
git clone the repo, then switch to the tag you want,then use grunt build to create the whole project.


just look the following :

Contributing to the project

We are always looking for the quality contributions! Please check the CONTRIBUTING.md for the contribution guidelines.


Prepare your environment

  • Install Node.js and NPM (should come with)
  • Install global dev dependencies: npm install -g grunt-cli karma
  • Install local dev dependencies: npm install while current directory is bootstrap repo


  • Build the whole project: grunt - this will run linttest, and concat targets
  • To build modules, first run grunt html2js then grunt build:module1:module2...:moduleN

You can generate a custom build, containing only needed modules, from the project's homepage. Alternatively you can run local Grunt build from the command line and list needed modules as shown below:

grunt build:modal:tabs:alert:popover:dropdownToggle:buttons:progressbar

Check the Grunt build file for other tasks that are defined for this project.


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