Spine U3D整合流程问题






If no key is set at all for a value, the animation won't change that value. In Spine the skeleton is always reset to the setup pose before an animation is applied. This means if no key is set then skeleton will have the value from the setup pose.

At runtime, the programmer decides if the skeleton will be reset to the setup pose before applying an animation. If not, it means that if no key is set then the skeleton will keep whatever value was set last.

For an example where this can be beneficial, an animation is used make a sword attachment visible for the weapon slot. The sword attachment will remain visible even when subsequent animations are played.

For an example where this can be undesirable, an animation rotates the root bone and leaves it at 45 degrees. The next animation plays and doesn't key the root bone, so the root bone is still rotated 45 degrees. Even if the first animation ended with the root bone rotation at zero, the same situation could occur if the first animation ended prematurely because another animation was played.

One solution to this is to key every value at frame 0 for every animation. This is tedious for the animator. It is also inefficient at runtime because every value will get set every time the animation is applied (usually 60 times per second). Each value that is keyed has a small cost which is usually negligible (attachment keys slightly more than others). When all values are keyed the costs add up and may be an issue if there are many skeletons being animated on-screen at once.

It is most efficient to have the programmer reset the skeleton's bones to the setup pose before applying an animation. For attachments, the programmer could reset some or all of the slots to the setup pose when an animation changes.

看了一下 ComparePorject/has_error/spine 工程,果然是这个原因

这根骨骼在冲锋动画初始的时候k了flip 然后在别的动画的时候没有重新K这个flip



public String AnimationName {
get {
TrackEntry entry = state.GetCurrent(0);
return entry == null ? null : entry.Animation.Name;
set {
if (_animationName == value)
_animationName = value; this.Reset(); if (value == null || value.Length == 0)
state.SetAnimation(0, value, loop);

关于我的spine的学习笔记我都统一在git 公共云上记录

oschina : https://git.oschina.net/daao/SpineLearnNote.git

github : https://github.com/daaoling/SpineLearnNote.git

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