39. Recover Binary Search Tree && Validate Binary Search Tree
Recover Binary Search Tree
OJ: https://oj.leetcode.com/problems/recover-binary-search-tree/
Two elements of a binary search tree (BST) are swapped by mistake.
Recover the tree without changing its structure.
Note: A solution using O(n) space is pretty straight forward. Could you devise a constant space solution?
思想: Morris traversal.
* Definition for binary tree
* struct TreeNode {
* int val;
* TreeNode *left;
* TreeNode *right;
* TreeNode(int x) : val(x), left(NULL), right(NULL) {}
* };
// morris traversal
/* Inorder Traversal(should get ascending seq.):Analysis:
case A: If 2 near nodes swapped,then there will be just 1 Inversion Pair.
case B: If 2 nodes not near swapped,then there will be 2 Inversion Pairs.
Weather case A or case B, swap the max-value and the min-value of the Inversion Pair(s).*/
class Solution {
void recoverTree(TreeNode *root) {
TreeNode *cur, *pre, *node1, *node2; // node1, node2: Record 2 near nodes
TreeNode *first, *second; // Record 2 swapping nodes
node1 = node2 = first = NULL;
cur = root;
while(cur) {
if(cur->left == NULL) {
if(node1 == NULL) node1 = cur;
else if(node2 == NULL) node2 = cur;
else { node1 = node2; node2 = cur;}
cur = cur->right;
} else {
pre = cur->left;
while(pre->right && pre->right != cur) pre = pre->right;
if(pre->right == NULL) {
pre->right = cur;
cur = cur->left;
} else {
pre->right = NULL;
if(node2 == NULL) node2 = cur;
else {node1 = node2; node2 = cur;}
cur = cur->right;
if(node1 && node2 && node1->val > node2->val) {
if(first == NULL) first = node1;
second = node2;
// already learn that there exist 2 nodes swapped.
int t = first->val;
first->val = second->val;
second->val = t;
Validate Binary Search Tree
OJ: https://oj.leetcode.com/problems/validate-binary-search-tree/
Given a binary tree, determine if it is a valid binary search tree (BST).
Assume a BST is defined as follows:
- The left subtree of a node contains only nodes with keys less than the node's key.
- The right subtree of a node contains only nodes with keys greater than the node's key.
- Both the left and right subtrees must also be binary search trees.
Thoughts: As I posted on the discuss forum of Leedcode.
Solution 1 : Preorder traversal
class Solution {
bool isValidBST(TreeNode *root) {
if(root == NULL) return true;
TreeNode *pre = NULL, *post = NULL;
if(root->left) {
pre = root->left;
while(pre->right) pre = pre->right;
if(pre->val >= root->val) return false;
if(root->right) {
post = root->right;
while(post->left) post = post->left;
if(post->val <= root->val) return false;
return isValidBST(root->left) && isValidBST(root->right);
Solution 2: Inorder traversal.
bool isBST(TreeNode *root, int& preV) {
if(root == NULL) return true;
bool l = isBST(root->left, preV);
if(preV != INT_MIN && preV >= root->val) return false;
preV = root->val;
bool r = isBST(root->right, preV);
return l && r;
class Solution {
bool isValidBST(TreeNode *root) {
int preV = INT_MIN; // There exists an Assert.
return isBST(root, preV);
Solution 3: Morris Traversal.
class Solution {
void recoverTree(TreeNode *root) {
TreeNode *cur, *tem, *node1, *node2;
TreeNode *first, *second;
node1 = node2 = first = NULL;
cur = root;
while(cur) {
if(cur->left == NULL) {
if(node1 == NULL) node1 = cur;
else if(node2 == NULL) node2 = cur;
else { node1 = node2; node2 = cur;}
cur = cur->right;
} else {
tem = cur->left;
while(tem->right && tem->right != cur) tem = tem->right;
if(tem->right == NULL) {
tem->right = cur;
cur = cur->left;
} else {
tem->right = NULL;
if(node2 == NULL) node2 = cur;
else {node1 = node2; node2 = cur;}
cur = cur->right;
if(node1 && node2 && node1->val > node2->val) { if(first == NULL) first = node1;
second = node2;
int t = first->val;
first->val = second->val;
second->val = t;
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