July 3rd, Week 28th Sunday, 2016
First-hand experience is often necessary for personal growth.
Although sometimes we can learn from others, it is of great importance that we exercise the same processes and do some changes ourselves.
Because only in this way can we really acquire the knowledge.
Just as in my coding career, there may be many problems in repeating other's experiments and methods.
After solving the problems, I really get some improvements in my coding skill.
A friend is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be.
We can share our pains and happiness with our friends.
There are many kinds of friends, but generally, that you choose to make friends with the other people also indicates that you have trusted him or her to some extent.
Meanwhile, it is also an extraordinary feeling that we get the trust of others.
So, one of the key points in friendship may be trust.
Try to trust others, and you will get wonderful things in return.
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