
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int n, i, j, k, atop, cmd[];
char a[], b[];
while(scanf("%d %s %s", &n, a, b) != EOF){ for(i = , j = , k = ; i < n; i++){ atop = i + ;
cmd[k++] = ;
while(atop > && a[atop - ] == b[j]){ cmd[k++] = ;
atop--; } }
if(j == n)
{ printf("Yes.\n");
for(i = ; i < k; i++){ if(cmd[i] == )
printf("out\n"); }
printf("FINISH\n"); }
{ printf("No.\nFINISH\n"); } }
return ;

经过修改,发现问题出现在栈的使用,调试了这组数据:5 67543 74536,才发现自己没有清栈。

 #include <stdio.h>
int main()
int n, i, j, k, top, cmd[];
char a[], b[], c[];
while(scanf("%d %s %s", &n, a, b) != EOF){ top = ;
for(i = , j = , k = ; i < n; i++){ c[top++] = a[i];/*入栈*/
cmd[k++] = ;
while(c[top-] == b[j]){ c[top-] = ;/*出栈*/
cmd[k++] = ;
j++; } }
if(j == n)
{ printf("Yes.\n");
for(i = ; i < k; i++){ if(cmd[i] == )
printf("out\n"); }
printf("FINISH\n"); }
{ printf("No.\nFINISH\n"); } }
return ;





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