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Attribute Schema Name |
Display Name |
Type |
Description |
AcknowledgementTemplateId |
Acknowledgement Template |
Lookup |
ID of the template to be used for acknowledgement when a user unsubscribes. |
AllowAddressBookSyncs |
Allow Address Book Synchronization |
Boolean |
Indicates whether background address book synchronization in Microsoft Office Outlook is allowed. |
AllowAutoResponseCreation |
Allow Automatic Response Creation |
Boolean |
Indicates whether automatic response creation is allowed. |
AllowAutoUnsubscribe |
Allow Automatic Unsubscribe |
Boolean |
Indicates whether automatic unsubscribe is allowed. |
AllowAutoUnsubscribeAcknowledgement |
Allow Automatic Unsubscribe Acknowledgement |
Boolean |
Indicates whether automatic unsubscribe acknowledgement email is allowed to be sent. |
AllowClientMessageBarAd |
Allow Outlook Client Message Bar Advertisement |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Outlook message bar advertisement is allowed. |
AllowEntityOnlyAudit |
Allow Entity Level Auditing |
Boolean |
Indicates whether auditing of changes to an entity is allowed when no attributes have changed. |
AllowMarketingEmailExecution |
Allow Marketing Email Execution |
Boolean |
Indicates whether marketing emails execution is allowed. |
AllowOfflineScheduledSyncs |
Allow Offline Scheduled Synchronization |
Boolean |
Indicates whether background offline synchronization in Microsoft Office Outlook is allowed. |
AllowOutlookScheduledSyncs |
Allow Scheduled Synchronization |
Boolean |
Indicates whether scheduled synchronizations to Outlook are allowed. |
AllowUnresolvedPartiesOnEmailSend |
Allow Unresolved Address Email Send |
Boolean |
Indicates whether users are allowed to send email to unresolved parties (parties must still have an email address). |
AllowUserFormModePreference |
Allow User Form Mode Preference |
Boolean |
Indicates whether individuals can select their form mode preference in their personal options. |
AllowUsersSeeAppdownloadMessage |
Allow the showing tablet application notification bars in a browser. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether showing tablet application notification bars in a browser is allowed. |
AllowWebExcelExport |
Allow Export to Excel |
Boolean |
Indicates whether web-based export of grids to Microsoft Office Excel is allowed. |
AMDesignator |
AM Designator |
String |
AM designator to use throughout Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
AutoApplyDefaultonCaseCreate |
Auto Apply Default Entitlement on Case Create |
Boolean |
Select whether to automatically apply the default customer entitlement on case creation. |
AutoApplyDefaultonCaseUpdate |
Auto Apply Default Entitlement on Case Update |
Boolean |
Select whether to automatically apply the default customer entitlement on case update. |
AutoApplySLA |
Apply SLA After Manual Override |
Boolean |
Select whether to automatically apply a service level agreement (SLA) on a case record update after the SLA was manually applied. |
AzureSchedulerJobCollectionName |
Azure Scheduler Job Collection Name |
String |
Type a name for the Azure Scheduler job collection. |
BaseCurrencyId |
Currency |
Lookup |
ID of the base currency of the organization. |
BaseCurrencyPrecision |
Base Currency Precision |
Integer |
Number of decimal places that can be used for the base currency. |
BaseCurrencySymbol |
Base Currency Symbol |
String |
Symbol used for the base currency. |
BaseISOCurrencyCode |
Base ISO Currency Code |
String |
Base ISO currency code. |
BingMapsApiKey |
Bing Maps API Key |
String |
API key to be used in requests to Bing Maps services. |
BlockedAttachments |
Block Attachments |
String |
Prevent upload or download of certain attachment types that are considered dangerous. |
BulkOperationPrefix |
Bulk Operation Prefix |
String |
Prefix used for bulk operation numbering. |
BusinessClosureCalendarId |
Business Closure Calendar |
Unique identifier |
ID of the business closure calendar of organization. |
CalendarType |
Calendar Type |
Integer |
Calendar type for the system. Set to Gregorian US by default. |
CampaignPrefix |
Campaign Prefix |
String |
Prefix used for campaign numbering. |
CascadeStatusUpdate |
Cascade Status Update |
Boolean |
Flag to cascade update on incident (case). |
CasePrefix |
Case Prefix |
String |
Prefix to use for all cases throughout Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
ContractPrefix |
Contract Prefix |
String |
Prefix to use for all contracts throughout Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
CortanaProactiveExperienceEnabled |
Enable Task Flows for Cortana |
Boolean |
Select whether to turn on task flows for Cortana for this organization. |
CreatedBy |
Created By |
Lookup |
ID of the user who created the organization. |
CreatedOn |
Created On |
DateTime |
Date and time when the organization was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy |
Created By (Delegate) |
Lookup |
ID of the delegate user who created the organization. |
CreateProductsWithoutParentInActiveState |
Enable Active Initial Product State |
Boolean |
Enable Initial state of newly created products to be Active instead of Draft. |
CurrencyDecimalPrecision |
Currency Decimal Precision |
Integer |
Number of decimal places that can be used for currency. |
CurrencyDisplayOption |
Display Currencies Using |
Picklist |
Indicates whether to display money fields with currency code or currency symbol. |
CurrencyFormatCode |
Currency Format Code |
Picklist |
Information about how currency symbols are placed throughout Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
CurrencySymbol |
Currency Symbol |
String |
Symbol used for currency throughout Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
CurrentBulkOperationNumber |
Current Bulk Operation Number |
Integer |
Current bulk operation number. |
CurrentCampaignNumber |
Current Campaign Number |
Integer |
Current campaign number. |
CurrentCaseNumber |
Current Case Number |
Integer |
First case number to use. |
CurrentContractNumber |
Current Contract Number |
Integer |
First contract number to use. |
CurrentImportSequenceNumber |
Current Import Sequence Number |
Integer |
Import sequence to use. |
CurrentInvoiceNumber |
Current Invoice Number |
Integer |
First invoice number to use. |
CurrentKaNumber |
Current Knowledge Article Number |
Integer |
Enter the first number to use for knowledge articles. |
CurrentKbNumber |
Current Article Number |
Integer |
First article number to use. |
CurrentOrderNumber |
Current Order Number |
Integer |
First order number to use. |
CurrentParsedTableNumber |
Current Parsed Table Number |
Integer |
First parsed table number to use. |
CurrentQuoteNumber |
Current Quote Number |
Integer |
First quote number to use. |
DateFormatCode |
Date Format Code |
Picklist |
Information about how the date is displayed throughout Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
DateFormatString |
Date Format String |
String |
String showing how the date is displayed throughout Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
DateSeparator |
Date Separator |
String |
Character used to separate the month, the day, and the year in dates throughout Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
DecimalSymbol |
Decimal Symbol |
String |
Symbol used for decimal in Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
DefaultCountryCode |
Default Country/Region Code |
String |
Text area to enter the default country/region code. |
DefaultMobileOfflineProfileId |
Default Mobile Offline Profile |
Lookup |
Enter the default mobile offline profile. |
DefaultThemeData |
Default Theme Data |
Memo |
Default theme data for the organization. |
DefaultEmailServerProfileId |
Email Server Profile |
Lookup |
ID of the default email server profile. |
DefaultEmailSettings |
Default Email Settings |
String |
XML string containing the default email settings that are applied when a user or queue is created. |
DefaultRecurrenceEndRangeType |
Default Recurrence End Range Type |
Picklist |
Type of default recurrence end range date. |
DisableSocialCare |
Is Social Care disabled |
Boolean |
Indicates whether Social Care is disabled. |
DisabledReason |
Disabled Reason |
String |
Reason for disabling the organization. |
DiscountCalculationMethod |
Discount calculation method |
Picklist |
Discount calculation method for the QOOI product. |
DisplayNavigationTour |
Display Navigation Tour |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the navigation tour is displayed. |
EmailConnectionChannel |
Email Connection Channel |
Picklist |
Select if you want to use the Email Router or server-side synchronization for email processing. |
EmailCorrelationEnabled |
Use Email Correlation |
Boolean |
Flag to turn email correlation on or off. |
EmailSendPollingPeriod |
Email Send Polling Frequency |
Integer |
Normal polling frequency used for sending email in Microsoft Office Outlook. |
EnableBingMapsIntegration |
Enable Integration with Bing Maps |
Boolean |
Enable integration with Bing Maps. |
EnablePricingOnCreate |
Enable Pricing On Create |
Boolean |
Enable pricing calculations on a Create call. |
EnableSmartMatching |
Enable Smart Matching |
Boolean |
Use Smart Matching. |
EnforceReadOnlyPlugins |
Organization setting to enforce read only plugins. |
Boolean |
Organization setting to enforce read-only plug-ins. |
ExpireChangeTrackingInDays |
Days to Expire Change Tracking Deleted Records |
Integer |
Maximum number of days to keep change tracking deleted records. |
ExpireSubscriptionsInDays |
Days to Expire Subscriptions |
Integer |
Maximum number of days before deleting inactive subscriptions. |
FeatureSet |
Feature Set |
String |
Features to be enabled as an XML BLOB. |
FiscalCalendarStart |
Fiscal Calendar Start |
DateTime |
Start date for the fiscal period that is to be used throughout Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
FiscalPeriodFormat |
Fiscal Period Format |
String |
Information that specifies how the name of the fiscal period is displayed throughout Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
FiscalPeriodFormatPeriod |
Format for Fiscal Period |
Picklist |
Format in which the fiscal period will be displayed. |
FiscalPeriodType |
Fiscal Period Type |
Integer |
Type of fiscal period used throughout Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
FiscalSettingsUpdated |
Is Fiscal Settings Updated |
Boolean |
Information that specifies whether the fiscal settings have been updated. |
FiscalYearDisplayCode |
Fiscal Year Display |
Integer |
Information that specifies whether the fiscal year should be displayed based on the start date or the end date of the fiscal year. |
FiscalYearFormat |
Fiscal Year Format |
String |
Information that specifies how the name of the fiscal year is displayed throughout Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
FiscalYearFormatPrefix |
Prefix for Fiscal Year |
Picklist |
Prefix for the display of the fiscal year. |
FiscalYearFormatSuffix |
Suffix for Fiscal Year |
Picklist |
Suffix for the display of the fiscal year. |
FiscalYearFormatYear |
Fiscal Year Format Year |
Picklist |
Format for the year. |
FiscalYearPeriodConnect |
Fiscal Year Period Connector |
String |
Information that specifies how the names of the fiscal year and the fiscal period should be connected when displayed together. |
FullNameConventionCode |
Full Name Display Order |
Picklist |
Order in which names are to be displayed throughout Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
FutureExpansionWindow |
Future Expansion Window |
Integer |
Specifies the maximum number of months in future for which the recurring activities can be created. |
GenerateAlertsForErrors |
Generate Alerts For Errors |
Boolean |
Indicates whether alerts will be generated for errors. |
GenerateAlertsForInformation |
Generate Alerts For Information |
Boolean |
Indicates whether alerts will be generated for information. |
GenerateAlertsForWarnings |
Generate Alerts For Warnings |
Boolean |
Indicates whether alerts will be generated for warnings. |
GetStartedPaneContentEnabled |
Is Get Started Pane Content Enabled |
Boolean |
Indicates whether Get Started content is enabled for this organization. |
GlobalAppendUrlParametersEnabled |
Is AppendUrl Parameters enabled |
Boolean |
Indicates whether append help URL parameters is enabled. |
GlobalHelpUrl |
Global Help URL. |
Boolean |
URL for the global help web page. |
GlobalHelpUrlEnabled |
Is Customizable Global Help enabled |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the customizable global help is enabled. |
GoalRollupExpiryTime |
Rollup Expiration Time for Goal |
Integer |
Number of days after the goal's end date after which the rollup of the goal stops automatically. |
GoalRollupFrequency |
Automatic Rollup Frequency for Goal |
Integer |
Number of hours between automatic rollup jobs . |
HashDeltaSubjectCount |
Hash Delta Subject Count |
Integer |
Maximum difference allowed between subject keywords count of the email messaged to be correlated. |
HashFilterKeywords |
Hash Filter Keywords |
String |
Filter subject keywords. |
HashMaxCount |
Hash Max Count |
Integer |
Maximum number of subject keywords or recipients used for correlation. |
HashMinAddressCount |
Hash Min Address Count |
Integer |
Minimum number of recipients required to match for email messaged to be correlated |
HighContrastThemeData |
High contrast Theme Data |
Memo |
High contrast theme data for the organization. |
IgnoreInternalEmail |
Ignore Internal Email |
Boolean |
Indicates whether incoming email sent by internal Microsoft Dynamics 365 users or queues should be tracked. |
IncomingEmailExchangeEmailRetrievalBatchSize |
Exchange Email Retrieval Batch Size |
Integer |
Setting for the Async Service Mailbox Queue. Defines the retrieval batch size of exchange server. |
InitialVersion |
Initial Version |
String |
Initial version of the organization. |
IntegrationUserId |
Integration User |
Unique identifier |
ID of the integration user for the organization. |
InvoicePrefix |
Invoice Prefix |
String |
Prefix to use for all invoice numbers throughout Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
IsAppMode |
Is Application Mode Enabled |
Boolean |
Indicates whether loading of Microsoft Dynamics 365 in a browser window that does not have address, tool, and menu bars is enabled. |
IsAppointmentAttachmentSyncEnabled |
Is Attachment Sync Enabled |
Indicates whether attachments sync for Microsoft Outlook and Exchange is enabled. |
IsAssignedTasksSyncEnabled |
Is Assigned Tasks Sync Enabled |
Boolean |
Indicates whether assigned tasks sync for Microsoft Outlook and Exchange is enabled. |
IsAuditEnabled |
Is Auditing Enabled |
Boolean |
Indicates whether auditing of changes is enabled. |
IsAutoSaveEnabled |
Auto Save Enabled |
Boolean |
Information on whether auto save is enabled. |
IsContactMailingAddressSyncEnabled |
Is Mailing Address Sync Enabled |
Boolean |
Indicates whether mailing address sync for Microsoft Outlook and Exchange is enabled. |
IsDefaultCountryCodeCheckEnabled |
Enable or disable country/region code selection |
Boolean |
Indicates whether country/region code selection is enabled. |
IsDisabled |
Is Organization Disabled |
Boolean |
Information that specifies whether the organization is disabled. |
IsDuplicateDetectionEnabled |
Is Duplicate Detection Enabled |
Boolean |
Indicates whether duplicate detection of records is enabled. |
IsDuplicateDetectionEnabledForImport |
Is Duplicate Detection Enabled For Import |
Boolean |
Indicates whether duplicate detection of records during import is enabled. |
IsDuplicateDetectionEnabledForOfflineSync |
Is Duplicate Detection Enabled For Offline Synchronization |
Boolean |
Indicates whether duplicate detection of records during offline synchronization is enabled. |
IsDuplicateDetectionEnabledForOnlineCreateUpdate |
Is Duplicate Detection Enabled for Online Create/Update |
Boolean |
Indicates whether duplicate detection during online create or update is enabled. |
IsExternalSearchIndexEnabled |
Enable External Search Data Synchronization |
Boolean |
Select whether data can be synchronized with an external search index. |
IsFiscalPeriodMonthBased |
Is Fiscal Period Monthly |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the fiscal period is displayed as the month number. |
IsFolderBasedTrackingEnabled |
Is Folder Based Tracking Enabled |
Boolean |
Enable or disable folder based tracking for server-side synchronization. |
IsFullTextSearchEnabled |
Enable Full-text search for Quick Find |
Boolean |
Indicates whether full-text search for Quick Find entities should be enabled for the organization. |
IsHierarchicalSecurityModelEnabled |
Enable Hierarchical Security Model |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the hierarchical security model is enabled. |
IsMailboxForcedUnlockingEnabled |
Is Mailbox Forced Unlocking Enabled |
Boolean |
Enable or disable forced unlocking for Server Side Sync mailboxes. |
IsMailboxInactiveBackoffEnabled |
Is Mailbox Keep Alive Enabled |
Boolean |
Indicates whether mailbox keep alive for server side sync is enabled. |
IsMobileOfflineEnabled |
Enable Mobile Offline |
Boolean |
Select whether mobile offline synchronization is enabled for this organization. |
IsOfficeGraphEnabled |
Enable Office Graph |
Boolean |
Select whether to turn on Office Graph for the organization. |
IsOneDriveEnabled |
Enable OneDrive for Business |
Boolean |
Select whether to turn on OneDrive for Business for the organization. |
IsPresenceEnabled |
Presence Enabled |
Boolean |
Information on whether IM presence is enabled. |
IsSOPIntegrationEnabled |
Is Sales Order Integration Enabled |
Boolean |
Enable sales order processing integration. |
IsUserAccessAuditEnabled |
Is User Access Auditing Enabled |
Boolean |
Enable or disable auditing of user access. |
ISVIntegrationCode |
ISV Integration Mode |
Picklist |
Indicates whether loading of Microsoft Dynamics 365 in a browser window that does not have address, tool, and menu bars is enabled. |
KaPrefix |
Knowledge Article Prefix |
String |
Type the prefix to use for all knowledge articles in Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
KbPrefix |
Article Prefix |
String |
Prefix to use for all articles in Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
KMSettings |
Knowledge Management Settings |
String |
XML string containing the Knowledge Management settings that are applied in Knowledge Management. |
LanguageCode |
Language |
Integer |
Preferred language for the organization. |
LocaleId |
Locale |
Integer |
ID of the locale of the organization. |
LongDateFormatCode |
Long Date Format |
Integer |
Information that specifies how the Long Date format is displayed in Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
MailboxIntermittentIssueMinRange |
Lower Threshold For Mailbox Intermittent Issue |
Integer |
Lower Threshold For Mailbox Intermittent Issue. |
MailboxPermanentIssueMinRange |
Lower Threshold For Mailbox Permanent Issue. |
Integer |
Lower Threshold For Mailbox Permanent Issue. |
MaxAppointmentDurationDays |
Max Appointment Duration |
Integer |
Maximum number of days an appointment can last. |
MaximumActiveBusinessProcessFlowsAllowedPerEntity |
Maximum active business process flows per entity |
Integer |
Maximum number of active business process flows allowed per entity |
MaxDepthForHierarchicalSecurityModel |
Maximum depth for hierarchy security propagation. |
Integer |
Maximum depth for hierarchy security propagation. |
MaxFolderBasedTrackingMappings |
Max Folder Based Tracking Mappings |
Integer |
Maximum number of Folder Based Tracking mappings user can add. |
MaximumDynamicPropertiesAllowed |
Product Properties Item Limit |
Integer |
Maximum number of product properties for a product family or bundle. |
MaximumTrackingNumber |
Max Tracking Number |
Integer |
Maximum tracking number before recycling takes place. |
MaxProductsInBundle |
Bundle Item Limit |
Integer |
Maximum number of items in a bundle. |
MaxRecordsForExportToExcel |
Max Records For Excel Export |
Integer |
Maximum number of records that will be exported to a static Microsoft Office Excel worksheet when exporting from the grid. |
MaxRecordsForLookupFilters |
Max Records Filter Selection |
Integer |
Maximum number of lookup and picklist records that can be selected by user for filtering. |
MaxSupportedInternetExplorerVersion |
Max supported IE version |
Integer |
The maximum version of Internet Explorer to run browser emulation for in Dynamics 365 for Outlook. |
MaxUploadFileSize |
Max Upload File Size |
Integer |
Maximum allowed size of an attachment. |
MetadataSyncLastTimeOfNeverExpiredDeletedObjects |
The last date/time for never expired metadata tracking deleted objects |
DateTime |
What is the last date/time where there are metadata tracking deleted objects that have never been outside of the expiration period. |
MetadataSyncTimestamp |
Metadata sync version |
BigInt |
Contains the maximum version number for attributes used by metadata synchronization that have changed. |
MinAddressBookSyncInterval |
Min Address Synchronization Frequency |
Integer |
Normal polling frequency used for address book synchronization in Microsoft Office Outlook. |
MinOfflineSyncInterval |
Min Offline Synchronization Frequency |
Integer |
Normal polling frequency used for background offline synchronization in Microsoft Office Outlook. |
MinOutlookSyncInterval |
Min Synchronization Frequency |
Integer |
Minimum allowed time between scheduled Outlook synchronizations. |
MobileClientMashupEnabled |
Is Mobile Client Mashup enabled |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the mobile client mashup is enabled. |
MobileOfflineSyncInterval |
Synchronization Interval for Mobile Offline |
Integer |
Enter the frequency, in seconds, that mobile offline data will be synchronized with the server. |
ModifiedBy |
Modified By |
Lookup |
ID of the user who last modified the organization. |
ModifiedOn |
Modified On |
DateTime |
Date and time when the organization was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy |
Modified By (Delegate) |
Lookup |
ID of the delegate user who last modified the organization. |
Name |
Organization Name |
String |
Name of the organization. The name is set when Microsoft Dynamics 365 is installed and should not be changed. |
NegativeCurrencyFormatCode |
Negative Currency Format |
Integer |
Information that specifies how negative currency numbers are displayed throughout Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
NegativeFormatCode |
Negative Format |
Picklist |
Information that specifies how negative numbers are displayed throughout Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
NextCustomObjectTypeCode |
Next Entity Type Code |
Integer |
Next entity type code to use for custom entities. |
NextTrackingNumber |
Next Tracking Number |
Integer |
Next token to be placed on the subject line of an email message. |
NotifyMailboxOwnerOfEmailServerLevelAlerts |
Notify Mailbox Owner Of Email Server Level Alerts |
Boolean |
Indicates whether mailbox owners will be notified of email server profile level alerts. |
NumberFormat |
Number Format |
String |
Specification of how numbers are displayed throughout Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
NumberGroupFormat |
Number Grouping Format |
String |
Specifies how numbers are grouped in Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
NumberSeparator |
Number Separator |
String |
Symbol used for number separation in Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
OfficeGraphDelveUrl |
Delve URL |
String |
Type the URL that the organization will use to open Delve. |
OOBPriceCalculationEnabled |
Enable OOB Price calculation |
Boolean |
Enable out-of-the-box pricing calculation logic for the opportunity, quote, order and invoice entities. |
OrderPrefix |
Order Prefix |
String |
Prefix to use for all orders throughout Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
OrganizationId |
Organization |
Unique identifier |
ID of the organization. |
OrgDbOrgSettings |
Organization Database Organization Settings |
String |
Organization settings stored in Organization Database. |
ParsedTableColumnPrefix |
Parsed Table Column Prefix |
String |
Prefix used for parsed table columns. |
ParsedTablePrefix |
Parsed Table Prefix |
String |
Prefix used for parsed tables. |
PastExpansionWindow |
Past Expansion Window |
Integer |
Specifies the maximum number of months in past for which the recurring activities can be created. |
PinpointLanguageCode |
Pinpoint Language Code |
Integer |
Language code to use for Pinpoint. |
PluginTraceLogSetting |
Plug-in Trace Log Setting |
Picklist |
Plug-in Trace Log Setting for the Organization. |
PMDesignator |
PM Designator |
String |
PM designator to use throughout Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
PricingDecimalPrecision |
Pricing Decimal Precision |
Integer |
Number of decimal places that can be used for prices. |
PrivacyStatementUrl |
Privacy Statement URL |
String |
Privacy Statement URL |
PrivilegeUserGroupId |
Privilege User Group |
Unique identifier |
ID of the default privilege for users in the organization. |
QuickFindRecordLimitEnabled |
Quick Find Record Limit Enabled |
Boolean |
Indicates whether a quick find record limit should be enabled for this organization (allows for faster Quick Find queries but prevents overly broad searches). |
QuotePrefix |
Quote Prefix |
String |
Prefix to use for all quotes throughout Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
RecurrenceDefaultNumberOfOccurrences |
Recurrence Default Number of Occurrences |
Integer |
Specifies the default value for number of occurrences field in the recurrence dialog. |
RecurrenceExpansionJobBatchInterval |
Recurrence Expansion Job Batch Interval |
Integer |
Specifies the interval (in seconds) for pausing expansion job. |
RecurrenceExpansionJobBatchSize |
Recurrence Expansion On Demand Job Batch Size |
Integer |
Specifies the value for number of instances created in on demand job in one shot. |
RecurrenceExpansionSynchCreateMax |
Recurrence Expansion Synchronization Create Maximum |
Integer |
Specifies the maximum number of instances to be created synchronously after creating a recurring appointment. |
ReferenceSiteMapXml |
Reference SiteMap XML |
String |
XML string that defines the navigation structure for the application. This is the site map from the previously upgraded build and is used in a 3-way merge during upgrade. |
RenderSecureIFrameForEmail |
Render Secure Frame For Email |
Boolean |
Flag to render the body of email in the Web form in an IFRAME with the security='restricted' attribute set. This is additional security but can cause a credentials prompt. |
ReportScriptErrors |
Report Script Errors |
Picklist |
Picklist for selecting the organization preference for reporting scripting errors. |
RequireApprovalForQueueEmail |
Is Approval For Queue Email Required |
Boolean |
Indicates whether Send As Other User privilege is enabled. |
RequireApprovalForUserEmail |
Is Approval For User Email Required |
Boolean |
Indicates whether Send As Other User privilege is enabled. |
RestrictStatusUpdate |
Restrict Status Update |
Boolean |
Indicates whether to restrict update on incident. |
SampleDataImportId |
Sample Data Import |
Unique identifier |
ID of the sample data import job. |
SchemaNamePrefix |
Customization Name Prefix |
String |
Prefix used for custom entities and attributes. |
SharePointDeploymentType |
Choose SharePoint Deployment Type |
Picklist |
Indicates which SharePoint deployment type is configured for Server to Server. (Online or On-Premises) |
ShareToPreviousOwnerOnAssign |
Share To Previous Owner On Assign |
Boolean |
Information that specifies whether to share to previous owner on assign. |
ShowKBArticleDeprecationNotification |
Show KB Article Deprecation Message |
Boolean |
Select whether to display a KB article deprecation notification to the user. |
ShowWeekNumber |
Show Week Number |
Boolean |
Information that specifies whether to display the week number in calendar displays throughout Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
SignupOutlookDownloadFWLink |
CRMForOutlookDownloadURL |
String |
Specifies the Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Outlook download URL. |
SiteMapXml |
SiteMap XML |
Memo |
XML string that defines the navigation structure for the application. |
SlaPauseStates |
SLA pause states |
String |
Contains the on hold case status values. |
SocialInsightsEnabled |
Social Insights Enabled |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the organization is using social insights. |
SocialInsightsInstance |
Social Insights instance identifier |
String |
Identifier for the Social Insights instance for the organization. |
SocialInsightsTermsAccepted |
Social Insights Terms of Use |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the organization has accepted the Social Insights terms of use. |
SQMEnabled |
Is SQM Enabled |
Boolean |
Setting for SQM data collection, 0 no, 1 yes enabled |
SupportUserId |
Support User |
Unique identifier |
ID of the support user for the organization. |
SuppressSLA |
Is SLA suppressed |
Boolean |
Indicates whether SLA is suppressed. |
SystemUserId |
System User |
Unique identifier |
ID of the system user for the organization. |
TagMaxAggressiveCycles |
Auto-Tag Max Cycles |
Integer |
Maximum number of aggressive polling cycles executed for email auto-tagging when a new email is received. |
TagPollingPeriod |
Auto-Tag Interval |
Integer |
Normal polling frequency used for email receive auto-tagging in Outlook. |
TaskBasedFlowEnabled |
Enable Task Flows |
Boolean |
Select whether to turn on task flows for the organization. |
TimeFormatCode |
Time Format Code |
Picklist |
Information that specifies how the time is displayed throughout Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
TimeFormatString |
Time Format String |
String |
Text for how time is displayed in Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
TimeSeparator |
Time Separator |
String |
Text for how the time separator is displayed throughout Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
TokenExpiry |
Token Expiration Duration |
Integer |
Duration used for token expiration. |
TokenKey |
Token Key |
String |
Token key. |
TrackingPrefix |
Tracking Prefix |
String |
History list of tracking token prefixes. |
TrackingTokenIdBase |
Tracking Token Base |
Integer |
Base number used to provide separate tracking token identifiers to users belonging to different deployments. |
TrackingTokenIdDigits |
Tracking Token Digits |
Integer |
Number of digits used to represent a tracking token identifier. |
UniqueSpecifierLength |
Unique String Length |
Integer |
Number of characters appended to invoice, quote, and order numbers. |
UseLegacyRendering |
Legacy Form Rendering |
Boolean |
Select whether to use legacy form rendering. |
UserAccessAuditingInterval |
User Authentication Auditing Interval |
Integer |
The interval at which user access is checked for auditing. |
UseReadForm |
Use Read-Optimized Form |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the read-optimized form should be enabled for this organization. |
UserGroupId |
User Group |
Unique identifier |
ID of the default group of users in the organization. |
UseInbuiltRuleForDefaultPricelistSelection |
Use Inbuilt Rule For Default Pricelist Selection |
Boolean |
Indicates whether to use the inbuilt rule for the default pricelist. |
UsePositionHierarchy |
Use position hierarchy |
Boolean |
Indicates whether to use position hierarchy. |
UseSkypeProtocol |
User Skype Protocol |
Boolean |
Indicates default protocol selected for organization. |
UTCConversionTimeZoneCode |
UTC Conversion Time Zone Code |
Integer |
Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. |
V3CalloutConfigHash |
V3 Callout Hash |
String |
Hash of the Microsoft Dynamics 365 3.0 callout configuration file. |
VersionNumber |
Version Number |
BigInt |
Version number of the organization. |
WebResourceHash |
Web resource hash |
String |
Hash value of web resources. |
WeekStartDayCode |
Week Start Day Code |
Picklist |
Designated first day of the week throughout Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
YammerGroupId |
Yammer Group Id |
Integer |
Denotes the Yammer group ID. |
YammerNetworkPermalink |
Yammer Network Permalink |
String |
Denotes the Yammer network permalink |
YammerOAuthAccessTokenExpired |
Yammer OAuth Access Token Expired |
Boolean |
Denotes whether the OAuth access token for Yammer network has expired |
YammerPostMethod |
Internal Use Only |
Picklist |
For internal use only. |
YearStartWeekCode |
Year Start Week Code |
Integer |
Information that specifies how the first week of the year is specified in Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
Attribute logical name |
DaysSinceRecordLastModifiedMaxValue |
EntityImageId |
GrantAccessToNetworkService |
MaxVerboseLoggingMailbox |
MaxVerboseLoggingSyncCycles |
MobileOfflineMinLicenseProd |
MobileOfflineMinLicenseTrial |
Picture |
PrivReportingGroupId |
PrivReportingGroupName |
ReportingGroupId |
ReportingGroupName |
SortId |
SqlAccessGroupId |
SqlAccessGroupName |
TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber |
YammerPostMethod |
yammergroupid |
yammernetworkpermalink |
yammeroauthaccesstokenexpired |
yammerpostmethod |
var crmSvc = new CrmServiceClient(new System.Net.NetworkCredential("crma@luoyong.me", "Pass", null), Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.AuthenticationType.IFD, "demo.luoyong.me", "", "demo", useUniqueInstance: false, useSsl: true);
QueryExpression qe = new QueryExpression("organization");
qe.ColumnSet = new ColumnSet("maxrecordsforexporttoexcel");
EntityCollection ec = crmSvc.RetrieveMultiple(qe);
if(ec.Entities.Count >= )
ec.Entities[]["maxrecordsforexporttoexcel"] = ;
我这里是使用 CrmServiceClient 来连接CRM,可以参考我的博文:CrmServiceClient的初步使用及执行计数的聚合查询 。
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