March 23 2017 Week 12 Thursday
A bird is known by its note, and a man by his talk.
One of the lessons I learned recently is not to compalin about your colleagues, your company in the public, even in some private conversations as well, because your comments would be known by the ones you had commented, the private conversations were just private only for you, no one has the duty to keep your comments secret.
So, don't transfer your negative moods to others, otherwise you are probably looked down upon by others, once you had given such impressions to others, it may be very difficult for you to change your image.
But that may be not the fundamental way to improve your image in others' minds.
Because your talks and your actions are external reflections of your internal self-culture, including your knowledge, your experience, your moral principles.
Hence, the most important thing is to improve your self-culture, make yourself grow.
Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.
Please don't behave in such way if you don't want make somebody as your enemy.
We may be annoyed tremendously if some one behaves like this.
Sometimes, it may be better to have a quarrel with them, that is a good way to change different ideas and different thoughts, then it is possible to reach a consensus.
It is always better to make more friends thant to make more enemies, because more friends more roads, fewer enemies fewer walls.
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