
not only ... but also ... 是「不僅‧‧‧也是‧‧‧」的意思,其實它和 and 的意思相同,只不過在用法上略有些差別而已。先看看底下簡單的例子:

e.g.  1. She is not only nice but also beautiful.

    2. Ted plays not only baseball but also soccer.

    3. Sarah gave her sister not only a pen but also a dictionary.

    4. We enjoy not only the movie but also the time with our friends at a movie theater.

你是否發現到,若把上述的三個句子改為用 and 來連接,意思沒有兩樣?

e.g.   1_1. She is nice and beautiful.
     2_1. Ted plays baseball and soccer.
     3_1. Sarah gave her sister a pen and a dictionary.
     4_1. We enjoy the movie and the time with our friends at a movie theater.

not only 和 but also 後所連接的詞,在詞性上要相同。(也就是說,not only 後所連接的詞為形容詞,則 but also 後所連接的詞,也要是形容詞。)

5. John and Tom are students.(主詞有兩個人,所以是複數,be 用 are。)
6. The children and their dog like eating hamburgers. (主詞是複數,所以動詞 like 後面不需加 s。)

上述兩個例句若改為用 not only ... but also ... 連結,其結果就會有變化:

5_1. Not only John but also Tom is a student.
  (主詞看起來雖是有兩個人,但其實只算 but also 後的那一個,所以 be 用 is,且 students 改用 a student。)
6_1. Not only the children but also their dog likes eating hamburgers.

在例句 6 中,因為主詞是「複數」,所以動詞 like 後面當然不可加 s;但例句 6_1 顯然是不同的,like 後加了 s,由此可推知,當 not only A but also B 放在「主詞」的位置時,在現在式中,其後的動詞,是要看 B 決定單、複數。


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