Problem Description
Consider a Depth-First-Search(DFS) spanning tree T of a undirected connected graph G, we define a T-Simple Circle as a path v1, v2, ..., vk (v1 = vk) in G that contains at most one edge which not belongs to the DFS spanning tree T.
Given a graph G, we process DFS on G starting from vertex 1 and get a DFS spanning tree T, then you should choose some edges of G so that all T-Simple Circles contains at least one edge that you choose.
Please minimize the number of edges you choose.
There are at most 100 test cases.
For each case, the first line contains two integers n and m denoting the number of vertices and edges. The vertexes are numbered from 1 to n.
The following m lines describe the graph. Each line contains two integers xi and yi, denoting an edge between vertex xi and yi(xi ≠ yi).
Note that the first n-1 edges of input construct a DFS spanning tree T which is generated by DFS from vertex 1.
Input ends with n = 0 and m = 0
(1 <= n <= 2000, 1 <= m <= 20000, 1 <= xi, yi <= n)
For each case, output the number of minimal edges that you choose.
 #include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <queue>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std; const int MAXN = ;
const int MAXE = ; int dep[MAXN]; struct Edge {
int x, y, id;
void read(int i) {
id = i;
scanf("%d%d", &x, &y);
void adjust() {
if(dep[x] > dep[y]) swap(x, y);
bool operator < (const Edge &rhs) const {
return dep[x] > dep[rhs.x];
} e[MAXE]; int n, m;
int head[MAXN], fa[MAXN];
int to[MAXN * ], next[MAXN * ];
int ecnt; void init() {
memset(head, , sizeof(head));
ecnt = ;
} void add_edge2(int u, int v) {
to[ecnt] = v; next[ecnt] = head[u]; head[u] = ecnt++;
to[ecnt] = u; next[ecnt] = head[v]; head[v] = ecnt++;
} void bfs() {
memset(dep, -, sizeof(dep));
queue<int> que; que.push();
dep[] = ;
while(!que.empty()) {
int u = que.front(); que.pop();
for(int p = head[u]; p; p = next[p]) {
int &v = to[p];
if(dep[v] == -) {
fa[v] = u;
dep[v] = dep[u] + ;
} bool vis[MAXN]; bool check(Edge &p) {
int now = p.y;
while(fa[now] != p.x) {
if(vis[now]) break;
now = fa[now];
if(!vis[now]) {
vis[now] = true;
return false;
else return true;
} int main() {
while(scanf("%d%d", &n, &m) != EOF) {
if(n == && m == ) break;
for(int i = ; i <= m; ++i) e[i].read(i);
for(int i = ; i < n; ++i) add_edge2(e[i].x, e[i].y);
for(int i = n; i <= m; ++i) e[i].adjust();
sort(e + , e + m + );
memset(vis, , sizeof(vis));
int ans = ;
for(int i = ; i <= m; ++i)
if(e[i].id >= n && !check(e[i])) ++ans;
printf("%d\n", ans);

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