AngularJS Best Practices: Directory Structure
----- common/ // Acts as reusable components for your app
---------- header/
--------------- controllers/
-------------------- header.controller.js
--------------- views/
-------------------- header.tpl.html
---------- sidebar/
--------------- controllers/
-------------------- sidebar.controller.js
--------------- views/
-------------------- sidebar.tpl.html
----- components/ // Each component is treated as a mini Angular app
---------- users/
--------------- controllers/
-------------------- users.controller.js
--------------- views/
-------------------- user-list.tpl.html
-------------------- user-add.tpl.html
-------------------- user-edit.tpl.html
-------------------- user-view.tpl.html
--------------- app.users.js
----- app.js
----- images/ // Images for your app
----- css/ // Styles for your app
----- libs/ // Third-party libraries such as jQuery, Moment, Underscore, etc.
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