climate.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=30928




更好的办法:设置好要模拟的网格后,先用WPS自带的plotgrids.ncl脚本将模拟的区域(WRF Domain)画出来,图形的角点和边界中点的位置可以大致确定模拟区域的水平范围。


3 垂直层次设置的匹配


另一个坑 Mismatch between namelist and input file dimensions

WRFDomainwizard里面连接ECMWF的Vtable之后,在namelist.wps生成了model_level pres的字段,将其注释掉,否则会在后面出现报错 d01 2018-06-07_00:00:00 ---- ERROR: Mismatch between namelist and input file dimensions


关于 &mod_levs,参考了WRF_User_Guide相关章节

B. mod_levs.exe
The mod_levs.exe program is used to remove levels of data from intermediate format files. The levels which are to be kept are specified in a new namelist record in the namelist.wps file:

press_pa = 201300 , 200100 , 100000 ,
95000 , 90000 ,
85000 , 80000 ,
75000 , 70000 ,
65000 , 60000 ,
55000 , 50000 ,
45000 , 40000 ,
35000 , 30000 ,
25000 , 20000 ,
15000 , 10000 ,
5000 , 1000

Within thenamelist record, the variable press_pa is used to specify a list of levels to keep; the specified levels should match values of xlvl in the intermediate format files (see the discussion of the WPS intermediate format for more information on the fields of the intermediate files). The mod_levs program takes two command-line arguments as its input. The first argument is the name of the intermediate file to operate on, and the second argument is the name of the output file to be written.

Removing all but a specified subset of levels from meteorological data sets is particularly useful, for example, when one data set is to be used for the model initial conditions and a second data set is to be used for the lateral boundary conditions. This can be done by providing the initial conditions data set at the first time period to be interpolated by metgrid, and the boundary conditions data set for all other times. If the both data sets have the same number of vertical levels, then no work needs to be done; however, when these two data sets have a different number of levels, it will be necessary, at a minimum,
to remove (m – n) levels, where m > n and m and n are the number of levels in each of the two data sets, from the data set with m levels. The necessity of having the same number of vertical levels in all files is due to a limitation in real.exe, which requires a constant number of vertical levels to interpolate from.

The mod_levs utility is something of a temporary solution to the problem of accommodating two or more data sets with differing numbers of vertical levels. Should a user choose to use mod_levs, it should be noted that, although the vertical locations of the levels need not match between data sets, all data sets should have a surface level of data, and, when running real.exe and wrf.exe, the value of p_top must be chosen to be below the lowest top among the data sets.


在 &mod_levs 字段 中,变量press_pa用于指定要保留的层次列表;指定的级别应与中间格式文件中xlvl的值匹配(有关中间文件记录的详细信息,请参阅对WPS中间格式的讨论)。mod_levs程序接受两个命令行参数作为输入。第一个参数是要操作的中间文件的名称,第二个参数是要写入的输出文件的名称。






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