/** * Returns an ID that uniquely identifies this module among all modules within the current application. * 返回模块的唯一标识 * Note that if the module is an application, an empty string will be returned. * @return string the unique ID of the module. */ public function getUniqueId() { //三元运算符,如果当前模块有父模块,则返回[父模块ID/当前模块ID]的格式作为唯一ID,否则只返回当前模块ID return $this->module ? ltrim($this->module->getUniqueId() . '/' . $this->id, '/') : $this->id; } /** * Returns the root directory of the module. * 返回当前模块的根路径 * It defaults to the directory containing the module class file. * @return string the root directory of the module. */ public function getBasePath() { if ($this->_basePath === null) { $class = new \ReflectionClass($this);//生成当前类的反射对象 $this->_basePath = dirname($class->getFileName());//getFileName()取得类定义的路径 } return $this->_basePath; } /** * Sets the root directory of the module. * 设置当前模块的根路径 * This method can only be invoked at the beginning of the constructor. * @param string $path the root directory of the module. This can be either a directory name or a path alias. * @throws InvalidParamException if the directory does not exist. */ public function setBasePath($path) { $path = Yii::getAlias($path); $p = realpath($path); if ($p !== false && is_dir($p)) { $this->_basePath = $p; } else { throw new InvalidParamException("The directory does not exist: $path"); } } /** * Returns the directory that contains the controller classes according to [[controllerNamespace]]. * 根据控制器的命名空间返回控制器的目录路径 * Note that in order for this method to return a value, you must define * an alias for the root namespace of [[controllerNamespace]]. * 为了使该方法返回正确的值,必须为[[controllerNamespace]]定义一个根别名 * @return string the directory that contains the controller classes. * @throws InvalidParamException if there is no alias defined for the root namespace of [[controllerNamespace]]. */ public function getControllerPath() { //通过将命名空间转换为路径构造别名路径,然后通过getAlias方法取得控制器的绝对路径 return Yii::getAlias('@' . str_replace('\\', '/', $this->controllerNamespace)); } /** * Returns the directory that contains the view files for this module. * 取得当前模块的视图文件目录路径 * @return string the root directory of view files. Defaults to "[[basePath]]/views". */ public function getViewPath() { if ($this->_viewPath === null) { $this->_viewPath = $this->getBasePath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'views';//getBasePath()返回当前模块的根路径,然后拼接出视图文件路径 } return $this->_viewPath; } /** * Sets the directory that contains the view files. * 设置视图文件目录路径 * @param string $path the root directory of view files. * @throws InvalidParamException if the directory is invalid */ public function setViewPath($path) { $this->_viewPath = Yii::getAlias($path); } /** * Returns the directory that contains layout view files for this module. * 取得当前模块的布局文件路径 * @return string the root directory of layout files. Defaults to "[[viewPath]]/layouts". */ public function getLayoutPath() { if ($this->_layoutPath === null) { $this->_layoutPath = $this->getViewPath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'layouts';//getBasePath()返回当前模块的根路径,然后拼接出布局文件目录路径 } return $this->_layoutPath; } /** * Sets the directory that contains the layout files. * 设置当前模块的布局文件路径 * @param string $path the root directory or path alias of layout files. * @throws InvalidParamException if the directory is invalid */ public function setLayoutPath($path) { $this->_layoutPath = Yii::getAlias($path); } /** * Defines path aliases. * 定义路径别名 * This method calls [[Yii::setAlias()]] to register the path aliases. * This method is provided so that you can define path aliases when configuring a module. * 通过调用[[Yii::setAlias()]]注册路径别名,方便在配置模块的时候定义路径别名 * @property array list of path aliases to be defined. The array keys are alias names * (must start with '@') and the array values are the corresponding paths or aliases. * See [[setAliases()]] for an example. * @param array $aliases list of path aliases to be defined. The array keys are alias names * (must start with '@') and the array values are the corresponding paths or aliases. * For example, * 传入测参数的格式,键名为别名名称,以@开始,键值为对应的路径 * ```php * [ * '@models' => '@app/models', // an existing alias * '@backend' => __DIR__ . '/../backend', // a directory * ] * ``` */ public function setAliases($aliases) { foreach ($aliases as $name => $alias) { Yii::setAlias($name, $alias);//调用[[Yii::setAlias()]]注册路径别名 } } /** * Checks whether the child module of the specified ID exists. * This method supports checking the existence of both child and grand child modules. * @param string $id module ID. For grand child modules, use ID path relative to this module (e.g. `admin/content`). * @return boolean whether the named module exists. Both loaded and unloaded modules * are considered. */ public function hasModule($id) { if (($pos = strpos($id, '/')) !== false) {//如果模块ID格式为 `admin/content` // sub-module $module = $this->getModule(substr($id, 0, $pos));//取出当前模块的子模块 return $module === null ? false : $module->hasModule(substr($id, $pos + 1));//如果没有取到,返回false,否则判断子模块的子模块 } else {//模块ID没有父模块的情况,直接判断_modules数组中是否有值 return isset($this->_modules[$id]); } }
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