

  由于外星球具体在首次观测之后的T秒中的哪一秒出现是不确定的,若外星球在[i, i+1)时出现(0<=i<T-1),且天文学家j是首个观测到星球的人,则称j抢占了[i,i+1)时间片段。













 package cn.dalt.codeforces;

 import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
 import java.io.IOException;
 import java.io.InputStream;
 import java.io.PushbackInputStream;
 import java.math.BigDecimal;
 import java.math.BigInteger;
 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.Collections;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.TreeMap;

  * Created by Administrator on 2017/7/4.
 public class MisterBAndAstronomers {
     public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
         AcmInputReader reader = new AcmInputReader(System.in);

         //Read all input
         int T = reader.nextInteger();
         int n = reader.nextInteger();

         AstronomerNode[] astronomerNodes = new AstronomerNode[n];
         astronomerNodes[0] = new AstronomerNode(0);
         astronomerNodes[0].startTime = 0;
         int firstTakeTime = reader.nextInteger();
         int L = 0;
         for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
             int wi = reader.nextInteger();
             L = (L + wi) % T;
             astronomerNodes[i] = new AstronomerNode(i);
             astronomerNodes[i].startTime = L;
         L = (L + firstTakeTime) % T;

         //Link all astronomer with cycles
         int c = DiscreteMath.gcd(T, L);
         TreeMap<Integer, List<AstronomerNode>> map = new TreeMap<Integer, List<AstronomerNode>>();

         for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
             Integer cycleId = astronomerNodes[i].startTime % c;
             List<AstronomerNode> list = map.get(cycleId);
             if (list == null) {
                 list = new ArrayList<>();
                 map.put(cycleId, list);

         int[] coe = DiscreteMath.axPlusByEqualToZeroCoefficients(L, T, c);
         int q = coe[0];
         int w = coe[1];
         coe = DiscreteMath.axPlusByEqualToCCoefficients(L, T);
         coe = DiscreteMath.minimizeXOfAxPlusByEqualToZEquation(coe[0], coe[1], q, w);
         int x = (int)coe[0];
         int y = (int)coe[1];

         for (List<AstronomerNode> list : map.values()) {
             AstronomerNode base = list.get(0);
             base.loopCount = 0;
             for (int i = 1, bound = list.size(); i < bound; i++) {
                 AstronomerNode node = list.get(i);
                 int offset = node.startTime - base.startTime;
                 if (offset < 0) {
                     offset += T;
                 int loopCount = offset / c;
                 int[] minCoe = DiscreteMath.minimizeXOfAxPlusByEqualToZEquation((long)x * loopCount, (long)y * loopCount, q, w);
                 node.loopCount = minCoe[0];

             AstronomerNode lastNode = list.get(0);
             for(int i = 1, bound = list.size(); i < bound; i++)
                 AstronomerNode curNode = list.get(i);
                 lastNode.timePieceCount = curNode.loopCount - lastNode.loopCount;
                 lastNode = curNode;
             lastNode.timePieceCount = q - lastNode.loopCount;

         for(AstronomerNode node : astronomerNodes)
             System.out.print(' ');

     private static class AstronomerNode implements Comparable<AstronomerNode> {
         public int id;
         public int timePieceCount;
         public int loopCount;
         public int startTime;

         public AstronomerNode(int id) {
             this.id = id;

         public int compareTo(AstronomerNode o) {
             int res = this.loopCount - o.loopCount;
             if (res == 0) {
                 return o.id - this.id;
             return res;

      * Created by dalt on 2017/7/4.
     private static final class DiscreteMath {
         private DiscreteMath() {


          * Calculate the greatest common divisor of a and b
          * @param a a non-negative integer
          * @param b a non-negative integer or a positive integer if a == 0
          * @return the greatest common divisor of a and b
         public static int gcd(int a, int b) {
             if (a < 0 || b < 0 || (a + b <= 0)) {
                 throw new IllegalArgumentException();
             if (a >= b) {
                 return gcdInner(a, b);
             return gcdInner(b, a);

         private static int gcdInner(int a, int b) {
             if (b == 0) {
                 return a;
             return gcdInner(b, a % b);

          * Calculate a possible coefficent(x,y) of equation xa + yb = c, and {@code c=gcd(a,b)}
          * @param a a non-negative integer
          * @param b a non-negative integer or a positive integer if a == 0
          * @return an array contains integer, the first element represent x and the second one is y.
         public static int[] axPlusByEqualToCCoefficients(int a, int b) {
             if (a < 0 || b < 0 || (a + b <= 0)) {
                 throw new IllegalArgumentException();
             if (a >= b) {
                 return axPlusByEqualToCCoefficientsInner(a, b);
             int[] r = axPlusByEqualToCCoefficientsInner(b, a);
             int rx = r[0];
             r[0] = r[1];
             r[1] = rx;
             return r;

         private static int[] axPlusByEqualToCCoefficientsInner(int a, int b) {
             if (b == 0) {
                 return new int[]{1, 0};
             int[] r = axPlusByEqualToCCoefficientsInner(b, a % b);
             int rx = r[0];
             r[0] = r[1];
             r[1] = rx - r[1] * (a / b);
             return r;

          * Calculate coefficent(x,y) of equation xa + yb = 0, and {@code c=gcd(a,b)},
          * and the returned x is the minimun postive integer of all posible x, the same rule for y.
          * @param a a non-negative integer
          * @param b a non-negative integer or a positive integer if a == 0
          * @return an array contains integer, the first element represent x and the second one is y.
         public static int[] axPlusByEqualToZeroCoefficients(int a, int b) {
             return axPlusByEqualToZeroCoefficients(a, b, gcd(a, b));

          * Calculate coefficent(x,y) of equation xa + yb = 0, and {@code c=gcd(a,b)},
          * and the returned x is the minimun postive integer of all posible x, the same rule for y.
          * This method is faster than {@link #axPlusByEqualToCCoefficients(int, int)}
          * @param a a non-negative integer
          * @param b a non-negative integer or a positive integer if a == 0
          * @param c the greatest common divisor of a and b
          * @return an array contains integer, the first element represent x and the second one is y.
         public static int[] axPlusByEqualToZeroCoefficients(int a, int b, int c) {
             return new int[]{b / c, a / c};

          * Minimize such coefficient as x,y suffice for equation xa + yb = z.This method try to minize x as an positive integer.
          * @param x coefficient
          * @param y coefficient
          * @param i the first element of axPlusByEqualToZeroCoefficients(a, b)
          * @param j the second element of axPlusByEqualToZeroCoefficients(a, b)
          * @return the minimized x and corresponding y
         public static int[] minimizeXOfAxPlusByEqualToZEquation(long x, long y, int i, int j) {
             if (x < 0) {
                 return new int[]{(int)(x % i + i), (int)(y - (x / i + 1) * j)};
             return new int[]{(int)(x % i), (int)(y - x / i * j)};

      * @author dalt
      * @see java.lang.AutoCloseable
      * @since java1.7
     private static class AcmInputReader implements AutoCloseable {
         private PushbackInputStream in;

          * 创建读取器
          * @param input 输入流
         public AcmInputReader(InputStream input) {
             in = new PushbackInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(input));

         public void close() throws IOException {

         private int nextByte() throws IOException {
             return in.read() & 0xff;

          * 如果下一个字节为b,则跳过该字节
          * @param b 被跳过的字节值
          * @throws IOException if 输入流读取错误
         public void skipByte(int b) throws IOException {
             int c;
             if ((c = nextByte()) != b) {

          * 如果后续k个字节均为b,则跳过k个字节。这里{@literal k<times}
          * @param b     被跳过的字节值
          * @param times 跳过次数,-1表示无穷
          * @throws IOException if 输入流读取错误
         public void skipByte(int b, int times) throws IOException {
             int c;
             while ((c = nextByte()) == b && times > 0) {
             if (c != b) {

          * 类似于{@link #skipByte(int, int)}, 但是会跳过中间出现的空白字符。
          * @param b     被跳过的字节值
          * @param times 跳过次数,-1表示无穷
          * @throws IOException if 输入流读取错误
         public void skipBlankAndByte(int b, int times) throws IOException {
             int c;
             while ((c = nextByte()) == b && times > 0) {
             if (c != b) {

          * 读取下一块不含空白字符的字符块
          * @return 下一块不含空白字符的字符块
          * @throws IOException if 输入流读取错误
         public String nextBlock() throws IOException {
             StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
             int c = nextByte();
             while (AsciiMarksLazyHolder.asciiMarks[c = nextByte()] != AsciiMarksLazyHolder.BLANK_MARK) {
                 sb.append((char) c);
             return sb.toString();

          * 跳过输入流中后续空白字符
          * @throws IOException if 输入流读取错误
         private void skipBlank() throws IOException {
             int c;
             while ((c = nextByte()) <= 32) ;

          * 读取下一个整数(可正可负),这里没有对溢出做判断
          * @return 下一个整数值
          * @throws IOException if 输入流读取错误
         public int nextInteger() throws IOException {
             int value = 0;
             boolean positive = true;
             int c = nextByte();
             if (AsciiMarksLazyHolder.asciiMarks[c] == AsciiMarksLazyHolder.SIGN_MARK) {
                 positive = c == '+';
             } else {
                 value = '0' - c;
             c = nextByte();
             while (AsciiMarksLazyHolder.asciiMarks[c] == AsciiMarksLazyHolder.NUMERAL_MARK) {
                 value = (value << 3) + (value << 1) + '0' - c;
                 c = nextByte();

             return positive ? -value : value;

          * 判断是否到了文件结尾
          * @return true如果到了文件结尾,否则false
          * @throws IOException if 输入流读取错误
         public boolean isMeetEOF() throws IOException {
             int c = nextByte();
             if (AsciiMarksLazyHolder.asciiMarks[c] == AsciiMarksLazyHolder.EOF) {
                 return true;
             return false;

          * 判断是否在跳过空白字符后抵达文件结尾
          * @return true如果到了文件结尾,否则false
          * @throws IOException if 输入流读取错误
         public boolean isMeetBlankAndEOF() throws IOException {
             int c = nextByte();
             if (AsciiMarksLazyHolder.asciiMarks[c] == AsciiMarksLazyHolder.EOF) {
                 return true;
             return false;

          * 获取下一个用英文字母组成的单词
          * @return 下一个用英文字母组成的单词
         public String nextWord() throws IOException {
             StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(16);
             int c;
             while ((AsciiMarksLazyHolder.asciiMarks[(c = nextByte())] & AsciiMarksLazyHolder.LETTER_MARK) != 0) {
                 sb.append((char) c);
             return sb.toString();

          * 读取下一个长整数(可正可负),这里没有对溢出做判断
          * @return 下一个长整数值
          * @throws IOException if 输入流读取错误
         public long nextLong() throws IOException {
             long value = 0;
             boolean positive = true;
             int c = nextByte();
             if (AsciiMarksLazyHolder.asciiMarks[c] == AsciiMarksLazyHolder.SIGN_MARK) {
                 positive = c == '+';
             } else {
                 value = '0' - c;
             c = nextByte();
             while (AsciiMarksLazyHolder.asciiMarks[c] == AsciiMarksLazyHolder.NUMERAL_MARK) {
                 value = (value << 3) + (value << 1) + '0' - c;
                 c = nextByte();
             return positive ? -value : value;

          * 读取下一个浮点数(可正可负),浮点数是近似值
          * @return 下一个浮点数值
          * @throws IOException if 输入流读取错误
         public float nextFloat() throws IOException {
             return (float) nextDouble();

          * 读取下一个浮点数(可正可负),浮点数是近似值
          * @return 下一个浮点数值
          * @throws IOException if 输入流读取错误
         public double nextDouble() throws IOException {
             double value = 0;
             boolean positive = true;
             int c = nextByte();
             if (AsciiMarksLazyHolder.asciiMarks[c] == AsciiMarksLazyHolder.SIGN_MARK) {
                 positive = c == '+';
             } else {
                 value = c - '0';
             c = nextByte();
             while (AsciiMarksLazyHolder.asciiMarks[c] == AsciiMarksLazyHolder.NUMERAL_MARK) {
                 value = value * 10.0 + c - '0';
                 c = nextByte();

             if (c == '.') {
                 double littlePart = 0;
                 double base = 1;
                 c = nextByte();
                 while (AsciiMarksLazyHolder.asciiMarks[c] == AsciiMarksLazyHolder.NUMERAL_MARK) {
                     littlePart = littlePart * 10.0 + c - '0';
                     base *= 10.0;
                     c = nextByte();
                 value += littlePart / base;
             return positive ? value : -value;

          * 读取下一个高精度数值
          * @return 下一个高精度数值
          * @throws IOException if 输入流读取错误
         public BigDecimal nextDecimal() throws IOException {
             StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
             sb.append((char) nextByte());
             int c = nextByte();
             while (AsciiMarksLazyHolder.asciiMarks[c] == AsciiMarksLazyHolder.NUMERAL_MARK) {
                 sb.append((char) c);
                 c = nextByte();
             if (c == '.') {
                 c = nextByte();
                 while (AsciiMarksLazyHolder.asciiMarks[c] == AsciiMarksLazyHolder.NUMERAL_MARK) {
                     sb.append((char) c);
                     c = nextByte();
             return new BigDecimal(sb.toString());

          * 读取下一个大整数数值
          * @return 下一个大整数数值
          * @throws IOException if 输入流读取错误
         public BigInteger nextBigInteger() throws IOException {
             StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
             sb.append((char) nextByte());
             int c = nextByte();
             while (AsciiMarksLazyHolder.asciiMarks[c] == AsciiMarksLazyHolder.NUMERAL_MARK) {
                 sb.append((char) c);
                 c = nextByte();
             return new BigInteger(sb.toString());

         private static class AsciiMarksLazyHolder {
             public static final byte BLANK_MARK = 1;
             public static final byte SIGN_MARK = 1 << 1;
             public static final byte NUMERAL_MARK = 1 << 2;
             public static final byte UPPERCASE_LETTER_MARK = 1 << 3;
             public static final byte LOWERCASE_LETTER_MARK = 1 << 4;
             public static final byte LETTER_MARK = UPPERCASE_LETTER_MARK | LOWERCASE_LETTER_MARK;
             public static final byte EOF = 1 << 5;
             public static byte[] asciiMarks = new byte[256];

             static {
                 for (int i = 0; i <= 32; i++) {
                     asciiMarks[i] = BLANK_MARK;
                 asciiMarks['+'] = SIGN_MARK;
                 asciiMarks['-'] = SIGN_MARK;
                 for (int i = '0'; i <= '9'; i++) {
                     asciiMarks[i] = NUMERAL_MARK;
                 for (int i = 'a'; i <= 'z'; i++) {
                     asciiMarks[i] = LOWERCASE_LETTER_MARK;
                 for (int i = 'A'; i <= 'Z'; i++) {
                     asciiMarks[i] = UPPERCASE_LETTER_MARK;
                 asciiMarks[0xff] = EOF;

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