AODH是从Ceilometer分离出来的一个子项目,开始于OpenStack Liberty,用来提供alarm机制。



To configure devstack to use Aodh

Add the following to your local.conf or localrc file:

# Enable Aodh alarm service

enable_plugin aodh git://

enable_service aodh-evaluator aodh-notifier aodh-api

disable_service Ceilometer-alarm-notifier Ceilometer-alarm-evaluator

To configure listening on the alarm topic

Check all event-alarms, filter events in the “alarm.all” topic, and configure the same to listen for alarm events. In addition, add the following line, post the original notifier, to your /etc/Ceilometer/event_pipeline.yaml:

- notifier://?topic=alarm.all

- notifier://

Or add the following in the devstack local.conf or localrc:


This config is honored by devstack only when Ceilometer is configured as a plugin in the devstack local.conf

enable_plugin Ceilometer git://

To install AODH-supported Ceilometer client

First, you must ensure you are using a Python-Ceilometer client that is at least version 1.5.0. To check the version, do the following:

$ pip show Python-Ceilometerclient


Metadata-Version: 2.0

Name: Python-Ceilometerclient

Version: 1.5.0

Summary: OpenStack Telemetry API Client Library

To update it:

$ pip uninstall Python-Ceilometerclient

$ pip install Python-Ceilometerclient


To generate an alarm event when an image is updated assume the image resource id is 9a8fec25-1ba6-4170-aa44-5d72f17c07f6 and we are interested in updates to the same.

$ Ceilometer -d alarm-event-create --name event_alarm1 --alarm-action 'log://' --event-type image.update  -q 'traits.resource_id=string::9a8fec25-1ba6-4170-aa44-5d72f17c07f6'

Then, use following to trigger an “image.update” event:

nova image-meta cirros-0.3.4-x86_64-uec-ramdisk set progress=104

Watch the devstack screen window: aodh-notifier to capture the firing of the event alarm.

For more information, please see the following

1.     Blueprint:

2.     Spec:

3.     Docs:

4.     Demo:

5.     Open issues:,n,z

6.     AODH name:


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