

  1. // Class to define a dialog to choose a font
  2. import java.awt.*;
  3. import javax.swing.*;
  4. import java.awt.event.*;
  5. import javax.swing.event.*;
  6. import static Constants.SketcherConstants.*;
  8. @SuppressWarnings("serial")
  9. class FontDialog extends JDialog
  10. implements ActionListener, // For buttons etc.
  11. ListSelectionListener, // For list box
  12. ChangeListener { // For the spinner
  13. // Constructor
  14. public FontDialog(SketcherFrame window) {
  15. // Call the base constructor to create a modal dialog
  16. super(window, "Font Selection", true);
  17. font = window.getFont(); // Get the current font
  19. // Create the dialog button panel
  20. JPanel buttonPane = new JPanel(); // Create a panel to hold buttons
  22. // Create and add the buttons to the buttonPane
  23. buttonPane.add(ok = createButton("OK")); // Add the OK button
  24. buttonPane.add(cancel = createButton("Cancel")); // Add the Cancel button
  25. getContentPane().add(buttonPane, BorderLayout.SOUTH); // Add pane
  27. // Code to create the data input panel
  28. JPanel dataPane = new JPanel(); // Create the data entry panel
  29. dataPane.setBorder(BorderFactory.createCompoundBorder( // Pane border
  30. BorderFactory.createLineBorder(Color.BLACK),
  31. BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(5, 5, 5, 5)));
  32. GridBagLayout gbLayout = new GridBagLayout(); // Create the layout
  33. dataPane.setLayout(gbLayout); // Set the pane layout
  34. GridBagConstraints constraints = new GridBagConstraints();
  36. // Create the font choice and add it to the input panel
  37. JLabel label = new JLabel("Choose a Font");
  38. constraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
  39. constraints.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER;
  40. gbLayout.setConstraints(label, constraints);
  41. dataPane.add(label);
  43. // Code to set up font list choice component
  44. GraphicsEnvironment e = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment();
  45. String[] fontNames = e.getAvailableFontFamilyNames(); // Get font names
  47. fontList = new JList<>(fontNames); // Create list of font names
  48. fontList.setValueIsAdjusting(true); // single event selection
  49. fontList.setSelectionMode(ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION);
  50. fontList.setSelectedValue(font.getFontName(),true);
  51. fontList.addListSelectionListener(this);
  52. fontList.setToolTipText("Choose a font");
  53. JScrollPane chooseFont = new JScrollPane(fontList); // Scrollable list
  54. chooseFont.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(400,100));
  55. chooseFont.setWheelScrollingEnabled(true); // Enable mouse wheel scroll
  57. // Panel to display font sample
  58. JPanel display = new JPanel(true);
  59. fontDisplay = new JLabel("Sample Size: x X y Y z Z");
  60. fontDisplay.setFont(font);
  61. fontDisplay.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(350,100));
  62. display.add(fontDisplay);
  64. //Create a split pane with font choice at the top and font display at the bottom
  65. JSplitPane splitPane = new JSplitPane(JSplitPane.VERTICAL_SPLIT,
  66. true,
  67. chooseFont,
  68. display);
  69. gbLayout.setConstraints(splitPane, constraints); // Split pane constraints
  70. dataPane.add(splitPane); // Add to the data pane
  72. // Set up the size choice using a spinner
  73. JPanel sizePane = new JPanel(true); // Pane for size choices
  74. label = new JLabel("Choose point size: "); // Prompt for point size
  75. sizePane.add(label); // Add the prompt
  77. chooseSize = new JSpinner(new SpinnerNumberModel(font.getSize(),
  79. chooseSize.setValue(font.getSize()); // Set current font size
  80. chooseSize.addChangeListener(this);
  81. sizePane.add(chooseSize);
  83. // Add spinner to pane
  84. gbLayout.setConstraints(sizePane, constraints); // Set pane constraints
  85. dataPane.add(sizePane); // Add the pane
  87. // Set up style options using radio buttons
  88. bold = new JRadioButton("Bold", (font.getStyle() & Font.BOLD) > 0);
  89. italic = new JRadioButton("Italic", (font.getStyle() & Font.ITALIC) > 0);
  90. bold.addItemListener(new StyleListener(Font.BOLD)); // Add button listeners
  91. italic.addItemListener(new StyleListener(Font.ITALIC));
  92. JPanel stylePane = new JPanel(true); // Create style pane
  93. stylePane.add(bold); // Add buttons
  94. stylePane.add(italic); // to style pane...
  95. gbLayout.setConstraints(stylePane, constraints); // Set pane constraints
  96. dataPane.add(stylePane); // Add the pane
  98. getContentPane().add(dataPane, BorderLayout.CENTER);
  99. pack();
  100. setVisible(false);
  101. }
  103. // Create a dialog button
  104. JButton createButton(String label) {
  105. JButton button = new JButton(label); // Create the button
  106. button.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(80,20)); // Set the size
  107. button.addActionListener(this); // Listener is the dialog
  108. return button; // Return the button
  109. }
  111. // Handler for button events
  112. public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
  113. if(e.getSource()== ok) { // If it's the OK button
  114. ((SketcherFrame)getOwner()).setFont(font); // ...set selected font
  115. } else {
  116. font = ((SketcherFrame)getOwner()).getFont(); // Restore the current font
  117. fontDisplay.setFont(font);
  118. chooseSize.setValue(font.getSize()); // Restore the point size
  119. fontList.setSelectedValue(font.getName(),true);
  120. int style = font.getStyle();
  121. bold.setSelected((style & Font.BOLD) > 0); // Restore the
  122. italic.setSelected((style & Font.ITALIC) > 0); // style options
  123. }
  124. // Now hide the dialog - for ok or cancel
  125. setVisible(false);
  126. }
  128. // List selection listener method
  129. public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e) {
  130. if(!e.getValueIsAdjusting()) {
  131. font = new Font(fontList.getSelectedValue(), font.getStyle(), font.getSize());
  132. fontDisplay.setFont(font);
  133. fontDisplay.repaint();
  134. }
  135. }
  137. // Handle spinner state change events
  138. public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) {
  139. int fontSize = ((Number)(((JSpinner)e.getSource()).getValue())).intValue();
  140. font = font.deriveFont((float)fontSize);
  141. fontDisplay.setFont(font);
  142. fontDisplay.repaint();
  143. }
  145. // Iner class defining listeners for radio buttons
  146. class StyleListener implements ItemListener {
  147. public StyleListener(int style) {
  148. this.style = style;
  149. }
  151. // Event handler for font style changes
  152. public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) {
  153. int fontStyle = font.getStyle();
  154. if(e.getStateChange()==ItemEvent.SELECTED) { // If style was selected
  155. fontStyle |= style; // turn it on in the font style
  156. } else {
  157. fontStyle &= ~style; // otherwise turn it off
  158. }
  159. font = font.deriveFont(fontStyle); // Get a new font
  160. fontDisplay.setFont(font); // Change the label font
  161. fontDisplay.repaint(); // repaint
  162. }
  163. private int style; // Style for this listener
  164. }
  166. private JList<String> fontList; // Font list
  167. private JButton ok; // OK button
  168. private JButton cancel; // Cancel button
  169. private JRadioButton bold; // Bold style button
  170. private JRadioButton italic; // Italic style button
  171. private Font font; // Currently selected font
  172. private JSpinner chooseSize; // Font size options
  173. private JLabel fontDisplay; // Font sample
  174. }


  1. // Frame for the Sketcher application
  2. import javax.swing.*;
  3. import javax.swing.border.*;
  4. import java.awt.event.*;
  5. import java.awt.*;
  7. import static java.awt.event.InputEvent.*;
  8. import static java.awt.Color.*;
  9. import static Constants.SketcherConstants.*;
  10. import static javax.swing.Action.*;
  12. @SuppressWarnings("serial")
  13. public class SketcherFrame extends JFrame implements ActionListener {
  14. // Constructor
  15. public SketcherFrame(String title, Sketcher theApp) {
  16. setTitle(title); // Set the window title
  17. this.theApp = theApp; // Save app. object reference
  18. setJMenuBar(menuBar); // Add the menu bar to the window
  19. setDefaultCloseOperation(EXIT_ON_CLOSE); // Default is exit the application
  21. createFileMenu(); // Create the File menu
  22. createElementMenu(); // Create the element menu
  23. createColorMenu(); // Create the element menu
  24. JMenu optionsMenu = new JMenu("Options"); // Create options menu
  25. optionsMenu.setMnemonic('O'); // Create shortcut
  26. menuBar.add(optionsMenu); // Add options to menu bar
  28. createPopupMenu(); // Create popup
  30. // Add the font choice item to the options menu
  31. fontItem = new JMenuItem("Choose font...");
  32. fontItem.addActionListener(this);
  33. optionsMenu.add(fontItem);
  35. fontDlg = new FontDialog(this); // Create the font dialog
  37. createToolbar();
  38. toolBar.setRollover(true);
  40. JMenu helpMenu = new JMenu("Help"); // Create Help menu
  41. helpMenu.setMnemonic('H'); // Create Help shortcut
  43. // Add the About item to the Help menu
  44. aboutItem = new JMenuItem("About"); // Create About menu item
  45. aboutItem.addActionListener(this); // Listener is the frame
  46. helpMenu.add(aboutItem); // Add item to menu
  47. menuBar.add(helpMenu); // Add Help menu to menu bar
  49. getContentPane().add(toolBar, BorderLayout.NORTH); // Add the toolbar
  50. getContentPane().add(statusBar, BorderLayout.SOUTH); // Add the statusbar
  51. }
  53. // Create File menu item actions
  54. private void createFileMenuActions() {
  55. newAction = new FileAction("New", 'N', CTRL_DOWN_MASK);
  56. openAction = new FileAction("Open", 'O', CTRL_DOWN_MASK);
  57. closeAction = new FileAction("Close");
  58. saveAction = new FileAction("Save", 'S', CTRL_DOWN_MASK);
  59. saveAsAction = new FileAction("Save As...");
  60. printAction = new FileAction("Print", 'P', CTRL_DOWN_MASK);
  61. exitAction = new FileAction("Exit", 'X', CTRL_DOWN_MASK);
  63. // Initialize the array
  64. FileAction[] actions = {openAction, closeAction, saveAction, saveAsAction, printAction, exitAction};
  65. fileActions = actions;
  67. // Add toolbar icons
  68. newAction.putValue(LARGE_ICON_KEY, NEW24);
  69. openAction.putValue(LARGE_ICON_KEY, OPEN24);
  70. saveAction.putValue(LARGE_ICON_KEY, SAVE24);
  71. saveAsAction.putValue(LARGE_ICON_KEY, SAVEAS24);
  72. printAction.putValue(LARGE_ICON_KEY, PRINT24);
  74. // Add menu item icons
  75. newAction.putValue(SMALL_ICON, NEW16);
  76. openAction.putValue(SMALL_ICON, OPEN16);
  77. saveAction.putValue(SMALL_ICON, SAVE16);
  78. saveAsAction.putValue(SMALL_ICON,SAVEAS16);
  79. printAction.putValue(SMALL_ICON, PRINT16);
  81. // Add tooltip text
  82. newAction.putValue(SHORT_DESCRIPTION, "Create a new sketch");
  83. openAction.putValue(SHORT_DESCRIPTION, "Read a sketch from a file");
  84. closeAction.putValue(SHORT_DESCRIPTION, "Close the current sketch");
  85. saveAction.putValue(SHORT_DESCRIPTION, "Save the current sketch to file");
  86. saveAsAction.putValue(SHORT_DESCRIPTION, "Save the current sketch to a new file");
  87. printAction.putValue(SHORT_DESCRIPTION, "Print the current sketch");
  88. exitAction.putValue(SHORT_DESCRIPTION, "Exit Sketcher");
  89. }
  91. // Create the File menu
  92. private void createFileMenu() {
  93. JMenu fileMenu = new JMenu("File"); // Create File menu
  94. fileMenu.setMnemonic('F'); // Create shortcut
  95. createFileMenuActions(); // Create Actions for File menu item
  97. // Construct the file drop-down menu
  98. fileMenu.add(newAction); // New Sketch menu item
  99. fileMenu.add(openAction); // Open sketch menu item
  100. fileMenu.add(closeAction); // Close sketch menu item
  101. fileMenu.addSeparator(); // Add separator
  102. fileMenu.add(saveAction); // Save sketch to file
  103. fileMenu.add(saveAsAction); // Save As menu item
  104. fileMenu.addSeparator(); // Add separator
  105. fileMenu.add(printAction); // Print sketch menu item
  106. fileMenu.addSeparator(); // Add separator
  107. fileMenu.add(exitAction); // Print sketch menu item
  108. menuBar.add(fileMenu); // Add the file menu
  109. }
  111. // Create Element menu actions
  112. private void createElementTypeActions() {
  113. lineAction = new TypeAction("Line", LINE, 'L', CTRL_DOWN_MASK);
  114. rectangleAction = new TypeAction("Rectangle", RECTANGLE, 'R', CTRL_DOWN_MASK);
  115. circleAction = new TypeAction("Circle", CIRCLE,'C', CTRL_DOWN_MASK);
  116. curveAction = new TypeAction("Curve", CURVE,'U', CTRL_DOWN_MASK);
  117. textAction = new TypeAction("Text", TEXT,'T', CTRL_DOWN_MASK);
  119. // Initialize the array
  120. TypeAction[] actions = {lineAction, rectangleAction, circleAction, curveAction, textAction};
  121. typeActions = actions;
  123. // Add toolbar icons
  124. lineAction.putValue(LARGE_ICON_KEY, LINE24);
  125. rectangleAction.putValue(LARGE_ICON_KEY, RECTANGLE24);
  126. circleAction.putValue(LARGE_ICON_KEY, CIRCLE24);
  127. curveAction.putValue(LARGE_ICON_KEY, CURVE24);
  128. textAction.putValue(LARGE_ICON_KEY, TEXT24);
  130. // Add menu item icons
  131. lineAction.putValue(SMALL_ICON, LINE16);
  132. rectangleAction.putValue(SMALL_ICON, RECTANGLE16);
  133. circleAction.putValue(SMALL_ICON, CIRCLE16);
  134. curveAction.putValue(SMALL_ICON, CURVE16);
  135. textAction.putValue(SMALL_ICON, TEXT16);
  137. // Add tooltip text
  138. lineAction.putValue(SHORT_DESCRIPTION, "Draw lines");
  139. rectangleAction.putValue(SHORT_DESCRIPTION, "Draw rectangles");
  140. circleAction.putValue(SHORT_DESCRIPTION, "Draw circles");
  141. curveAction.putValue(SHORT_DESCRIPTION, "Draw curves");
  142. textAction.putValue(SHORT_DESCRIPTION, "Draw text");
  143. }
  145. // Create the Elements menu
  146. private void createElementMenu() {
  147. createElementTypeActions();
  148. elementMenu = new JMenu("Elements"); // Create Elements menu
  149. elementMenu.setMnemonic('E'); // Create shortcut
  150. createRadioButtonDropDown(elementMenu, typeActions, lineAction);
  151. menuBar.add(elementMenu); // Add the element menu
  152. }
  154. // Create Color menu actions
  155. private void createElementColorActions() {
  156. redAction = new ColorAction("Red", RED, 'R', CTRL_DOWN_MASK|ALT_DOWN_MASK);
  157. yellowAction = new ColorAction("Yellow", YELLOW, 'Y', CTRL_DOWN_MASK|ALT_DOWN_MASK);
  158. greenAction = new ColorAction("Green", GREEN, 'G', CTRL_DOWN_MASK|ALT_DOWN_MASK);
  159. blueAction = new ColorAction("Blue", BLUE, 'B', CTRL_DOWN_MASK|ALT_DOWN_MASK);
  161. // Initialize the array
  162. ColorAction[] actions = {redAction, greenAction, blueAction, yellowAction};
  163. colorActions = actions;
  165. // Add toolbar icons
  166. redAction.putValue(LARGE_ICON_KEY, RED24);
  167. greenAction.putValue(LARGE_ICON_KEY, GREEN24);
  168. blueAction.putValue(LARGE_ICON_KEY, BLUE24);
  169. yellowAction.putValue(LARGE_ICON_KEY, YELLOW24);
  171. // Add menu item icons
  172. redAction.putValue(SMALL_ICON, RED16);
  173. greenAction.putValue(SMALL_ICON, GREEN16);
  174. blueAction.putValue(SMALL_ICON, BLUE16);
  175. yellowAction.putValue(SMALL_ICON, YELLOW16);
  177. // Add tooltip text
  178. redAction.putValue(SHORT_DESCRIPTION, "Draw in red");
  179. greenAction.putValue(SHORT_DESCRIPTION, "Draw in green");
  180. blueAction.putValue(SHORT_DESCRIPTION, "Draw in blue");
  181. yellowAction.putValue(SHORT_DESCRIPTION, "Draw in yellow");
  182. }
  184. // Create the Color menu
  185. private void createColorMenu() {
  186. createElementColorActions();
  187. colorMenu = new JMenu("Color"); // Create Elements menu
  188. colorMenu.setMnemonic('C'); // Create shortcut
  189. createRadioButtonDropDown(colorMenu, colorActions, blueAction);
  190. menuBar.add(colorMenu); // Add the color menu
  191. }
  193. // Menu creation helper
  194. private void createRadioButtonDropDown(JMenu menu, Action[] actions, Action selected) {
  195. ButtonGroup group = new ButtonGroup();
  196. JRadioButtonMenuItem item = null;
  197. for(Action action : actions) {
  198. group.add(menu.add(item = new JRadioButtonMenuItem(action)));
  199. if(action == selected) {
  200. item.setSelected(true); // This is default selected
  201. }
  202. }
  203. }
  205. // Create pop-up menu
  206. private void createPopupMenu() {
  207. // Element menu items
  208. popup.add(new JMenuItem(lineAction));
  209. popup.add(new JMenuItem(rectangleAction));
  210. popup.add(new JMenuItem(circleAction));
  211. popup.add(new JMenuItem(curveAction));
  212. popup.add(new JMenuItem(textAction));
  214. popup.addSeparator();
  216. // Color menu items
  217. popup.add(new JMenuItem(redAction));
  218. popup.add(new JMenuItem(yellowAction));
  219. popup.add(new JMenuItem(greenAction));
  220. popup.add(new JMenuItem(blueAction));
  221. }
  223. // Create toolbar buttons on the toolbar
  224. private void createToolbar() {
  225. for(FileAction action: fileActions){
  226. if(action != exitAction && action != closeAction)
  227. addToolbarButton(action); // Add the toolbar button
  228. }
  229. toolBar.addSeparator();
  231. // Create Color menu buttons
  232. for(ColorAction action:colorActions){
  233. addToolbarButton(action); // Add the toolbar button
  234. }
  236. toolBar.addSeparator();
  238. // Create Elements menu buttons
  239. for(TypeAction action:typeActions){
  240. addToolbarButton(action); // Add the toolbar button
  241. }
  242. }
  244. // Create and add a toolbar button
  245. private void addToolbarButton(Action action) {
  246. JButton button = new JButton(action); // Create from Action
  247. button.setBorder(BorderFactory.createCompoundBorder( // Add button border
  248. new EmptyBorder(2,5,5,2), // Outside border
  249. BorderFactory.createRaisedBevelBorder())); // Inside border
  250. button.setHideActionText(true); // No label on the button
  251. toolBar.add(button); // Add the toolbar button
  252. }
  254. // Return the current drawing color
  255. public Color getElementColor() {
  256. return elementColor;
  257. }
  259. // Return the current element type
  260. public int getElementType() {
  261. return elementType;
  262. }
  264. // Return current text font
  265. public Font getFont() {
  266. return textFont;
  267. }
  269. // Method to set the current font
  270. public void setFont(Font font) {
  271. textFont = font;
  272. }
  274. // Retrieve the pop-up menu
  275. public JPopupMenu getPopup() {
  276. return popup;
  277. }
  279. // Set radio button menu checks
  280. private void setChecks(JMenu menu, Object eventSource) {
  281. if(eventSource instanceof JButton){
  282. JButton button = (JButton)eventSource;
  283. Action action = button.getAction();
  284. for(int i = 0 ; i<menu.getItemCount() ; ++i) {
  285. JMenuItem item = menu.getItem(i);
  286. item.setSelected(item.getAction() == action);
  287. }
  288. }
  289. }
  291. // Handle About menu events
  292. public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
  293. if(e.getSource() == aboutItem) {
  294. // Create about dialog with the app window as parent
  295. JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, // Parent
  296. "Sketcher Copyright Ivor Horton 2011", // Message
  297. "About Sketcher", // Title
  298. JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); // Message type
  299. } else if(e.getSource() == fontItem) { // Set the dialog window position
  300. fontDlg.setLocationRelativeTo(this);
  301. fontDlg.setVisible(true); // Show the dialog
  302. }
  303. }
  305. // Inner class defining Action objects for File menu items
  306. class FileAction extends AbstractAction {
  307. // Create action with a name
  308. FileAction(String name) {
  309. super(name);
  310. }
  312. // Create action with a name and accelerator
  313. FileAction(String name, char ch, int modifiers) {
  314. super(name);
  315. putValue(ACCELERATOR_KEY, KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(ch, modifiers));
  317. // Now find the character to underline
  318. int index = name.toUpperCase().indexOf(ch);
  319. if(index != -1) {
  320. putValue(DISPLAYED_MNEMONIC_INDEX_KEY, index);
  321. }
  322. }
  324. // Event handler
  325. public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
  326. // You will add action code here eventually...
  327. }
  328. }
  330. // Inner class defining Action objects for Element type menu items
  331. class TypeAction extends AbstractAction {
  332. // Create action with just a name property
  333. TypeAction(String name, int typeID) {
  334. super(name);
  335. this.typeID = typeID;
  336. }
  338. // Create action with a name and an accelerator
  339. private TypeAction(String name,int typeID, char ch, int modifiers) {
  340. this(name, typeID);
  341. putValue(ACCELERATOR_KEY, KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(ch, modifiers));
  343. // Now find the character to underline
  344. int index = name.toUpperCase().indexOf(ch);
  345. if(index != -1) {
  346. putValue(DISPLAYED_MNEMONIC_INDEX_KEY, index);
  347. }
  348. }
  350. public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
  351. elementType = typeID;
  352. setChecks(elementMenu, e.getSource());
  353. statusBar.setTypePane(typeID);
  354. }
  356. private int typeID;
  357. }
  359. // Handles color menu items
  360. class ColorAction extends AbstractAction {
  361. // Create an action with a name and a color
  362. public ColorAction(String name, Color color) {
  363. super(name);
  364. this.color = color;
  365. }
  367. // Create an action with a name, a color, and an accelerator
  368. public ColorAction(String name, Color color, char ch, int modifiers) {
  369. this(name, color);
  370. putValue(ACCELERATOR_KEY, KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(ch, modifiers));
  372. // Now find the character to underline
  373. int index = name.toUpperCase().indexOf(ch);
  374. if(index != -1) {
  375. putValue(DISPLAYED_MNEMONIC_INDEX_KEY, index);
  376. }
  377. }
  379. public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
  380. elementColor = color;
  381. setChecks(colorMenu, e.getSource());
  382. statusBar.setColorPane(color);
  383. }
  385. private Color color;
  386. }
  388. // File actions
  389. private FileAction newAction, openAction, closeAction, saveAction, saveAsAction, printAction, exitAction;
  390. private FileAction[] fileActions; // File actions as an array
  392. // Element type actions
  393. private TypeAction lineAction, rectangleAction, circleAction, curveAction, textAction;
  394. private TypeAction[] typeActions; // Type actions as an array
  396. // Element color actions
  397. private ColorAction redAction, yellowAction,greenAction, blueAction;
  398. private ColorAction[] colorActions; // Color actions as an array
  400. private JMenuBar menuBar = new JMenuBar(); // Window menu bar
  401. private JMenu elementMenu; // Elements menu
  402. private JMenu colorMenu; // Color menu
  403. private JMenu optionsMenu; // Options menu
  405. private StatusBar statusBar = new StatusBar(); // Window status bar
  406. private FontDialog fontDlg; // The font dialog
  408. private JMenuItem aboutItem; // About menu item
  409. private JMenuItem fontItem; // Font chooser menu item
  411. private JPopupMenu popup = new JPopupMenu("General"); // Window pop-up
  412. private Color elementColor = DEFAULT_ELEMENT_COLOR; // Current element color
  413. private int elementType = DEFAULT_ELEMENT_TYPE; // Current element type
  414. private Font textFont = DEFAULT_FONT; // Default font for text elements
  415. private JToolBar toolBar = new JToolBar(); // Window toolbar
  416. private Sketcher theApp; // The application object
  417. }

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  2. Java基础之扩展GUI——添加状态栏(Sketcher 1 with a status bar)

    控制台程序. 为了显示各个应用程序参数的状态,并且将各个参数显示在各自的面板中,在应用程序窗口的底部添加状态栏是常见且非常方便的方式. 定义状态栏时没有Swing类可用,所以必须自己建立StatusB ...

  3. Java基础之扩展GUI——高亮元素、上下文菜单、移动旋转元素、自定义颜色(Sketcher 10)

    窗口应用程序. 本例在上一版的基础上实现了高亮元素.移动元素.上下文菜单.旋转元素.设置自定义颜色. 1.自定义常量包: // Defines application wide constants p ...

  4. Java基础之扩展GUI——使用对话框创建文本元素(Sketcher 4 creating text elements)

    控制台程序. 为了与Sketcher中的其他元素类型保持一致,需要为Elements菜单添加Text菜单项和工具栏按钮.还需要定义用来表示文本元素的类Element.Text. 1.修改Sketche ...

  5. Java基础--Java---IO流------GUI(布局)、Frame、事件监听机制、窗体事件、Action事件、鼠标事件、对话框Dialog、键盘事件、菜单

     * 创建图形化界面  * 1.创建frame窗体  * 2.对窗体进行基本设置  *   比如大小.位置.布局  * 3.定义组件  * 4.将组件通过窗体的add方法添加到窗体  * 5.让窗体显 ...

  6. java基础学习总结——GUI编程(一)


  7. java基础学习总结——GUI编程(一) 还未仔细阅读


  8. 【Java基础总结】GUI

    GUI(Graphical User Interface),图形用户接口 CLI(Command Line User Interface),命令行用户接口 1. 容器 Container GUI主要位 ...

  9. java基础学习总结——GUI编程(二)



  1. ACM: Gym 100935F A Poet Computer - 字典树

    Gym 100935F A Poet Computer Time Limit:2000MS     Memory Limit:65536KB     64bit IO Format:%I64d &am ...

  2. [Codeforces] Round #320 (Div.2)

    1.前言 虽然这次我依旧没有参加正式比赛,但是事后还是看了看题目的...一般不怎么刷Codeforces. A.Raising Bacteria You are a lover of bacteria ...

  3. 开发android过程中eclipse闪退解决

    有一次eclipse崩溃了,然后再双击就无法打开了.换了几个版本也是如此. 后来找到了这个方法:删除文件 [workspace]/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.e4.w ...

  4. python基础学习二——第二天

    对于python而言,一切事物都是对象,对象是基于类创建的,对象继承了类的属性,方法等特性 一.int 首先我们来查看一下int包含了哪些函数 # python3.x dir(int) # ['__a ...

  5. C#常用方法集合

    public class Utility:Page { #region 数据转换 /// <summary> /// 返回对象obj的String值,obj为null时返回空值. /// ...

  6. Spring中@Async用法总结

    引言: 在Java应用中,绝大多数情况下都是通过同步的方式来实现交互处理的:但是在处理与第三方系统交互的时候,容易造成响应迟缓的情况,之前大部分都是使用多线程来完成此类任务,其实,在Spring 3. ...

  7. jquery点击区域显示或隐藏DIV,点击非该DIV的地方隐藏该DIV

    <div class="Content_top"> <div class="Reserve"> <h3><span c ...

  8. iOS中JSONModel的使用

    iOS中JSONModel的使用   流弊的JSON数据模型框架 https://github.com/jsonmodel/jsonmodel 版本 1.3.0 如果你喜欢JSONModel,并且使用 ...

  9. VMwareTools 安装(VMware Player)

    1. VMare Tools 按钮是灰化的,需要对虚拟机做如下设置:(在虚拟机没有启动的状态下进行)     1)Player(P)->管理->虚拟机设置->CD/DVD  选择:使 ...

  10. Android官方提供的下拉刷新控件——SwipeRefreshLayout

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <RelativeLayout xmlns:android=&q ...