





Python: cv2.Sobel(src, ddepth, dx, dy[, dst[, ksize[, scale[, delta[, borderType]]]]]) → dst  (参数就不一一说了,常用的就那几个,其他默认即可)


  • src – Source image.
  • dst – Destination image of the same size and the same number of channels as src .
  • ddepth – Destination image depth.
  • xorder – Order of the derivative x.
  • yorder – Order of the derivative y.
  • ksize – Size of the extended Sobel kernel. It must be 1, 3, 5, or 7.
  • scale – Optional scale factor for the computed derivative values. By default, no scaling is applied. See getDerivKernels() for details.
  • delta – Optional delta value that is added to the results prior to storing them in dst .
  • borderType – Pixel extrapolation method. See borderInterpolate() for details.








  1. #sobels算子
  2. img = cv.imread("E:/pictures/lena.jpg",cv.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
  3. sobelx= cv.Sobel(img,cv.CV_64F,1,0) #cv.CV_64F将像素值转换为double型,不然计算后为负值的像素会被截断为0
  4. sobelx = cv.convertScaleAbs(sobelx) #转换为uint8类型(x方向)
  5. sobely = cv.Sobel(img,cv.CV_64F,0,1)
  6. sobely = cv.convertScaleAbs(sobely)
  7. sobelxy11 = cv.Sobel(img,cv.CV_64F,1,1) #直接x,y方向一起计算(效果不好,应分开计算,再求权重和)
  8. sobelxy11 = cv.convertScaleAbs(sobelxy11)
  9. sobelxy = cv.addWeighted(sobelx,0.5,sobely,0.5,0) #图像权重和
  10. cv.imshow("orginal",img) #dst = cv.addWidget(src1,alpha,src2,beta,gamma)
  11. cv.imshow("sobelx",sobelx) #src1 图一 alpha->图一的权重 src2->图二 beta->图二的权重 gamma->修正值
  12. cv.imshow("sobely",sobely) #dst = src1*alpha+src2*beta+gamma
  13. cv.imshow("sobelxy",sobelxy)
  14. cv.imshow("sobelxy11",sobelxy11)
  15. cv.waitKey()
  16. cv.destroyAllWindows()




Python: cv2.Scharr(src, ddepth, dx, dy[, dst[, scale[, delta[, borderType]]]]) → dst

  • src – Source image.
  • dst – Destination image of the same size and the same number of channels as src .
  • ddepth – Destination image depth.
  • xorder – Order of the derivative x.
  • yorder – Order of the derivative y.
  • scale – Optional scale factor for the computed derivative values. By default, no scaling is applied. See getDerivKernels() for details.
  • delta – Optional delta value that is added to the results prior to storing them in dst .
  • borderType – Pixel extrapolation method. See borderInterpolate() for details.


是scharr 的卷积核,他的原理和sabel算子一样。

  1. #scharr算子 scharr算子是对sabel算子的增强 scharr算子等价于ksize=-1的sabel算子
  2. img = cv.imread("E:/pictures/lena.jpg",cv.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
  3. scharrx= cv.Scharr(img,cv.CV_64F,1,0) #scharrx算子要满足dx>=0&&dy>=0&&dx+dy=1
  4. scharrx = cv.convertScaleAbs(scharrx)
  5. scharry = cv.Scharr(img,cv.CV_64F,0,1)
  6. scharry = cv.convertScaleAbs(scharry)
  7. scharrxy = cv.addWeighted(scharrx,0.5,scharry,0.5,0)
  8. #sabel算子和 scharr算子的比较
  9. sobelx= cv.Sobel(img,cv.CV_64F,1,0)
  10. sobelx = cv.convertScaleAbs(sobelx)
  11. sobely = cv.Sobel(img,cv.CV_64F,0,1)
  12. sobely = cv.convertScaleAbs(sobely)
  13. sobelxy = cv.addWeighted(sobelx,0.5,sobely,0.5,0)
  14. cv.imshow("orginal",img)
  15. cv.imshow("sobelxy",sobelxy)
  16. cv.imshow("scharrxy",scharrxy)
  17. cv.waitKey()
  18. cv.destroyAllWindows()




The function calculates the Laplacian of the source image by adding up the second x and y derivatives calculated using the Sobel operator:

This is done when ksize > 1 . When ksize == 1 , the Laplacian is computed by filtering the image with the following aperture:

cv.Laplace(src, dst, ksize=3) → None


  • src – Source image.
  • dst – Destination image of the same size and the same number of channels as src .
  • ddepth – Desired depth of the destination image.
  • ksize – Aperture size used to compute the second-derivative filters. See getDerivKernels() for details. The size must be positive and odd.
  • scale – Optional scale factor for the computed Laplacian values. By default, no scaling is applied. See getDerivKernels() for details.
  • delta – Optional delta value that is added to the results prior to storing them in dst .
  • borderType – Pixel extrapolation method. See borderInterpolate() for details.
  1. #拉普拉斯算子
  2. img = cv.imread("E:/pictures/erode1.jpg",cv.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
  3. r = cv.Laplacian(img,cv.CV_64F)
  4. r = cv.convertScaleAbs(r) #关键代码就这两行,拉普拉斯算子不用再求x,y的权重和,因为这个函数都计算好了
  5. cv.imshow("orginal",img)
  6. cv.imshow("laplacian",r)
  7. cv.waitKey()
  8. cv.destroyAllWindows()




Python: cv2.Canny(image, threshold1, threshold2[, edges[, apertureSize[, L2gradient]]]) → edges


  1. import cv2 as cv
  2. import numpy as np
  4. img = cv.imread("E:/pictures/lena.jpg")
  5. result1 = cv.Canny(img,50,100)
  6. result2 = cv.Canny(img,100,200)
  7. cv.imshow("orginal",img)
  8. cv.imshow("result1",result1)
  9. cv.imshow("result2",result2)
  10. cv.waitKey()
  11. cv.destroyAllWindows()



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