Unit Test

Unit testing is about testing your code during development, not in production. Typically you start by preparing the testing environment, writing some code that calls production code and check expected results with actual results.


单元测试是在开发过程中测试你的代码, 不是放在产品中测试。


1 开始准备测试环境

2 写一些代码调用产品功能代码

3 检验期望的结果和实际结果是否相符


Lua has several frameworks to do that:

  • [lunit]

  • [Lunity] (similar to lunit, but can only run a single file and doesn't distinguish between errors and test assertions)
  • [lunatest] (upwardly compatible from lunit, but no dependencies, and also supports randomized testing)
  • [LuaUnit] (supports Lua 5.1 and 5.2, no dependencies, see below)
  • [Shake] - source preprocessing using basic assert-like syntax (see below)
  • [build-test-deploy (BTD)] - Unit testing inspired by jUnit and originally based on LuaUnit
  • [luaspec][1] - Behavior Driven Development (BDD) test framework
  • [PenLight pl.test] - PenLightLibraries? has a very small unit testing library, mostly for internal testing. See the Penlight tests [here]
  • [telescope] - A highly customizable test library for Lua that allows for declarative tests with nested contexts. Uses BDD-style spec names.
  • [lua-TestMore] - port of the Perl5 module Test::More (Test Anything Protocol).
  • [busted] - Behavior Driven Development (BDD) unit testing library, with various outputs formats including TAP and focus on elegance.
  • [gambiarra] - Ultimately minimal unit testing library for Lua 5.1 and Lua 5.2.
  • [Testy] - Lua script for minimal unit testing on Lua 5.1/5.2/5.3 that collects test functions from local variables.

They have mostly the same feature set, which is:

  • a special set of assert functions
  • facilities to group tests into test suites
  • facilities to detect where test fails


1 assert函数的特殊集合

2 将测试分组为若干测试套件

3 检测测试失败的代码点



名称 地址 最近发布时间 是否支持group 测试用例写法 支持lua版本
LuaUnit https://github.com/bluebird75/luaunit

Version 3.2 - 12. Jul 2016

OOP & 函数 Lua 5.1, LuaJIT 2.0, LuaJIT 2.1 beta, Lua 5.2 and Lua 5.3


https://www.mroth.net/lunit/ 5. November 2009: Lunit Version 0.5 released. 函数 Lua 5.1



v2.0.rc11-0 28 Oct 2015

  BDD lua >= 5.1, moonscript, terra, and LuaJIT >= 2.0.0.



v0.9.5   3 Apr 2014

是(同时支持分文件管理) OOP & 函数 Upgrade to Lua 5.2, but keep compatible with Lua 5.1


https://github.com/mirven/luaspec     BDD  


 https://github.com/Phrogz/Lunity  v0.10 15 Feb 2014  否 函数 Lua 5.1 

从表中看出, luaUnit 最活跃, 支持lua版本最多, 测试用例的写法最灵活。


BDD(行为驱动开发)领域 BUSTED最为成熟,和活跃, 文档最完善。

luaUnit 测试DEMO


http://luaunit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/   含有接口介绍



1、 setup 和 teardown在没个测试函数之前和之后都会执行。

2、 以test为开头的函数都会被执行。

#!/usr/bin/env lua

local lu = require('luaunit')

TestToto = {} --class

    function TestToto:setUp()
-- set up tests
self.a =
self.s = 'hop'
self.t1 = {,,}
self.t2 = {one=,two=,three=}
self.t3 = {,,three=}
end function TestToto:test1_withFailure()
-- print( "some stuff test 1" )
lu.assertEquals( self.a , )
-- will fail
lu.assertEquals( self.a , )
lu.assertEquals( self.a , )
end function TestToto:test2_withFailure()
-- print( "some stuff test 2" )
lu.assertEquals( self.a , )
lu.assertEquals( self.s , 'hop' )
-- will fail
lu.assertEquals( self.s , 'bof' )
lu.assertEquals( self.s , 'bof' )
end function TestToto:test3()
-- print( "some stuff test 3" )
lu.assertEquals( self.a , )
lu.assertEquals( self.s , 'hop' )
lu.assertEquals( type(self.a), 'number' )
end function TestToto:test4()
-- print( "some stuff test 4" )
lu.assertNotEquals( self.a , )
end function TestToto:test5()
-- print( "some stuff test 5" )
lu.assertTrue( self.a )
lu.assertFalse( self.a )
end function TestToto:test6()
-- print( "some stuff test 6" )
lu.assertTrue( false )
end function TestToto:test7()
-- assertEquals( {1,2}, self.t1 )
-- assertEquals( {1,2}, self.t2 )
lu.assertEquals( {,}, self.t3 )
end function TestToto:test8a()
-- failure occurs in a submethod
end function TestToto:test8b()
-- failure occurs in a submethod
end function TestToto:funcWithFuncWithError()
end function TestToto:funcWithError()
error('Bouhouhoum error!')
end -- class TestToto TestTiti = {} --class
function TestTiti:setUp()
-- set up tests
self.a =
self.s = 'hop'
-- print( 'TestTiti:setUp' )
end function TestTiti:tearDown()
-- some tearDown() code if necessary
-- print( 'TestTiti:tearDown' )
end function TestTiti:test1_withFailure()
-- print( "some stuff test 1" )
lu.assertEquals( self.a , )
-- will fail
lu.assertEquals( self.a , )
lu.assertEquals( self.a , )
end function TestTiti:test2_withFailure()
-- print( "some stuff test 2" )
lu.assertEquals( self.a , )
lu.assertEquals( self.s , 'hop' )
-- will fail
lu.assertEquals( self.s , 'bof' )
lu.assertEquals( self.s , 'bof' )
end function TestTiti:test3()
-- print( "some stuff test 3" )
lu.assertEquals( self.a , )
lu.assertEquals( self.s , 'hop' )
-- class TestTiti -- simple test functions that were written previously can be integrated
-- in luaunit too
function test1_withFailure()
assert( == )
-- will fail
assert( == )
end function test2_withFailure()
assert( 'a' == 'a')
-- will fail
assert( 'a' == 'b')
end function test3()
assert( == )
assert( 'a' == 'a')
end local runner = lu.LuaUnit.new()
os.exit( runner:runSuite() )


# Started on 09/15/16 20:53:03
# Starting class: TestTiti
not ok 1    TestTiti.test1_withFailure
    example_with_luaunit.lua:101: expected: 2, actual: 1
not ok 2    TestTiti.test2_withFailure
    example_with_luaunit.lua:110: expected: "bof"
    actual: "hop"
ok     3    TestTiti.test3
# Starting class: TestToto
not ok 4    TestToto.test1_withFailure
    example_with_luaunit.lua:21: expected: 2, actual: 1
not ok 5    TestToto.test2_withFailure
    example_with_luaunit.lua:30: expected: "bof"
    actual: "hop"
ok     6    TestToto.test3
not ok 7    TestToto.test4
    example_with_luaunit.lua:43: Received the not expected value: 1
not ok 8    TestToto.test5
    example_with_luaunit.lua:49: expected: false, actual: 1
not ok 9    TestToto.test6
    example_with_luaunit.lua:54: expected: true, actual: false
not ok 10    TestToto.test7
    example_with_luaunit.lua:60: expected: {1, 2, three=3}
    actual: {1, 2}
not ok 11    TestToto.test8a
    example_with_luaunit.lua:78: Bouhouhoum error!
not ok 12    TestToto.test8b
    example_with_luaunit.lua:78: Bouhouhoum error!
not ok 13    test1_withFailure
    example_with_luaunit.lua:126: assertion failed!
not ok 14    test2_withFailure
    example_with_luaunit.lua:132: assertion failed!
ok     15    test3
# Ran 15 tests in 0.004 seconds, 3 successes, 8 failures, 4 errors

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