When you first created the Hello solution in Visual Studio, you had a choice of two application templates:
  Blank App (Xamarin.Forms Portable)
  Blank App (Xamarin.Forms Shared)
In Xamarin Studio, the choice is embodied in a pair of radio buttons:
  Use Portable Class Library
  Use Shared Library
The first option creates a Portable Class Library (PCL), whereas the second creates a Shared Asset Project (SAP) consisting only of shared code files. The original Hello solution used the PCL template. Now let’s create a second solution named HelloSap with the SAP template. 



As you’ll see, everything looks pretty much the same, except that the HelloSap project itself contains only one item: the App.cs file.  

With both the PCL and SAP approaches, code is shared among the five applications, but in decidedly different ways: With the PCL approach, all the common code is bundled into a dynamic-link library that each application project references and binds to at run time. With the SAP approach, the common code files are effectively included with each of the five application projects at build time. By default, the SAP has only a single file named App.cs, but effectively it’s as if this HelloSap project did not exist and instead there were five different copies of this file in the five application projects. 

Some subtle (and not-so-subtle) problems can manifest themselves with the shared library approach: 

The iOS and Android projects have access to pretty much the same version of .NET, but it is not the same version of .NET that the Windows projects use. This means that any .NET classes accessed by the shared code might be somewhat different depending on the platform. As you’ll discover later in this book, this is the case for some file I/O classes in the System.IO namespace. 

You can compensate for these differences by using C# preprocessor directives, particularly #if and #elif. In the projects generated by the Xamarin.Forms template, the various application projects define symbols that you can use with these directives. 





Most of the programs in this book use the PCL approach. This is the recommended approach for Xamarin.Forms and is preferred by many programmers who have been working with Xamarin.Forms for a while. However, the SAP approach is also supported and definitely has its advocates as well. Programs within these pages that demonstrate the SAP approach always contain the letters Sap at the end of their names, such as the HelloSap program. 

But why choose? You can have both in the same solution. If you’ve created a Xamarin.Forms solution with a Shared Asset Project, you can add a new PCL project to the solution by selecting the Class Library (Xamarin.Forms Portable) template. The application projects can access both the SAP and PCL, and the SAP can access the PCL as well. 




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